The flow of young people's singing and drinking water

Chapter 112: Breaking the Moon and Breaking the Clouds

Chapter 112: Breaking the Moon and Breaking the Clouds
With a "boom", a huge thunderbolt fell into Leijiabao. The movement was so loud that the eight people entangled outside Leijiabao stopped what they were doing and turned to look towards Leijiabao.

"What's going on? Yang Ming is going to demolish the Lei Family Fort!" Lei Yunhe cursed angrily.

Xie Xuan walked to Lei Yunhe's side, and comforted him: "Brother Yunhe, I think I have encountered a strong opponent. After all, swords have no eyes, so it will inevitably cause some damage."

Lei Yunhe glared at him: "Dead scholar, believe it or not, I will kill you."

Xie Xuan hurriedly took a few steps back, then turned to face everyone present and said, "Everyone, it's pointless if we continue to waste time. How about we disperse."

"Hmph!" The wheel-turning king shook his sleeves and disappeared into the darkness.The same goes for King Tarzan.

The four of Xie Xuan looked at each other and hurried towards Leijiabao.

"Mu Yu!" Su Changhe pulled up Su Muyu who was knocked to the ground by Li Hanyi.

"Li Hanyi's strength has become stronger again, and now I am no longer his opponent." Su Muyu said lightly, but there was no expression on his face.

"Normally, how can your sword that only kills people compare to the sword of the Sword Immortal?" Su Changhe's entire arm had veins popping out, and wisps of dark green energy were leaking out everywhere.

"Yan Mo's palm is back." Su Muyu pointed in the direction of Leijiabao, "It seems that we still need to go to Leijiabao."

A courtyard in the back hill of Leijiabao.

Yan Zhantian stood the Pojun Sword in front of him, struck it from bottom to top, then hit the tip of the sword, and raised it sharply towards Wu Xin.The power of the sword is just like the name of the sword, it can destroy the army with one strike.

Wuxin clasped his hands together, and his body was quickly wrapped by the heart clock.

With a "dang" sound, Wuxin's figure slid dozens of feet on the ground before stopping.Dusting off the dust on his body, Wu Xin looked at Yan Zhantian and said softly: "Senior Wrath Sword Immortal, I think there is no need for us to continue fighting."

Yan Zhantian was silent, just watching the world-destroying thunderbolt that fell on Leijiabao.

"Alas!" Yan Zhantian sighed softly, put the Broken Army Sword back into the scabbard behind him, turned around and walked towards the outside of Lei Family Fort.

Right now, the battle in Leijiabao is already very obvious. With the fall of the thunderbolt, no matter which side it belongs to, the other side will undoubtedly lose, and it would be a waste of time to stay any longer.

Wu Xin let out a long breath and held his left shoulder firmly with his right hand, with a trace of helplessness on his face, "It's still a bit reluctant to face a figure of Sword Immortal level directly."

Yang Ming looked at the three people who fell to the ground and couldn't help but sneer: "Tangmen, they are just garbage. I will send you on your way."

Tang Huang climbed up with difficulty and shouted: "Stop looking down on others." But no matter how hard he tried, his body still stuck to the ground.

Just when Yang Ming was about to end him, a voice stopped him: "Yang Ming, if you kill Tang Huang, your companion will immediately be buried with Tang Huang."

"Ha!" He swung the spear in his hand and turned around to look, "Tang Xuance!"

Mu Yumo ran to Yang Ming and whispered: "Yang Ming, Mrs. Tang's strength should not be underestimated, be careful."

Yang Ming looked at Mu Yumo with a smile and gave her a reassuring look, "My strength has improved a lot compared to that day."

After speaking, Yang Ming looked at Old Man Tang with stern eyes.

"Don't look at me like this. I know that your Sword Immortal's eyes are very focused. In terms of your eyes alone, I think I am invincible."

"Tell me, how can I let Xiao Se go?" Yang Ming said.

Previously, Xiao Se suffered from internal injuries, and his internal energy was like a deflated ball. Seeing that Tang Huang and others lost to Yang Ming, Mrs. Tang had no choice but to take Xiao Se as a hostage.

Xiao Se's face turned pale, and he spoke with difficulty: "Yang Ming, I don't have long to live, so don't promise him."

Yang Ming stretched out his hand and interrupted Xiao Se, "I am free to make my own decision."

Mr. Tang smiled and said: "Although seizing a junior as a hostage is a bit bullying the younger, but at the moment I can't do it." "Okay." Yang Ming said impatiently, "Say your conditions. Bar."

Mr. Tang held out three fingers and said, "I just want to save the lives of the three of them. How about that?"

"No problem, I agreed." Yang Ming stood with the spear beside him and crossed his arms.

Mr. Tang nodded, threw Xiao Se down, and quickly came to the side of Tang Huang and the others.Mu Yumo and Yang Ming quickly stepped forward and caught Xiao Se.

"Xiao Se, are you okay?" Yang Ming didn't know how to feel his pulse, so he had to cast a look at Mu Yumo.

Mu Yumo put her hand on Xiao Se's pulse, and her expression turned serious.

"I'm fine, just take a rest and I'll be fine." As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Se fainted.

Mu Yumo frowned, "His pulse is extremely chaotic, and he doesn't look like a living person at all."

Yang Ming couldn't care less, so he quickly rummaged through Xiao Se's clothes and found a pill.Yang Ming knew Penglai Dan, but as for what this elixir was, Yang Ming didn't know.

Then Yang Ming searched quickly in his memory. Soon, Yang Ming fixed the memory in Jianxin Tomb. Hua Jin seemed to give Xiao Se a pill. As for the name of the medicine, Yang Ming couldn't remember it clearly, but this pill Just like a quick-acting Jiuxin pill, it can take Xiao Se's last breath.

Yang Ming stuffed the pill into Xiao Se's mouth, touched it with his fingertips, and a puddle of water appeared in Xiao Se's mouth, and swallowed the pill.

Lying Xiao Se flat on the ground, Yang Ming said: "I will go to support the others. You take good care of Xiao Se. The pill just now should be able to save his life." After saying that, Yang Ming picked up the spear beside him with his right hand and pointed at Lei. Qian Hu rushed there.

"What~" Mu Yumo muttered softly.

But Yang Ming suddenly appeared in front of her, hugged her, and kissed her cheek.

Mu Yumo's face quickly turned red, and her heartbeat accelerated.

"Wait until I come back." Yang Ming left a word and left.

Mu Yumo froze on the spot, not knowing whether he was happy or excited, and quickly looked after Xiao Se.

On the way, Yang Ming saw Lei Wujie and three others who were fighting with Black and White Wuchang. Although Yang Ming didn't know Black and White Wuchang, since they were determined to be enemies, Yang Ming naturally would not hold back.He raised the spear in his hand above his head and stabbed it towards Black and White Wuchang.

"It's Brother Ming!" While Lei Wujie was breathing, he saw Yang Ming coming to support him, and a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

It's just that he didn't know that this sentence also reminded the black and white Wuchang, they quickly got rid of Tang Lian and Sikong Qianluo, and fled towards the distance.

They knew that they were no match for Yang Ming. Although they could be resurrected after death, none of them wanted to try the feeling of death.

"Can you run away?" Yang Ming said coldly.Then his body turned into a bolt of lightning, and in the blink of an eye, the spear in his hand stabbed Bai Wuchang to the core.

Then he drew out his spear and shouted: "Broken Moon and Broken Cloud!"

As soon as the gun was fired, a big crack was torn open in the dark clouds on the horizon, and the crescent moon on the horizon was revealed. But as the spear passed by, the string string in the sky was cut in half in front of everyone's eyes.

Hei Wuchang looked at the shot with horror on his face.The momentum of this spear is twisted like a thunderbolt, destroying heaven and earth, and it is death without life.

With a "whoosh" sound, Hei Wuchang's body turned into a ball of powder, which was quickly blown away by the strong wind picked up by the spear.

Yang Ming didn't stop and continued to rush towards Lei Qianhu, "Lei Wujie, Tang Lian, Sikong Qianluo, Xiao Se fell into a coma, just in the direction I came from, Mu Yumo is taking care of him now, you guys Hurry over there."

Lei Wujie and the other three looked at each other and felt something bad, and hurried towards the direction Yang Ming said.

(End of this chapter)

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