Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 104 Little Robin

Chapter 104 Little Robin

"I am Enilo, the God of Sky Island, so, who are you?"

"Is it the god of Qinghai?"

Enel looked at Robin expectantly, and his eyes became gentler, becoming, how should I put it, more like a brother.

This is Robin's sense of sight.

Robin hesitated, but told the truth:

"No, I'm not the god of Qinghai, I'm just an archaeologist, my name is Robin."

"Robin? What a nice name. It doesn't matter if you're not the god of Qinghai. I'll help you become the god of Qinghai when I descend to the next world."

Although Enilo was a little disappointed, he immediately recovered and looked at Robin.

Robin shook his head and motioned:
"I don't want to be the god of Qinghai, I just want to find things."

"Things? Gold? That's really a good thing. If you want it, I have plenty of it. Only we deserve to have those shiny metals."

"Is that the Golden Bell that was supposed to be here too?"

"Golden Bell?"

It seems that Enilo doesn't know.

Instead, he asked politely:

"Did you read anything from those words?"

Robin said:

"No, it's a pity that if you didn't see it when you came here, then it didn't come to the sky. What I'm looking for is the big bell tower that absorbs the golden bell."

"No, wait, there are."

"That is there, come to heaven."

"400 years ago, when this island flew up, that is, on the day that Apayado, the island of the gods, was born, it is said that the loud and clear bells were heard throughout the country."

"But the old men of the island call it the song of the island. So, is that clock made of gold?"


"The game is about to end and there are 8 minutes left, so I'll search the whole country by the way."

Robin is full of shock now, because it means that the historical text has also come here.

Enilu stopped talking suddenly, because his heart network sensed something.

And at the edge of an island somewhere, a thunderstorm descended into the world.

At this moment, Enilo was full of lightning.

"what have you done!"

Robin asked.

Enilo looked disdainful:
"Mercy, extend the hand of redemption to those miserable ants who are struggling to solve them, as a mission of God. You must learn it in the future."

"Little girl, you seem to be trying your best to understand. It's okay. You will understand later."

Enel taught earnestly.

But this also surprised Robin, the other party is a natural fruit ability user.

"Then, the time is almost up, it's over, and the final plan is about to be implemented."

"Final plan."

I saw Anilu stretching out his hand and shouting:

"God is calling you, gather, common people."


I saw thunder and lightning soaring into the sky.

Robin puzzled:

"What are you doing!"

"I'm inviting your fellow commoners."

Robin was shocked, looked at Enilo in surprise, and couldn't help blurting out:

"What an amazing power."

"Don't be surprised, you can achieve it in the future, little guy."

Enil said with a little affection.

Many stones fell from the sky.

A stone was turned over, and Sauron emerged from the pile of rubble, panting heavily.

"Mr. Swordsman?"

Robin was surprised.

"It's really unlucky."

"Could it be that you followed and fell here?"

"Oh, it's you... Where is this place?"

“The golden capital we were looking for”

"Ha, is this the place?"

At this moment, Enilo is provoking the warrior Weber.

"It's rare that I kindly invite you back to my hometown."

And Weber in the intersection of Aini is the descendant of the original aborigines in Sandia.

"The game isn't over yet."


"Yeah, a boring game, you, and the participants behind you."

Weber turned around and saw an old man in armor, the original god, Gan Fule.Sauron
and two women,

That is Nami hiding in the dark and Robin coming out.

"Welcome, honorable survivors."

"Let me praise you for your hard work to get here."

"Especially you, Robin."

"Come here, to your true kind."

"What, Robin?"

Zoro and Nami looked at Robin in unison at the moment.

Even Webb and Gan Fall had surprise on their faces.

Robin didn't speak, but continued to stand quietly opposite.

"It's nothing, it's just a little game."

Anilo continued.

"Three hours after you set foot on this island, how many of the 81 people will survive the game. I am also included. Although there are some who participated halfway, I also recognize his qualifications."

"My prediction is five survived."

"In 3 minutes, it will be three hours, which means that there are six people now, and it will be very troublesome."

Nami, who was hiding in the dark, felt bad.

"God's prophecy must never fail, because it is absolute, you have to remember, little Robin."

"So who wants to disappear, or do it yourself, or let me do it myself."

"What do you say?"

Sauron looked at Robin.

"I don't want it!"

"Me too."

"I'm free too."

"I also firmly oppose it."

At this moment, Gan Fall, Sauron, and Weber pointed their weapons straight at Enel.

"Just disappear!"

"Just disappear!"

"Just disappear!"

Only Robin remained silent.

"What's the matter, Robin, what's the matter with you?"

Zoro asked excitedly.

From the beginning, Robin should belong to their side, but now Robin has chosen to refuse the declaration of war.

"Little Robin, do you still want to be like this group of fools? The previous disobedience was the first time I could bear it."

Enel spoke.

This sentence is full of different meanings.

Robin was silent, but silently stepped aside.

"Ahahahaha, ahahahaha!"

"As expected of a survivor of the game."

"But you guys don't seem to understand who you are talking to. It seems that you still don't understand the existence of God."

"Although in this world full of troubles, it doesn't matter what the lambs want to get."

"But the very existence of this country is wrong."

"What is your purpose!"

Ganfort questioned.

"Go back to the palace."

"Once God has completed his journey, he will return to where he should return."

"I have a place I should go back to. On the empty island where I was born, people think that is where God exists."

"People call it: Infinite Continent."

"There is an endless vast continent there, which is exactly the dream world I am after. It is the infinite continent that suits me best."

"It's really stupid to talk about competing for such a small place as Apayado."

"Listen, there are deeper reasons for your fighting, think about it."

"It is not a cloud, but it is born in the sky, and it is not a bird, but it lives in the sky. This country that is rooted in the sky is itself an existence that violates nature."

"Earth has its home, and people have their home, and God should have a place where God should go."

"You shouldn't want it!"

"It's not enough, I just act as a god and follow it carefully, right, Robin."

"Nature's rules."

"That's right, I'm going to drag everyone out of this sky."


Robin could no longer hide her surprise at this moment.

"This is nature!"

(End of this chapter)

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