The flow of young people's singing and drinking water

Chapter 139 The new style of flower rain

Chapter 139 The new style of flower rain
Yang Ming said to the people behind him, "After I open the door later, everyone will be more vigilant. Although judging from the current situation, there is no one inside, but just in case, we cannot relax our vigilance. "

Yang Ming stepped forward quickly, pulled out the long knife from his waist, and then an internal force burst out from his hand, pushing the door open in an instant.Then he was the first to step into the temple, followed closely by Mu Yumo.

What caught the eye was a Buddha statue that was about to collapse, but the inside of the temple looked spotless, as if it had been cleaned deliberately.

"Someone has been here before us." Everyone was surprised when they saw that the temple was filled with candles, but no one was found.

Yang Ming put away the long knife and said to everyone: "I'm going out for a while, you guys take a rest here first."

"Yang Ming, what's the matter?" Mu Yumo grabbed Yang Ming's sleeve.

Yang Ming smiled slightly: "I think it was the person who got here before us. When we got closer, he has been following us."

If Xiao Se hadn't reminded him just now, Yang Ming really wouldn't have noticed anyone hiding around them.

"Are you okay?" Mu Yumo asked worriedly.

"No problem, don't forget, I am the second best person on the list, and there are several people in the world who are my opponents." Yang Ming gently stroked Mu Yumo's hair.

"You know how to talk a lot." Mu Yumo said angrily.

"I'll go back as soon as I can." After saying that, Yang Ming walked out of the temple.When he reached a forest in front of the temple, Yang Ming stopped.

After carefully sensing through the rain, Yang Ming quickly locked the location of the visitor.He shouted towards the woods: "Come out, the temple is still big, we won't disturb you."

"Aren't you afraid of me?" A man wearing a bamboo hat and black robe fell from the tree. His face was wrapped in a black mask. At his waist, there was a long knife. The voice was very deep.

"I didn't feel the slightest murderous intention in you, so I didn't choose to take action right away." Yang Ming's nose seemed to detect some scent in the air, and he sniffed his nose vigorously, "The scent of Baicao Dew , this kind of sachet seems to be only a specialty of Nanjue."

Mu Yumo had such a sachet on his person, otherwise Yang Ming would really not know where the sachet came from.

"So, you are from Nanjue. And you are still a woman." Yang Ming smiled slightly, "If it weren't for the aroma of Baicao Dew that stabilizes you, I really wouldn't know."

The man retorted: "Who stipulated that this kind of sachet can only be used by women?"

Yang Ming calmly took out a mask from his arms and slowly put it on his face: "Your breathing is very disordered. It seems to be intentional. Even if you deliberately increase your breathing, every breath you take is different." , plus you are not injured, so what do you think?" Under the mask, Yang Ming's voice became much thinner.

Seeing that he had been exposed, the man simply took off his hijab. She looked at Yang Ming and said, "Fight with me. If you win, the temple will be yours. If you lose, you can pack up and get out."

Yang Ming thought for a while and said, "We won't disturb you. We just need to set aside a small area for us in the temple. Besides, you and I are both from Nanjue. When fellow villagers see fellow villagers, tears well up in our eyes." "

"Hmph." She snorted coldly, "Stop talking nonsense and tell me your name."

"Wind Yin Knife, ridicule." Yang Ming gently stroked the handle of the knife with his right hand.

"I haven't heard of you. It seems that you are not very famous." She said a little carelessly.

Yang Ming complained in his heart: I just came out with this name, you have heard of it, so that’s weird.

"Since I am a nobody, let me tell you my name." Yang Ming chuckled.

"Let me see your strength."

She quickly pulled out the sword from her waist. The speed of drawing the sword was steady and slow at first, then became faster in the middle, and when the tip of the knife was about to leave the carp's mouth, it was as fast as the flash of wind.

"Quick knife!" Not to be outdone, Yang Ming quickly drew his knife and fought back.But when the blade was about to fall, the originally fast and sharp knife force slowed down instantly, and a strong warmth surged into my heart. Even on a rainy night with howling wind, I could still feel the warmth.

"The sound of the dragon's chant is especially loud."

He held the sword in front of him, and waves of dragon roars emitted from the sword.Yang Ming's plan is to defeat all magic with one force, and concentrate all the inner strength of his body on his hands.

Seeing the right moment, Yang Ming took the initiative to meet the woman's attack. The blades collided without making any sound. Yang Ming's powerful force seemed to be completely neutralized.

After one blow, Yang Ming saw the strength of the opponent's sword. Taking advantage of the opponent's ability to escape, Yang Ming quickly launched an offensive. Every knife and every move was fast, accurate and ruthless.

Although the gentle force of the knife can neutralize Yang Ming's attack, Yang Ming's knife speed is much faster than that of the woman. Even if the woman has been struggling to resist, there will always be times when she cannot defend herself.

The woman secretly thought: "No, his knife speed is too fast. If it continues like this, I won't be able to stop him, and I have to find a way to escape."

Having made up her mind, the woman accelerated her retreat.

However, Yang Ming didn't pay attention to this, but smiled evilly.He saw a stone behind the woman. As long as he maintained a suppressed posture, when she stepped on the stone, her body would inevitably fall.

Soon, as Yang Ming struck another blow, the woman's figure retreated again.Sure enough, when she kicked the stone with her heel, her center of gravity became unstable.

When Yang Ming saw this, he swung his last sword and then retreated sharply.

With a "plop", the woman fell to the ground, landing in a pool of water, causing a splash of water.Splashes and rain fell on her face.The face that was originally clean was now filled with mud.

She quickly stood up and looked at Yang Ming angrily.

Seeing this scene, Yang Ming laughed and said, "Why don't you wipe your face?" After saying that, Yang Ming took out a handkerchief and threw it away.

The woman didn't appreciate it. She chopped the handkerchief off with a knife and angrily shouted: "Despicable!"

"Despicable?" Yang Ming shook his head, "You were the loser just now. If I hadn't stopped in the end, do you think you could still stand in front of me and speak now?"

Hearing this, the anger on the woman's face softened a lot, but she did not speak.

Yang Ming continued: "Now it seems that I should be qualified to know your name."

The woman held a sword in her arm and said calmly: "If you can catch my sword, you are qualified."

"Flowers and new wind."

As soon as she finished speaking, the long knife in the woman's hand picked up the surrounding rainwater, and the force of the knife became colder.The rain turned into the shape of petals in front of her; then a white mist spread out from around her and quickly dispersed around her.

"Do you want to block my sight and then use the rain to attack me?" Yang Ming's face was very calm, as if he didn't care about the scene in front of him.

"Then I will give you a knife. The name of the knife will make the clouds clear and the fog clear!"

The blade of the long knife in Yang Ming's hand emitted a burst of golden light, and he slowly raised the Moli knife above his head.His hands slashed down violently, and a golden sword light suddenly appeared.The dark clouds on the horizon were split open by the sharp and sharp sword, revealing the bright moon.

Yang Ming slowly raised his head and looked up. It was still raining on both sides of the gap. It looked like a waterfall, flowing continuously.

However, the sword power did not stop there, but continued to fly towards the woman.

(End of this chapter)

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