Chapter 57 Qingcheng Mountain

Two fast horses were galloping on the official road. A young man in red and a young man in green were driving the horses in a hurry.

These two people were Xiao Se and Lei Wujie who set off from Xueyue City a few days ago.

Lei Wujie glanced at the map, immediately turned around the pier, pointed to the road and said, "Where are you going?"

Xiao Se glanced at Lei Wujie suspiciously. According to Lei Wujie's behavior three months ago, he was definitely lost. "Are you sure this is the direction to Leijiabao?"

Lei Wujie shook his head and said with a smile: "Of course not, let's not go to Leijiabao first."

Xiao Se was stunned and asked: "Don't go to Leijiabao? Where do you want to go?"

Lei Wujie looked into the distance and said with great interest: "Go to Qingcheng Mountain!"

Xiao Se frowned slightly, "Qingcheng Mountain? What do you want to do?"

"Of course we have to bring down the immortal from Qingcheng Mountain. Think about it, how interesting it is for the three old friends to reunite in Leijiabao. Brother Ming and Senior Brother will also be here by then. This time, the Heroes' Banquet , the three sword immortals have arrived, then our Leijiabao will be in great glory!" Lei Wujie swung his horsewhip vigorously and galloped away into the distance.

Xiao Se looked at Lei Wujie helplessly. He probably knew why Lei Wujie did what he did. It was probably Yang Ming who told him.He sighed and said, "Zhao Yuzhen from Qingcheng Mountain has never been down the mountain in his life. How can you, a silly boy like you, invite him?"

Qingcheng Mountain Zhao Yuzhen was taken to the mountain by six heavenly masters to raise him on the day he was born. When he was three years old, he was accepted as a closed disciple by Lu Suzhen, who had been the master for nearly 40 years.At the age of six, he learned the power of the dragon elephant. At the age of 11, he began to study Wuliang swordsmanship. He became the only disciple in Qingcheng Mountain for a hundred years who also practiced Taoism and swordsmanship. At the age of 16, he became the seventh heavenly master of Qingcheng Mountain. At the age of 22, Lu Suzhen passed away, and Zhao Yuzhen became the headmaster, becoming the youngest headmaster since the founding of the Qingcheng Mountain sect.And finally occupied the position of "Tao Sword Immortal".But this legendary figure in the world has never been to Qingcheng Mountain in his life.Even though his former home was in a village at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, he still never took a step down the mountain.

Lu Suzhen once said that Zhao Yuzhen combines martial arts and destiny in Qingcheng Mountain. If he comes down from the mountain, he will definitely create a storm.But Zhao Yuzhen was determined not to cause any trouble, so he stayed on Qingcheng Mountain for more than 30 years without taking a step down the mountain.

Qingcheng Mountain.

On this day, Zhao Yuzhen was still sitting on the top of the mountain, looking into the distance, with a smile on his face from time to time.

Behind Zhao Yuzhen stood his disciples and disciples.The two people were Li Fansong and Fei Xuan who went to Xueyue City that day.

"You have been traveling outside for more than half a year, why are you back today?" Zhao Yuzhen did not look back, still looking ahead. His tone was very calm, but it sounded a bit like a young man's family.

Li Fansong stepped forward and sat down next to Zhao Yuzhen: "Master, how are you doing without your disciple's company for more than half a year?"

Zhao Yuzhen touched his beard and said calmly: "Fortunately, it's a lot quieter. By the way, Fansong, where have you been this year?"

"I went to Chaisang City to see the flowers, and also to Guluo City to see the sea. Master, you don't know, but at that time I set off a huge wave with one sword, which made the fishermen think I was a little fairy when they saw me. Yes. By the way, I also went to climb the Kunlun Mountains. It turns out that there is really a place in the world. There is a place where it is covered with ice and snow all year round. The endless ice fields make people feel lonely just looking at them. But someone actually built a villa there and lived there. That’s 20 years. I really can’t imagine what that person’s mentality is.” Li Fansong said to Zhao Yuzhen, “Master, the world under the mountain is really wonderful, and there are many interesting places. Master, it’s really a shame that you don’t come down the mountain. Pity."

"Is it a pity? It's okay!" Zhao Yuzhen looked at Li Fansong with a smile.

Li Fansong quickly changed his words: "But Master, if you don't go down the mountain, the mountains are full of Master's legends. The six great swordsmen in the world, Confucianism and Taoism, Gu Nu Mingyue, are all famous in the world."

"Oh? I remember you weren't one of the five great swordsmen before you came down the mountain. Who is this sixth swordsman?" Zhao Yuzhen became interested.Li Fansong replied: "Master, his name is Yang Ming, and he is now the fourth city lord of Xueyue City. He is not much older than me, but he can defeat Xueyue Sword Immortal."

After a pause, Li Fansong continued: "Master, you were not there at the time, and the mask of the Snow Moon Sword Immortal was scratched off by Yang Ming's sword. The peerless face under the mask was really unforgettable. Oops~"

Zhao Yuzhen gave Li Fansong a surprise, "At such a young age, all these things are on my mind!"

Li Fansong covered his beaten head and whispered: "Master, didn't you just keep waiting for her?"

"Feixuan." Zhao Yuzhen said in a deep voice.

Fei Xuan immediately knelt down in fright, "Master, I will attack you, I will attack you all."

"What are you recruiting?" Zhao Yuzhen stood up, seemingly dissatisfied with the concealment behavior of these two people.

"We went to Xueyue City and saw him~" Fei Xuan said hesitantly, knowing that his master was so powerful that he didn't dare to lie at all.

"What else have you done?" Zhao Yuzhen waved his hand gently, and the peach wood sword on the ground fell straight into his hand.

This sword is a very special peach wood sword, with the sword's destiny being "peach blossom".It was 20 years ago that Senior Brother Zhao Yuzhen won it at the Sword Trial Competition of the Famous Sword Conference and gave it to Zhao Yuzhen.

This sword was one of the swords of the Kunlun Sword Immortal, Jiujiu Xuanyang. It was broken during a fight with the old swordsman of the Famous Sword Villa. It was later recast by the Famous Sword Villa and appeared as a Yunpin sword in the Famous Sword Conference.

Li Fansong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Well, I went to Xueyue City to break into the Dengtian Pavilion, and even asked Xueyue Sword Immortal about the sword. After I lost, I saw Yang Ming asking about the sword Xueyue Sword Immortal."

"What sword did Xue Yue Sword Immortal use?" Zhao Yuzhen asked.

"The moon sets and the flowers come in the morning." Li Fansong replied.

Zhao Yuzhen suddenly froze, looking down at the fallen leaf in his hand, his thoughts wandering to nowhere.

Suddenly Zhao Yuzhen had a smile on his face.The smile was warm, and a slight red light emitted from the peach blossom sword.Li Fansong and Fei Xuan looked at each other with a bit of surprise on their faces.Fei Xuan was proficient in Qi-gazing, and he could see through the warmth in Zhao Yuzhen's heart at a glance.

"You are as lucky as me. When I was your age, I saw such a beautiful sword for the first time. But who is Yang Ming? Why has no one ever heard of it in advance?"

Li Fansong quickly replied: "Master, the first time Yang Ming's name appeared in the world was when he injured the Wrath Sword Immortal a few months ago, and then moved to Xueyue City to become the city lord. But it is said that he changed Now I don't call myself the Sword Immortal, but I use the title 'Mingyue Qingshan'."

Zhao Yu was really surprised, because just yesterday, he received a letter, and the signature on the letter was Mingyue Qingshan. "It turns out it's him. Haha, this guy seems a bit interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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