Chapter 144 Imitation Sword
In a dark and steamy small room, there was a "clang" sound of forging iron from time to time.

Two big men held the red-hot pig iron with pliers in one hand, and a black forging hammer in the other hand, and they were striking the pig iron vigorously.The surface of the anvil under the pig iron was already uneven. In order to avoid affecting the cast iron, they put a layer of refined iron on it.

Both of them had their upper bodies exposed, and their exposed skin was already covered with sweat and scars caused by burns.They used the muscles on their backs to drive the forging hammers in their hands, and each hammer was very powerful.

One of the scarred-faced men put the beaten pig iron into the water. The pig iron had already taken the shape of a sword. With a tearing sound, the originally soft and red pig iron suddenly became dark and strong.The sword blade had basically taken shape. He carefully touched the sword blade with his hands. After confirming that it was correct, he put the heated sword blade back into the furnace and stuffed a few pieces of dark charcoal in it. He put it on the unopened sword blade, and then quickly closed the stove door.

After doing all this, he twisted his neck and unconsciously leaned on the chair beside him. He looked a little lazy and said: "Hey, tell me why the owner of the village wants us to make these imitation swords. Our Famous Sword Villa has never I’ve never done anything like this before, isn’t this a self-defeating act?”

Another man with a mustache did not choose to answer, but slowly picked up the pig iron on the anvil. After quenching the fire, he shook his head helplessly and threw the half-finished sword into a crucible.

Putting down the pliers in his hand, he walked over to the man and sat down. "The owner didn't say that he would take it to the villa for people to choose from!" He took a big gulp of water.

The scar-faced man looked around and saw that there was no one else. He quickly approached the man with the mustache and whispered: "I heard from other people that there are many imitation swords that have been made in the world. Got it. You don’t know that imitation swords are flying all over the world recently, and some people pretend to be the real masters with the imitation swords in their hands.”

"Stop, stop." The strong man with a mustache stuffed the orange on the table into his mouth, "You are really going further and further. Let me ask you, does it say in the world that these imitation swords come from the villa?"

"That's not true." Scarface shook his head and quickly took the orange out of his mouth. He slowly stood up and walked around the room. He turned to look at the goods beside him and said with excitement: "But we It’s not a problem to always make these imitation swords.”

"I think the owner's arrangement is quite good." The strong man with a mustache snatched the orange from Scarface's hand, peeled off the peel, and stuffed the whole orange into his mouth, "What level are you and I? There’s no need for me to say more.”

Scar shook his head with a wry smile on his face: "I have only produced a high-grade sword so far, and it is still the lowest level." Turning his head to look at the blueprint of the famous sword on the table, he said with a look of hope: "I really want to make a Yunpin sword, but I don't know how long it will take to do so."

"Wait?" The strong man with a mustache sneered: "You can't wait; actually, the owner asked us to build these imitation swords, so it's not a kind of exercise for us. To create imitation swords, we don't need to design them ourselves. You only need to draw a ladle according to the gourd. Moreover, the swords we imitate are all from famous sword books, we just need to master them well, why can't we create our own Yunpin sword in the future?"

Scarface's eyes lit up. He sat down next to the strong man with the mustache and laughed: "It makes sense, it makes sense."

Mingjian Villa, in front of the mountain gate.

Su Yuluo, who had been traveling for several days, appeared here.Looking at the towering mountain peaks and glancing at the map, she was convinced that she had not taken the wrong path.Slowly putting away the map in her hand, she walked to the mountain gate with a smile on her face.

When the two Xiaosi saw someone coming, they immediately blocked her way.Looking at the luxuriously dressed Su Yuluo, one of them spoke politely: "The villa will not be developed for the time being, please go back, girl. If you want a sword, you can show the letter and explain the request, and we will report it."

Su Yuluo looked at the two young ladies and took out the token that Yang Ming gave her: "I'm here to ask to see your village owner. A friend of mine asked me to come to him. Can the two young brothers report it?" Then, she planned to hand the token to the two Xiaosi.

The two Xiaosi didn't take it, but rubbed their hands together and looked around. They were smiling and their brows were constantly raised, as if they were implying something dead.

Su Yuluo didn't have much experience in the world, so naturally she didn't understand what the other party meant. She just looked at the other party's behavior and felt a little surprised. She thought it was some kind of welcome gesture from Mingjian Villa.She tentatively asked the two of them: "The two little brothers agreed?" Hearing this, the two young Si looked at each other and couldn't help laughing: "Girl, I think you should go back, please. Come when our villa opens." Seeing that there was no benefit to be gained, Xiaosi gradually lost patience and impatiently wanted to drive Su Yuluo away.

"No." Su Yuluo immediately refused: "I must see your village owner."

"Hey!" Xiaosi rolled up his sleeves, raised his head slightly, and said with an unhappy expression: "Young lady, you are so young, you won't be able to get married if you are disfigured."

Seeing Xiao Si's posture, Su Yuluo narrowed her eyes, and a powerful internal force instantly knocked Xiao Si away.At the same time, his right hand was stroking the handle of the knife, as if he was about to take the name of Xiao Si at the next moment.

But before making the move, she still calmed down. After all, it was her first time here, and it was arranged by Yang Ming. If she made a move to kill someone, it would be very difficult for Yang Ming; after all, she recognized Yang from the bottom of her heart. Ming this friend.

"You, you are so brave." The two young men climbed up with difficulty and quickly wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths.

Su Yuluo said nothing and just walked towards Xiao Si step by step.

The two Xiaosi knew that they were not opponents of each other, and seeing her posture, the two couldn't help trembling, with trembling hands, they kept dragging their bodies back.

Suddenly, a loud voice came down from the mountain, "Let her come in."

The two young ladies looked happy, stood up hurriedly, and bowed respectfully to the mountain: "Yes, the owner of the village." They turned around and glanced at Su Yuluo with a look of gloating.

On the mountain, Yan Xiluo, who was on Weiting Road in the Pretend City, looked at the letter in his hand and sighed helplessly.Early this morning, a carrier pigeon flew to him. The letter was written to him by Yang Ming.The main reason was that Su Yuluo would come to his place in the near future and ask him to entertain her.

He didn't take it seriously. After all, staying in the villa was quite boring, so it was just the right time to come and relieve his boredom.But they didn't expect that Su Yuluo didn't understand human affairs at all, and almost caused trouble.If she really killed the two young men at the entrance of the villa, he would really be unable to take Su Yuluo in.We can only put a lot of effort into arranging her elsewhere.

Seeing that Su Yuluo had already gone up the mountain, the two young men began to discuss.

"Tell me, will the village owner teach this stinky bitch a lesson?"

"I think so. A few days ago, there was a ronin who just insulted us a few words and was beaten to the point of paralysis by the master next to the village owner." He looked towards the mountain with a smirk on his face: "I see Ah, this girl is probably in trouble, and the owner of the village is not going to show mercy to her."

"Hmph!" A cold snort lingered in Er Xiao Si's ears, "This is my guest, if you two behave like this next time, I don't need to say more about the consequences."

"Yes, yes, the owner of the village." The two Xiaosi's expressions tightened, and they stood up quickly in fear, trembling and shouted back towards the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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