The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 37 The Five Elements Wheel Transforms Chaos and Resurrects Yu Qingzhang Returns to Kunlun

Chapter 37 The Five Elements Wheel transforms Chaos and revives Yuqing and returns to Kunlun
The white tiger of gold, the blue dragon of wood, the basalt of water, the red bird of fire, and the unicorn of earth.

The power of the five elements flows within Cihang's Tao body, vaguely forming a cycle, in which mutual generation and mutual restraint evolve, as if there is a destiny that should exist within it.

Looking at all these things now, Cihang couldn't help but lament the experience of his rebirth, looking back at the beginning:

But just a few days after completing the fairyland, I happened to meet Yuqing who was wandering alone;

After passing the "Three Questions and One Test" set by Yuqing, he was brought back to the mountain gate by Yuqing and accepted as "Yuqing's Great Disciple";
Every time Sanqing preaches to the sentient beings in Kunlun, he will open the Sanqing Baolian with the feeling in his heart, and comprehend the scene of Pan Zun opening the sky with the connection of Qi and machine, so as to realize the Tao, open the gate of heaven and achieve the realm of heavenly immortals;

With the treasure given by Yuqing, the intrusion of the demons in the heart can be quelled, and the fate will favor you. You can leap to "truth" in one step and achieve the realm of true immortality;

On Yujing Mountain, he was rewarded by Hongjun, who absorbed the spirit of water and turned it into the energy of water, becoming the power of water element. By chance, he met Xiyi Shengquan with the meaning of "softness", and Yuqing refined Xuanming True Water for him, achieving the perfection of water element;

Go out of Kunlun to make friends with Zhen Yuanzi, and go to Hengshi to refine the energy of Ruomu forestry to become the power of wood yuan;
He went to Tanggu to fight with Taoist Huo Ya, picked fusang seeds and traveled far away to Wuzhuang to watch the energy of fire transform into the power of fire element;

Listen to Zhenyuan's sermons in Wuzhuang Temple, obey the spirit of ginseng fruit turning into earth, and become the power of earth element;

Ask Zhenyuanzi to be the leader of the mountain worship, and gain the power of Bodhizi to turn gold into gold and yuan;

All these experiences passed through Cihang's mind like a revolving lantern. Luck must have played a role in it, but it was not the main factor.

Imagine if he didn't have his own experience, how could he answer Yuqing's "Three Questions and One Test"? How could he be able to become a disciple of Yuqing? In just a few thousand yuan, he would be able to become a golden person?

As time goes by, His way will not stop.

Cihang thought, after all, he could not reach the wonderful realm of Hunyuan in his previous life. Can he climb one or two in this life? It is difficult to achieve Hunyuan. There is no need for Taoist ancestors to explain it. The experience of his previous life has already told Cihang this fact. , maybe others will shrink back, but as long as Cihang thinks of the panic-stricken sentient beings in the countless calamities, he doesn't want to shrink back. He must insist on walking on this road without destiny!
Several thoughts in my heart all turned into one thought at this moment: keep moving forward!
Niantongxinda, the speed of Yuqing's mana linking with the power of the five elements has become faster and faster, just like a medium, making the conversion of the power of the five elements faster and faster.

Blue wood, red fire, black water, white gold, yellow earth.

As the five colors rotate and change over and over again, the speed of the five colors changes faster and faster until the five colors become chaotic. When there is me in you and you in me, Cihang's hands change.

"It's now!"

When the five holy beasts looked up to the sky and screamed, the movement of the five elements was completely out of the control of Yuqing's mana, and it began to move naturally. A vaguely illusory world appeared between Cihang's five elements.

Its heaven and earth are so chaotic that it is difficult to distinguish between pure and turbid.

There is a red lotus in bud, and the red light is diffused on it. There are turbid living beings whispering, and there are also thousands of living beings and scenes changing.

This is the human flower that has not yet bloomed, and it is also the symbol of Cihang's cultivation into a golden immortal.

Honghuang has three talents, who are heaven, earth and man.

The sky is the law of heaven, the earth is the beautiful mountains and rivers, and man is the living things.

The realm of Golden Immortal is to cultivate the Human Flower. When the Human Flower blooms, you have already cultivated from the Golden Immortal to the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal. If the flower blooms to the twelfth level, Taiyi Dao Fruit will be given to you and you will gain the way of heaven. Luck pours in.Thinking about how even the well-established Da Luo Jinxian Ran Deng, who had already bloomed three flowers, almost came into danger several times during the Catastrophe of the Gods, we know how important it is to have the blessings of heaven and fortune. After all, it can protect you at critical moments. Body.

Yun Zhongzi, Cihang's registered junior disciple in his previous life, is the best example. With his cultivation as Daluo Jinxian, he successively obtained the Taiyi Dao Fruit and Daluo Dao Fruit, received the blessings of heaven and fortune, and gained the reputation of "the True Immortal of Merit".

Cultivation in the Golden Immortal Realm is not in a hurry, Cihang adjusted his breath a bit, and was ready to bid farewell to Zhunti and Zhen Yuanzi.

Yuqing's words still lingered in his ears. When Hongjun gave his sermon, he asked Cihang to achieve the golden immortal state and return to the mountain!
The time left for Cihang was very tight, with only 2000 yuan left. Fortunately, Cihang had reached the Golden Immortal realm.

Thinking about it now, there is not much time left before Hongjun preaches.

During the first 1000 yuan meeting, Hongjun preached alone in the Zixiao Palace for the Three Pure Ones; when he reached the realm of Xuanxian, another [-] yuan meeting passed, and then he was busy traveling all over the world for the other four qi. , even with the help of two great supernatural powers, it still took nearly [-] yuan.

There was still time for the Six Hundred Yuan Meeting when Hongjun started preaching. From that time on, all living beings in the world heard the name "Hongjun Taoist".

It was also at this moment that the second great catastrophe of the prehistoric period, the "Tianpan Catastrophe", began to make waves.

Emperor Jun, Taiyi, Twelve Masters...the influence of each character appeared in Cihang's mind one by one. The corners of his mouth curved, just wait, the excitement of the ancient world has just begun.

"My dear friend Cihang, congratulations! Congratulations on your achievement in the Golden Immortal Realm. Da Luo can also look forward to it!"

Zhunti is like this. He has the ability to make others laugh. Seeing his sincere facial expressions, who would believe that this is just a polite remark and not a sincere sigh?
"My dear friend, you are very good. You understand the basics of breath regulation. Please note..." Jieyin still frowned, and the words in his mouth unknowingly turned to how Cihang should practice. Fortunately, there was Zhunti Da next to him. With a haha, he prevaricated.

"Brother Taoist, today I'm just going to talk about happiness. I'll put everything else aside for now. What do you think? My Taoist brother has good intentions, but I'm just too concerned about my practice. Please forgive me. That's how I am. A monk with a teaching heart in his heart!"

Zhunti's words made the atmosphere on the field more relaxed, and then he gave the golden mother part of Taiyi Fine Gold to Cihang as a congratulatory gift.

Zhen Yuanzi was not surprised at all by the conversation between the two. He was obviously already familiar with Zhunti and Jieyin's speaking styles.

After Zhunti made a haha ​​and prevaricated the reception, Zhen Yuanzi congratulated Cihang: "My old friend Yuqing really made him find a beautiful jade. One day I must talk to him about this." What a good disciple."

As expected, Zhen Yuanzi and Yuqing are old friends, and he can praise Yuqing and Cihang all over the place in one sentence.

After the congratulations were finished, Cihang told Yuqing that he had asked him to become a golden immortal and return to the mountain. After bidding everyone farewell one by one, Zhen Yuanzi sent him to the outside of Kunlun Mountain with a whisk.

As for the sermon deadline mentioned by Yuqing, Cihang naturally did not tell Zhen Yuanzi and the others.

Looking at Kunlun Mountain in front of him, Cihang took a deep breath.

Kunlun, I, Cihang, are back!

(End of this chapter)

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