Chapter 54

Li Hanyi smiled, turned around, and Lei Wujie's ordinary sword cut her face scarf.

The face towel quickly fell down slowly, and the sword energy surrounding her also poured out in an instant, and the rain fell on her body. The swordsman of the generation let the rain wet himself and remained silent.

Lei Wujie withdrew his sword, tears suddenly appeared on his face.

Yang Ming, Sikong Changfeng, Tang Lian and Xiao Se finally arrived at the top of the mountain and saw this scene.Under the power of thunder on the ground, several figures of Lei Wujie drew their swords towards Li Hanyi at the same time. Finally, the figures disappeared, leaving only Lei Wujie's figure.But it was just a flat stab, and to put it bluntly, even a three-year-old child could do it with a sword.It's just that this sword can hurt the sword fairy?

But this sword happened to cut through the scarf that Li Hanyi had been covering his face.

Although Li Hanyi's scarf was scratched last time by Yang Ming, who was also a swordsman, Yang Ming was a master at the top of the Xiaoyao Heaven Realm at that time. Lei Wujie has only entered the Vajra Mortal Realm now. How did he do it?
Could it be that the afterimage affected Li Hanyi's judgment?Xiao Se couldn't help but have doubts in his heart. He stood behind Tang Lian and frowned slightly.

The peerless face was revealed under the scarf. Although I had seen it last time, the scene of breaking the scarf to reveal the beauty of the world made people have the urge to praise her.

Where Tang Lian stayed, she murmured: "Second Master is actually more beautiful than last time."

"Who is more beautiful than the Tiannu Rui?" A voice sounded, and Tang Lian replied directly without even thinking about it: "Of course the Tiannu Rui is more beautiful!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang Lian realized that she had said the wrong thing, and then looked at Yang Ming with resentment, and at the same time blushed.

"Okay, Xiao Se, stop making fun of Tang Lian," Yang Ming said.

Suddenly, Lei Wujie knelt down on one knee and said with tears in his eyes: "Sister!"

Li Hanyi looked down at Lei Wujie and said softly: "You already knew?"

Seeing this, several people secretly sneered. Although Yang Ming had known about it for a long time, when he saw his sister and brother recognizing each other with his own eyes, it was naturally a different scene.

The blush on Tang Lian's face dissipated instantly, and she turned to Sikong Changfeng and asked, "Third Master, what's going on?"

Sikong Changfeng sighed: "Although Hanyi entered the sect a month earlier than me, she is actually four years younger than me. Her mother is Li Xinyue, the successor of Jianzhong, and her father is Lei Mengsha, a senior of Leimen. She I haven't entered Leimen, so I follow my mother's surname."

"Leimeng Sha?!? Li Xinyue?!? That's~" Tang Lian was shocked.

Yang Ming said calmly from the side: "The burning ink is too talkative, and the sword's heart is full of moon. These are names that have been lost for a long time."

"Yang Ming, I didn't expect you to know the name Master Zhuo Mo, but it's been a long time since he appeared." Sikong Changfeng looked at the sky and couldn't help but sigh.

Yang Ming shrugged without questioning, looked at Sikong Changfeng randomly, and said with a chuckle: "I also know that you, Baili City Lord and that Zhuomo Young Master had an affair in Chaisang City back then."

Sikong Changfeng just opened his mouth, but was blocked by Yang Ming's words, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Ahem~" Sikong Changfeng coughed lightly and quickly changed the subject, "Okay, Lei Wujie's parents were also famous people in the world, but later they died in a civil strife in Tianqi City. Himself. Later, as time passed, as the predecessors grew older, fewer and fewer people knew their names. Even people like Tang Lian, who had heard of their names, would not have met anything about them How many people will take the initiative to think of them?"

Feeling that he said something wrong, Sikong Changfeng quickly added, "Except Yang Ming!" "So you came to me not because Lei Hong was dying?" Li Hanyi immediately saw through Lei Wujie's thoughts.

Lei Wujie shook his head: "Master is indeed seriously ill, and I did come to Xueyue City for him. It's just that the moment I saw my sister, I felt a little familiar."

Li Hanyi sighed and walked slowly towards Lei Wujie. Suddenly he leaned down and gently hugged Lei Wujie, "Xiao Jie, you have suffered for so many years."

Lei Wujie also burst into tears, but he just shook his head and was speechless.Li Hanyi comforted Lei Wujie while caressing Lei Wujie's back.

Sikong Changfeng turned around silently, walked down the mountain, and whispered softly: "We are more than ten thousand miles apart, and each is at the end of the world."

Tang Lian followed silently. Such a scene was indeed no longer suitable for them to stay.But Xiao Se still stood there blankly, as if in a trance.Tang Lian tugged at the corner of his clothes: "What are you thinking about?"

Xiao Se murmured: "I think this is fate."

Yang Ming patted Xiao Se on the shoulder and said seriously: "Let's go, time will give you the answer you want!"

Xiao Se nodded slightly and followed Yang Ming down the mountain!

"Do you think Lei Wujie can bring Hanyi down the mountain?" Sikong Changfeng looked at Yang Ming and asked.

"How do I know?" Yang Ming shook his head: "But why do you always think about the Second City Lord coming down the mountain? If we all leave, won't you be the only one left in the whole city? Or do you like to be alone? live?"

Sikong Changfeng glanced at Yang Ming and said angrily: "You kid, you are just talking nonsense. I am just curious. Hanyi has not been down the mountain for many years and has been practicing swordsmanship on Cangshan Mountain."

"I think you won't succeed if you just practice hard. Let her go out for a walk. Maybe it will help her improve?"

Yang Ming nodded: "Three City Lords, what you said is not unreasonable, but you must also respect the idea of ​​the person involved. If she doesn't want to, is it possible that you still take her away? To save her temper, you have to escape even if you don't die. Skin."

"Alas~" Sikong Changfeng sighed and looked into the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

"Okay!" Yang Ming said angrily: "I'll go talk to her tonight and find out what she has to say."

Sikong Changfeng, holding a spear, stood on the top of the Dengtian Pavilion, which had been rebuilt several times, looking into the distance and sighing softly.

His nominal disciple Xiao Se was standing behind him at the moment, yawning lazily, saying that he didn't understand Sikong Changfeng's actions.

Sikong Changfeng smiled and said: "When I was young, when I climbed the sixteen-story pavilion, I only felt that the mountains were high and the water was wide, and I really wanted to go out for a walk. Now I climbed this pavilion, but I feel that the river is wide and the clouds are low, and there is an indescribable melancholy. As if Once you take a step, you can never come back.”

Xiao Se walked to Sikong Changfeng and said, "You will always go back to some places, because that is your home. It is said that when the Beili army conquered Nanzhao in the south, 3 people died on the battlefield. They could not return to their hometown. , when the body is buried, the body is buried with its head facing north. If it cannot return to its hometown, it will look at its hometown."

"Alas~" Sighed, Sikong Changfeng looked in the direction of Cangshan Mountain, "Hanyi finally went down the mountain, and I don't know what I said to Yang Ming that night!"

(End of this chapter)

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