Chapter 161 King Qin Guang

"Li Fansong, I haven't seen him for a few months, but his strength has grown to this point." Looking at the phantoms of the Qingxiao Sword rising behind Li Fansong, Yang Ming couldn't help praising him.

Seeing that his junior uncle was so powerful, Fei Xuan also smiled brightly: "My junior uncle has received the master's true inheritance, and his current strength is only one step away from entering the realm of freedom."

"Really? That's good." Yang Ming smiled faintly. There was no suspense about the battle here. With the joint efforts of Lei Wujie and Li Fansong, even Fan Wujiu, who was in the Xiaoyao Heaven Realm, felt a great pressure. pressure.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that Fan Wujie will die under the swords of the two men as long as he delays for a while; the same is true on the other side. Tang Lian's own strength is only one step behind Xie Bi'an. If he hadn't used hidden weapons to attack every time, he would have died. There was a gap, and if I went to Xie Bian first, I would have already been defeated by him.Now that Sikong Qianluo is helping him withstand the gap, Tang Lian's offensive becomes more and more fierce.

"It seems that the pressure on them is not enough." Yang Ming secretly thought, and at the same time, he regretted letting them form a group of two. If they were one-on-one, they might be able to push their limits.

Just as Yang Ming was thinking, Lei Wujie's voice suddenly came: "Brother Ming, have they disappeared?"

"Huh?" Yang Ming immediately became vigilant. He knew that the strength of the two men, Black and White, and Wuchang were unable to extract his perception.So there is only one situation now, and that is that someone secretly rescued them.

"Haha, good vigilance!" A burst of high-pitched laughter came from the darkness.

"Who are you!" Yang Ming looked for the voice warily.The existence that can make him unable to detect it must be stronger than him.If the opponent takes action, Yang Ming has no confidence that he can block the opponent's attack, let alone when the enemy is in the dark and we are clear.

He reminded Mu Yumo with a laugh: "This person's strength is better than mine. When the fight breaks out later, take them and run away!"

"What!" Mu Yumo was startled and said nervously, "We ran away, what will you do?"

"I have a way to escape." After saying this, Yang Ming controlled the twelve flying swords in the Wushuang Sword Box, and followed the direction of the sound, and fired away.

"Interesting! I, King Qin Guang, is Yama, the first palace of the underworld. I took Black and White Wuchang away, and we will meet again next time." In the dark night, the man said again, but this time, his voice was from It came from behind Yang Ming.

Xiao Se looked at Yang Ming with a solemn expression: "What kind of strength is that man? Even you can't find his whereabouts?"

"The Immortal Traveling Mysterious Realm!" Yang Ming slowly put away the twelve flying swords, "He should leave, let's leave here first."

"Okay." Everyone responded.

Facing unknown and dangerous people, it is safest to leave here.

As Yang Ming guessed, there was no one else in the inn except the people from Wushuang City and their group.The previous house was obviously no longer habitable. After disposing of the corpses of the Wushuang City disciples, they found a new house and rested.

"Lei Wujie, when you fought with Black and White Wuchang, did you see clearly how they disappeared?" Yang Ming said solemnly, lying on a chair in the room.

"No." Lei Wujie shook his head.

"What about you?" Yang Ming looked at the others again.

The answers they got were the same, black and white impermanence disappeared out of thin air in the blink of an eye, and it was impossible to see who took them away or disappeared by themselves.

"Brother Ming, then..." Lei Wujie became a little worried. Facing such a strong opponent, he murmured in his heart.

"Okay." Yang Ming clapped his hands.

Morale was a bit low now, and he had to cheer everyone up.

"It's not to that point yet. I don't think they have any plans to take action in a short period of time." Yang Ming analyzed rationally. Although the opponent is very strong, if the opponent really wants to take action, Yang Ming and the others will not be able to resist for long.Therefore, Yang Ming strengthened his suspicion that someone was definitely helping them behind the scenes. "Yang Ming is right." Xiao Se stood up slowly, picked up the fruit in the room and ate it, "We don't have much conflict of interest with each other now, at least not in a short period of time. We are still safe now, hurry up Rest, we will set off early tomorrow morning."

Li Fansong suddenly remembered something: "Four City Lords, how are the three seniors doing? Do we want to help?"

Hearing this, Yang Ming raised his eyebrows. He had really forgotten about it.Just as he was about to stand up, Yan Xiluo's voice suddenly came from the door: "No need to look for us, we are already here."

Yang Ming stood up in a hurry, opened the door quickly, and looked at Yan Xiluo and the others with an embarrassed look on his face: "Sorry, I forgot that you are still outside the city."

Xiao Se and others said in unison: "Senior Xie Xuan, senior Yan Xiluo."

Yan Xiluo waved his hand and looked at Yang Ming with an unhappy look on his face: "Brother, it's good for you to pat your butt and leave; now that the matter is over, you have forgotten us."

Xie Xuan pulled Yan Xiluo, with a faint smile on his face: "Actually, the old woman didn't fight with us for long before she was picked up. After that, we kept looking for traces of that person around us. But we Not found."

"Wait a minute." Yang Ming grasped the key point, "Did you also meet a person whose figure you couldn't see clearly? He has been hiding in the darkness and never showed up?"

Yan Xuluo nodded: "So, you have also encountered it?"

Yang Ming smiled bitterly and nodded: "He took Black and White Wuchang away just now, and we just came to the inn not long ago."

"You have some conscience." Yan Xiluo punched Yang Ming on the chest, then sat on the recliner behind Yang Ming, picked up the fruit on the table and ate it.

Xie Xuan smiled helplessly: "Yang Ming, the whole world is going to change after today." He slowly sat on a chair nearby, poured himself a glass of water, and took a sip: "You killed people in Wushuang City. From now on, there will only be three major cities left in Beili."

Yang Ming was startled, and just about to ask, he found the Wushuang Sword Box next to him, and then he was able to dispel his doubts.

"Senior Xie Xuan, I have asked Song Yan to go back and bring the letter. He will not blame Wushuang's death on Xue Yuecheng."

"That's not it." Xie Xuan shook his head, "The old man asked me to bring you a message."

"What did the master say?" Yang Ming and Yan Xiluo looked at each other, very curious about this.

Xie Xuan pressed his hands: "Don't be anxious."

After a pause, he continued: "He said: Nanjue will fall into the hands of the people from the underworld soon, and they are the supporters behind Xiao Yu."

"What!" Xiao Se was surprised this time, his face was very ugly, "After Nanjue, it should be Beili, how dare he."

"Xiao Se." Yang Ming pulled his sleeve and shook his head at him.

"It will take at least half a year for Nanjue to fall completely. There is still time to prepare." Xie Xuan took a sip of water and slowly put down the book box.

Yang Ming agreed: "One trip at a time, at most two or three months in the world, we have enough time to rush to Nanjue."

"That's fine. Let's set off early tomorrow morning." Xiao Se sat down slowly, looking a little tired.

(End of this chapter)

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