Chapter 223 Mysterious Jade Seal
Cedar longboat.

Seeing Yang Ming and Mu Chunfeng return, everyone on the boat was relieved.

"Young Master and Sir are back, please lower the boarding ladder quickly." On the bow of the ship, Tian Mozhi commanded a group of warriors.

"No need." Yang Ming's voice came from the sea, like a thunder, and everyone on the boat heard his voice.

Suddenly, a water column rose from the sea, and Mu Chunfeng slowly boarded the ship.Yang Ming's figure followed closely behind, and with a slight jump on the sea, Yang Ming landed on the railing of the bow.

Mu Yumo quickly ran forward, pointed at the black bag on Yang Ming's body, and asked, "Yang Ming, what did you bring in all the big and small bags? Is this the harvest?"

Xiao Se and others also quickly gathered around and looked at one of Yang Ming's bags. Its appearance had been stretched into a cube shape by the contents inside.

"This is not the place to talk." Xiao Se said in a deep voice.He vaguely guessed what was in the bag, but this kind of thing must not be known to too many people.

Mu Chunfeng suppressed his sleepiness, yawned, and said to everyone: "Go to my room, there is a major discovery this time."

"Okay." They responded and walked towards the cabin.

In Mu Chunfeng's room, Yang Ming and others were sitting around the tea table. On the table were two packages that Yang Ming brought back.

Seeing that Mu Chunfeng was sleepy, Yang Ming said, "Mr. Mu, I think you are sleepy too. Otherwise, you should rest."

Mu Chunfeng shook his head: "Don't worry, I'll go to sleep later."

"Then drink some tea." Seeing Mu Chunfeng holding on, Yang Ming quickly poured him tea: "Drinking tea can refresh you."

"That's fine." Mu Chunfeng picked up the tea cup and drank it in one gulp.

"Yang Ming, Mr. Mu, what major discoveries have you made this time?" Seeing that Mu Chunfeng's condition had improved, Xiao Se said.

"Let's take a look at this first." Yang Ming slowly opened the bag containing the jade seal: "I think this should be the jade seal of the country, but I don't know which country it is."

When he was in the cave before, Mu Chunfeng only saw the general shape of the jade seal, but did not see the specific appearance of the jade seal.

At this moment, the jade seal is fully displayed. Under the candlelight, the golden dragons in the upper part of the jade seal appear lifelike, and from time to time they emit dazzling golden light.

Xiao Se picked up the jade seal and looked at it carefully.He didn't see anything, shook his head and said: "I don't know this kind of jade seal. In terms of material, it can indeed be used as a national jade seal, but there is no text engraved on it. It should be a blank jade seal, just made. When I got out of the window, I didn’t even have time to carve the words.”

"Where did this jade seal come from?" Mu Yumo asked curiously.

"It's a long story, so I'll keep it short." Yang Ming told the story about the shipwreck, and at the same time took out the letter that his master left for him. Of course, he only took out the part that everyone could see.

"So, the things on this ship are left by your master?" Xiao Se asked suspiciously, "I've also heard about this ship, but I didn't expect such a secret to be hidden."

"Haha." Yang Ming chuckled: "Now it confirms what I said before. I said the world is round, but you all still don't believe it. This ship just kept heading east, and finally returned to Beili. .”

Xiao Se, who always thought Yang Ming was talking nonsense, was speechless at this time.Yes, there were actions in front of them to prove Yang Ming's statement. Although they could not see this part of the content recorded in the letter, how could Yang Ming use a few blank letters to fabricate this matter.After coming over for a while, Sikong Qianluo slowly said: "Yang Ming, why don't you send this jade seal back to Xueyue City? Since there is no seal inscription on it, take it back and make it the city lord's seal."

"No!" Xiao Se interrupted: "If those people from Tianqi find out about using this kind of jade seal as the city lord's seal, I'm afraid Xueyue City will not be in peace."

Hearing Xiao Se's words, Yang Ming smiled and said half-jokingly: "Xiao Se, if you become the emperor, or we support a puppet to become the emperor, the matter of the jade seal will naturally be solved."

Xiao Se rolled his eyes at Yang Ming and said, "This matter will be discussed in the long term." Then Xiao Se also joked: "Looking at the dragon's power emanating from the jade seal, if I become the emperor, this will be my new imperial seal in Beili."

"Hahaha." There was a smile on everyone's face, but Mu Chunfeng was a little embarrassed.

After straightening his clothes, Mu Chunfeng said: "Originally there was wealth on the ship that could rival the country, but it's a pity that it has now turned into a puddle of molten iron. Alas"

Yang Ming didn't say anything about the treasures at the bottom of the ship just now. Mu Chunfeng's words aroused everyone's curiosity.

Lei Wujie didn't seem to hear Mu Chunfeng's words clearly. He suggested: "Since there are so many treasures, what are you waiting for? Let's move them back during the night."

Mu Yumo narrowed his eyes and stared at Yang Ming: "What's going on?"

"Don't look at me like that?" Yang Ming smiled wryly, then took out the note from his pocket and put it on the table.

"That's what happened. When I saw the note, there was not much time left. I took Mr. Mu to the deck, and there was an explosion in the cabin, followed by a raging fire. At first I planned to collect some There were valuable things, so I ended up getting the jade seal and a few luminous pearls. When I saw the note, I quickly ran towards the exit, and I only touched a few pieces of jewelry during the process."

While speaking, Yang Ming pointed to another bag on the tea table.

Seeing that Yang Ming didn't tell him about losing the bag, Mu Chunfeng cast a grateful look.

Yang Ming nodded slightly and then opened the bag on the table: "Mr. Mu's share has been taken. You all can pick some. I won't take it."

Hearing this, Sikong Qianluo and Mu Yumo quickly divided the "dirty" on the table. These jewels are all jewelry, so they are naturally attractive to girls. As for Lei Wujie and the others, they just watched quietly from the side. , after all, which old man would wear these jewelry.

"Hey, please leave some for Lei Wujie and Tang Lian." Seeing that the two were about to divide the jewelry on the table, Yang Ming quickly said: "They all have people they like, and these jewelry are also of high quality. The goods can be used as betrothal gifts."

After hearing Yang Ming's words, Sikong Qianluo and Mu Yumo picked out half of the jewelry they received and put them back.

"This hairpin is suitable for you. Let me bring it to you." Mu Yumo found a platinum hairpin among them. She walked behind Yang Ming and slowly inserted the hairpin into Yang Ming's head.

"Yumo, thank you." Yang Ming smiled slightly.

Then, Yang Ming turned to look at Xiao Se: "You don't have any share of the jewelry. Someone has already taken it from your family." As he spoke, Yang Ming kept looking at Sikong Qianluo and Xiao Se, making Sikong Qianluo His face was stained with crimson.Xiao Se also lowered his head in embarrassment.

In the past few days, under Sikong Qianluo's meticulous care, Xiao Se was obviously moved.

(End of this chapter)

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