Chapter 225 Pirates
"Not good." Tian Mozhi hurriedly ran over and reported: "Sir, gentlemen, that is a pirate ship, they are here to rob us."

Suddenly, there was a "swish" sound in the air, and a sharp arrow whizzed towards Tian Mozhi.

Seeing this scene, Tian Mozhi's pupils shrank and his body froze in place, as if he was ready to die.

Yang Ming shook his head, then stretched out his right hand and caught the sharp arrow firmly, "If someone dares to sneak attack us, then I will give you an arrow."

Yang Ming raised his feather arrow, pointed it in the direction of the pirate ship, and threw the feather arrow violently.The feather arrow actually shot out much faster than before.

In the blink of an eye, the mast of the pirate ship broke.

"Thank you sir for your life-saving grace." Tian Mozhi was still a little frightened and said with difficulty: "With sir and all of you adults here, we are not afraid of that pirate ship."

Yang Ming smiled faintly and did not answer, but turned to look at Lei Wujie: "Lei Wujie, go to my room and bring over the folded bow in my package."

"Can the bow be folded?" Everyone was confused.

"Haha, of course ordinary bows cannot be folded. This bow of mine is not an ordinary recurve bow." Yang Ming said with a smile: "On land, swords and guns are king, but it is different at sea. Whether it is the king of a hundred soldiers or the king of a hundred soldiers, Your Majesty is like a decoration on the sea, only bows and arrows are the king."

"I'll go take a look." As soon as he finished speaking, Lei Wujie quickly ran into the cabin.

Facing the pirate ship, Mu Chunfeng was not timid at all. Instead, he said with fighting spirit: "Go and meet them."

"Young master, you can't." Tian Mozhi knew a lot about things at sea, and he quickly dissuaded him: "Young master, you don't know something. They are flying the goshawk flag and are the kings of this sea area. Even the officers and soldiers dare not Go head-to-head with them.”

"Joke!" Mu Chunfeng angrily shouted: "Shop Manager Jin Yan, the flag of our Mu family is a phoenix flying in the sky. How can a phoenix be afraid of a goshawk?" After saying that, Mu Chunfeng turned around, raised his arms and shouted: "Warriors , come with me to meet those pirates and let them see the bravery of my Mu family."

"Kill, kill, kill!" All the warriors on the boat shouted in unison.

Yang Ming looked at Xiao Se with interest. He walked slowly to Xiao Se and said softly: "If my guess is correct, there must be the person you are looking for on the boat."

Xiao Se didn't care how Yang Ming knew it, but nodded and said: "But before that, let Lei Wujie and the others go meet them. I think their strength is on the verge of a breakthrough. Maybe this battle You will feel something.”

"Yes, I think so too." Yang Ming agreed.

"Brother Luo, is this it?" Lei Wujie ran out from the cabin, holding the things in his hands, and shouted at Yang Ming.

Yang Ming smiled slightly and said, "Here we are, let you see the power of science."

After that, he hooked his right hand, and the folded bow and arrow in Lei Wujie's hand slowly fell into Yang Ming's hand.

"What kind of bow is this?" Mu Yumo couldn't help but asked curiously as she looked at the novel item in Yang Ming's hand.

Yang Ming slowly unfolded the two ends of the bow. This kind of bow was completely different from ordinary bows. There were two bow strings standing crosswise in front of the bow string, and there were two pulleys at both ends of the bow.

"This is a compound bow." Yang Ming explained: "Ordinary bows have one or two stones. Ordinary people can't open them at all. But my compound bow is as powerful as a two-stone bow, but it only requires half a stone." It takes strength to pull."

"What!" Everyone was shocked.

"It's just that the drawn bow string will be longer, suitable for people with long arm spans."

Yang Ming remembered the knowledge taught in junior high school physics class when he was at Blue Star, saving effort and distance, saving effort and distance.Compound bows use two pulley sets to save effort. "Bring the arrows!" Yang Ming ordered the warrior behind him.

The warrior placed the basket of feather arrows on his back next to Yang Ming.

"Which of you wants to try and strike first before we are within their attack range?" Yang Ming asked.

Normal people can only use a one-stone bow at most, which means that it takes 120 kilograms of strength to fully draw the bowstring. Only a few can do this.Only those powerful generals would use two-stone bows. Ordinary soldiers would only use half-stone bows.Although a one-stone bow is very powerful, it will not be able to shoot a few arrows at all, and the archer will be exhausted.

"Let me try it." A warrior saw the novel compound bow, and his hands felt itchy for a while.

"Okay, go on." Yang Ming threw the compound bow to the warrior.

Picking up the compound bow, the warrior took out an arrow from behind and slowly placed it on the bow string. He charged up the force and drew the bow until it was fully drawn. Then the warrior took the arrow away.

The arrow shot towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

A moment later, the arrow was inserted into the pirate ship.

"Good bow." The warrior couldn't help but admire. Just as Yang Ming said, he only used the strength of half a stone, and the arrow was shot out with almost the strength of two stone bows.

"I'm coming too." Mu Yumo took the compound bow and shot several feather arrows in succession.Every feather arrow landed on the pirate ship. It is unknown whether anyone was killed.

Then, Lei Wujie and the others took their bows and tried shooting.

"Sir, can this kind of bow be deployed on a large scale?" Mu Chunfeng said with excitement.

"No." Yang Ming's words undoubtedly poured cold water on him. "I found a famous blacksmith to make this bow. Ordinary iron cannot withstand such a strong force. It is difficult for ordinary blacksmiths to clean out the impurities in the iron, which will greatly affect the quality of the bow. performance."

Hearing this, Mu Chunfeng shook his head helplessly: "It seems that we have to stick to the ordinary recurve bow."

"I want this bow." Mu Yumo held the compound bow in her arms, looking like she couldn't put it down.

"Take it if you like. I don't like using a bow anyway." Yang Ming said casually.

Mu Chunfeng, on the other hand, originally planned to open his mouth to buy this compound bow, but now, he can only swallow his words.Beili also has compound bows, but the manufacturing process is not good. Most of the bows are made of hardwood, which will break after being used for a long time, and they are much heavier than the recurve bows.But Yang Ming's bow is obviously much lighter, and the bow and arrow it shoots are also very powerful.

"Attention, we are about to enter their range." Tian Mozhi warned.

Yang Ming smiled and said, "Don't worry, shoot them, their bows and arrows will not fall." After that, Yang Ming jumped up and landed on the sail.

He slowly pulled out the Moli knife from his waist, and a strong gust of wind suddenly appeared around the boat.

The arrows fired from the pirate ship were all bounced off by the barrier formed by the strong wind, while the bows and arrows fired by the warriors on the cedar longship all passed through this barrier without any hindrance.

"Okay, okay, okay." Three words in a row were enough to describe Mu Chunfeng's mood at the moment. Seeing the pirate ship filled with arrows, Mu Chunfeng quickly gave instructions: "Get close quickly and prepare to board the ship. Let's We must beat them so that when they see my Mu family's boat, they will stay away from it."

As he spoke, Mu Chunfeng pulled out the Dong Qianshan that he had previously entrusted a warrior to bring. He held it high and said with great pride: "Up!"

(End of this chapter)

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