Chapter 215 Unlucky Egg

"Sir, you are really good at it." Seeing that Yang Ming did not win the battle so gloriously, Mu Chunfeng tried his best to squeeze out a smile on his face.

Yang Ming glanced at him and said calmly: "Facing an unknown enemy, and knowing their details. When you are not sure that you can kill him, you have to use some extraordinary means; otherwise, it will only be It's just adding trouble."

Mu Chunfeng thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Sir, what you said makes sense."

Yang Ming waved his hand casually and looked at the old man with curiosity: "Tell me what you committed and why you are locked up here."

Hearing this, the old man did not answer, but lowered his head and led the way.

"Huh?" Seeing that the old man didn't speak, Yang Ming narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "If you didn't kill someone, tell the news, and I might be able to take you away from the island."

There are only two types of people who can be locked up here, one is the most vicious criminal, and the other is the person who has secrets in his mouth.

Hearing this, the old man's footsteps stopped, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"How about it, think about it?" Seeing that the old man was touched, Yang Ming took advantage of the victory and pursued him.

"Alas." After a long breath, the old man still said nothing, but continued to lead the way forward.

"Since you can't tell, then tell me how many years you have been here. It should be okay." Yang Ming asked again.

The old man thought for a while and said, "Old man, I have been locked up here for 20 years."

"Twenty years?" Mu Chunfeng was surprised: "This island has only been built for more than 20 years. It seems that you have been locked up here for a long time."

"Yes." The old man's eyes couldn't help but look at the blue sky and white clouds of Tianshan Mountain. "That year, the entire island was in turmoil. There were more than 200 people, but only two survived."

Yang Ming remembered that Mu Chunfeng had mentioned this matter before, and he asked, "Are you the one hiding, or are you the strongest one?"

The old man smiled bitterly and said: "You see, old man, I look like the strongest person. I just found a place to hide before I realized that the turmoil was about to happen."

"There are only a handful of places where people can hide on an empty island like this. Those bushes are obviously not good, and neither are the buildings in the middle of the island." Yang Ming narrowed his eyes: "The only place where you can hide is that There is a sunken ship, and you are probably the only person on the island who knows the location of the shipwreck."

The old man breathed out and said helplessly: "Sir, don't guess, that sunken ship is very evil. Take my advice from the old man and don't go there."

"So, you have found it." Yang Ming looked at the old man with a playful expression: "As for whether we are going or not, you don't have to worry about it. Just lead the way honestly."

"No matter what, no matter what." The old man stopped the script, turned around, and said seriously to Yang Ming and the other two: "Old man, I did hide near the sunken ship 20 years ago, but as soon as I got close to the sunken ship, there would be something in front of me. Figures with ferocious faces appeared one after another, and wailing sounds could be heard from time to time. Later, I dug a large pit dozens of feet near the sunken ship, and the people hid in it, and it felt better."

As he spoke, the old man looked a little downcast: "Back then, I heard the rumors about this sunken ship, so I entered the government to steal information about the ship. However, the matter was revealed later, and the government wanted me to tell the story of my accomplices. Names, all kinds of intimidations and threats. But I didn't say it for a long time, so they locked me up here. What I didn't expect was that the sunken ship was buried here. It's a pity that I didn't have the ability to go in and explore it. "So, who are your accomplices?" Yang Ming then thought: "No, I should ask whether you have any accomplices."

"Accomplices?" The old man said with a bitter look on his face: "How could there be any accomplices? That day I just sneaked into the government office alone, no one helped me at all. I was also unlucky. I accidentally bumped into someone while walking on the street that day. The government agent's documents fell out of his arms; it just so happened that the agent knew the documents and I was arrested."

Yang Ming smiled helplessly: "It seems that you are really an unlucky guy."

Mu Chunfeng also shook his head, this man was out of luck, he was arrested after going out for a walk.However, he was still unclear about one thing. He asked, "So, why are you interested in this shipwreck? The Moli Knife, or the treasure on board?"

The old man shook his head: "Old man, I am not a martial artist. I am not interested in swords. As for treasures, I am not interested either. Rumor has it that there are strange objects from the western seas on this ship. It is said that there are living and dead people, flesh and bones. The effect." As he spoke, his mood dropped: "At that time, my wife's time was running out. I thought that if I could get the treasure here, I might be able to save her life. But, I just got it The night I received the information, my wife passed away. In the next few days, I was busy arranging the funeral. I didn’t even have a chance to take a look at the information before I was arrested. I can only remember these, no matter how much more, I will completely miss it. Can’t get up.”

"I can't think of anything better. There is no such thing in the world. It must be a liar in the world." Mu Chunfeng had the idea of ​​​​taking revenge on the old man's behalf.

"Where did you hear this kind of thing, or did someone tell you?" Yang Ming thought for a while and asked.

He suspected that there was something fishy, ​​so it was better to ask.

The old man slowly closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he said: "I remember that an old man with gray hair told me that. He was indeed not young, but his eyes did reveal the appearance of a young man. At that time, I thought to myself , this should be the so-called peerless expert. With the mentality of giving it a try, I asked him how to save my wife. "

"He said: 'Hundreds of years ago, there was a navigator who went to the far west. On the vast western sea, he collected a strange thing. It is said to be a red flower that blooms for hundreds of years and blooms for thousands of years. It is not rotten, has the miraculous effect of life and death, flesh and white bones.' After he said this, he disappeared. Later, after asking around, I found out that the government had documents recording this ship. What happened after that, You know it too."

Yang Ming looked at the old man suspiciously: "Is the old man wearing white clothes with a special embroidery on his chest?"

The old man was startled, and he suddenly looked at Yang Ming: "Sir, how do you know?"

Yang Ming fell into deep thought. This image was the image of his master.Counting the days, it seems that he did not even come into this world 20 years ago.And his master obviously regarded this old man as a chess piece, but what was his purpose?Then pave the way for yourself?Or for something else?And even Yan Xiluo and Xie Xuan didn't know about this.

Who is the person who calls himself "the Great Emperor"?What does it have to do with Master?
There were too many mysteries, and Yang Ming wanted to go back to his master to find out. However, the last time he came out of Wushuang City, he had paid attention to Mingyue Lake. The houses there were already covered with dust and looked dilapidated. .

After a while, Yang Ming came back to his senses: "Lead the way, we must get there quickly."

Yang Ming had a faint feeling in his heart that there was an answer to the problem in this sunken ship.

"Okay." The old man nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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