Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 108 The Meaning of God No. 107

Chapter 108 The Significance of God Number 1
When Anilu woke up again, he was on a bed made of clouds.


Anilo woke up startled.

I saw Adri sitting calmly by his bed, flipping through his books.

Enilo calmed down after seeing this.

Adrian asked slowly:

Enilo helped his forehead:


He was a little insane because of Luffy's blow before, but now he has recovered.

"Father, where is my ark?"

Adri turned a page and replied plainly:

"Take it for repair."

"Really, you haven't given up on running there and driving the broken boat."

Adri's words were merciless, but Enilu was not angry, but instead touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I see, father. Don't be angry."

Enil knows that his father has not given him a positive face until now, and he is probably dissatisfied with his recklessness. Regarding this, what else can Enil do, he can only buy a good one on the spot.

Adri also closed the book and sighed, his son is a bit incompetent.

But no matter what, he is also his own cub, raised by himself.

Adri smiled helplessly, and Anilu knew that his father was no longer angry with him, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Outside of humans, he is an arrogant god. In front of his father, he will always be just a child who can't grow up.

"By the way, should you have met your sister?"

"Sister? She really is my sister! Is she called Little Robin? She's so cute, she looks quite like your father."

Adri couldn't help chuckling:
"is it?"

In fact, Adri told him on the day he handed over the pendant to Anilu that he was actually the eldest in the family. In fact, he had several younger brothers and sisters at home.

Anilu has only seen his so-called two younger brothers, and one of them looks very arrogant.

Adri also proposed to let Anilu grow up with other children, but Anilu refused. Anilu prefers to live in heaven, and he also has his own ideas.

According to Adri's parenting style is, let him be.

Since your child has a plan, let him go.

Adri said that he would not interfere with Enilo's ideas, on the contrary, he would be very supportive.

What Adri has to do is to accompany and solve doubts.

It seems that Enilo likes his sister so far.

"Father, how do you know that I saw my sister?"

"Because I have been calling attention to your sister."

"That's it."

"As expected of the youngest child in the family, I am really favored."

Adrian smiled:

"What, jealous?"

Enel waved his hand:
"That's not the case, it's just that I suddenly remembered how father you trained me back then."

"You're the eldest in a sense."

"I see."

"So have you thought about meeting other people face to face?"

Adri asked.

Enilo looked at the sky, then smiled:
"Forget it, it's enough to see one younger sister, forget about the rest. After all, they have never seen me before, they have grown up so much, there is no need."

"Isn't it necessary?"

Adri looked at the slightly disappointed Enilo, and suggested:

"Why don't you think about going there, go to Qinghai, Qinghai also has land, the kind that is connected together."

"Going to Qinghai? I'm not sure. I'm so dazed because of my dream. It's really a good place to go."

Enil got out of bed and stretched.

Adri silently watched Enilo.

"What's the matter, father?"

Enel asked suspiciously.

Adrian smiled and said softly:
"The guy who thinks of a certain aunt's head in the past is also grown up now."

"Hi! I say, father"

Anilu complained a little, his father was revealing his shortcomings again, wouldn't his father know the purpose of his wearing a turban?
"Okay, okay I'm not kidding anymore."

He opened the door and waved his hand, then waited for someone to make the final decision.After thinking for a long time, Enelu spoke:

"Father, what should God be like?"

golden capital

Whether it is Sandia or the aborigines of Sky Island are holding a banquet together at this moment, celebrating the rest of their lives after the catastrophe.

Straw hats will naturally be among them for a while.

Especially Luffy.

around the bonfire
Everyone laughed and laughed, so happy.

But there was one exception among the cheerful crowd.

That is, Robin is drinking juice and watching the people singing and dancing. Although his face is full of happiness, it is also full of sadness.

She is still thinking about it.

When Luffy defeated Enel, she couldn't fake the palpitations all over her body.

At that moment, her heart and eyes were really hanging in her throat.

Even she herself couldn't tell what was going on.

This made Robin very distressed.

In fact, she woke up when Sanji and the others came to kill them, but she didn't run away immediately.

Because she believed that the person with the pendant would not hurt her.

She wants to stay here and ask for clarification.

However, when she saw Nami riding Weiba risking her life, Robin stretched out her hand, and together they boarded Weiba and escaped from the ark.

Robin sat alone, looking at the people around him.

Although she also wanted to be happy, she was disturbed by her mood.

Nami noticed this keenly.

She came to the corner where Robin was staying, found a place to sit down, and smiled happily:
"Robin, what's wrong?"

Nami can see that the other party has something on his mind.

Robin shook his head, forced a smile and said:

Nami just drank with Robin without revealing it.

Nami began to ask cautiously:

"You don't mind if I ask something?"

Robin shook his head:

"do not mind."

"That's good."

Nami breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, Robin, what is your relationship with that god? It looks weird."

Indeed, although it looks unfamiliar, but very familiar, what Robin said to Enelo seems to have been expected.

"It's actually the first time I've met him."

Robin stated the facts.

"Really! It's unbelievable. I always think it's too presumptuous for you to have a relationship."

Nami is a little embarrassed.

But Robin signaled that nothing happened.

Robin went on to say:

"The other party seems to have something to do with me, but it's the first time I've seen him."

"Ah, that Luffy knocked him down..."

Nami still remembers clearly that the moment Luffy knocked down Enel and saw Enel's falling figure, Robin's face became extremely horrifying!
It really frightened her that Robin, who is usually plain, could have that expression.

"It's okay Nami, I'm not sure myself"

Nami also felt a little relieved.

But in fact she didn't hear Robin mumbling
"If we had a relationship, he couldn't have died so easily."

Suddenly Robin's phone rang.

"Nami excuse me."

Nami also walked away knowingly.

Robin came to an empty place and connected the phone.

It was his father who called.

"Hello? Father?"

 Thank you for the 100 point reward from Yemenglai

(End of this chapter)

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