Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 11 Past events (recommendation ticket plus update)

Chapter 11 Past events (recommendation ticket plus update)
At this time, Katakuri could not sleep for a long time in the dark night
As soon as he saw Adri, he couldn't help but recall the scene when he first met Adri.

That should have happened ten years ago, or how long, he couldn't remember, but at that time, my mother hadn't established Wan Guo, and they were all living on the pirate ship.

Once on the way to the island, he clashed with some people and beat them up severely. Although those people were very weak, they pointed the finger at his sister, Bree.

He didn't know it at the time, until someone came to him with his sister in his arms, he didn't understand, and the person who came back with Bu Lei, more precisely, the person who saved Bu Lei was Adri, the original Adri Derry asked very nervously if he was my sister's brother, but when he saw the blood on Bree's face and clothes, Bree held back tears.

Katakuri knew that he needed to make a change, and he wanted to make those who bullied his sister accountable.

At that time, Adri's face was still a little immature compared to now, but Adri did not say anything after confirming that Katakuri was his elder brother. Li seriously admonished:

"As a man, as a brother, you have to shoulder the corresponding responsibilities, boy, do you understand! Your sister is still holding back tears on the way here, planning how to comfort you. So, now you understand What did you do!"

Katakuri was moved by Adri's words, he was a little resentful, and blamed himself for implicating Bree, after he nodded, he immediately took up his weapon and went to those bastards to settle accounts.

Later, Adri seemed to have communication with his mother, and even began to contact, and had business contacts. Every time I saw Adri, I always heard a lot of things from him. Adri seemed like a real , the figure of the father they craved appeared in their lives.

Katakuri recalled, and finally couldn't help the sleepiness, and fell asleep.

Like Katakuri, who can't fall asleep for a while, there is also Bulei, who is staying in her mirror world at this time, holding a purple bear doll in her arms, and sometimes touching her cheek, where there is a faint scar.

She only remembered that when she was young, she was bullied by a group of villains. They slashed her face. At that time, Adri rushed out, shouted the group of people away, and quickly asked her, who was covered in blood, about her family. human condition.

She saw her brother. Later, she fell into a coma. When he woke up again, he saw the person who rescued her.

At that time, Adri also gave her a purple bear doll, smiling and comforting:

"You are such a brave little girl. You didn't cry all the way. Is your name Bree? What a nice name."

At that time, Adri's smile made Bree really feel the warmth, and he foolishly took the little bear and hugged him in his arms, letting Adri stroke his hair.

At the time when the scab formed, Adri was still a little worried and said:

"Girls, it's not good to have scars on your face. Here, this is a kind of scar medicine. After the scabs fall off, apply it two or three times a day."

Indeed, the medicinal effect is very useful, and the scar that should have been hideous is almost invisible now.

Bree hugged her doll, and was still about to sneak a peek at others, such as the gentle Katakuri Nisan.

Adri actually didn't need to sleep, because there were a lot of official duties during this period, even if they were all approved things, he was still a bit too busy. He thought it was time to hire a secretary.

When I have further business communication with my aunt later, I will be even busier.

And after that, the main story started, and the chamber of commerce would be exposed more easily, requiring more disguises, attending more frequently, and having to find a spokesperson. But the business contact with the aunt was particularly prominent at the beginning.

At that time, it was only a short time since the start, and the strength was not very strong. It would take a period of time to operate, otherwise, it would be ugly to check.

At the beginning, Adri saved the good girl, and Bree was very dissatisfied with the aunt's way of raising children, so he went to the aunt directly.

Although they were dissuaded by Perospero and others halfway, because they knew what kind of person their mother was, and Adri saved their sister.

But when Adri's insistence made him go to the aunt, these people seemed to be watching dead people.

The conversation at the beginning was quite interesting.

"Boy, who are you?"

At that time, Charlotte Lingling had a hot body and an excellent face. Unfortunately, she lacks body management now. The constant childbirth and sweets make her look bad, and she is not as good as this man.

"Oh, me? I'm here to teach you a lesson. As a mother, I don't even care about my children."

Adri said so calmly.

The calmness made the Big Mom at that time stunned.

"Do you know who I am! I'm a big pirate, and any of the subordinates outside can tear you to pieces!"

The aunt threatened, wanting to see some fear and panic on Adri's face.

But unfortunately, no.

"It's a bit unlucky to have a mother like you. You can't even love your children."

Adri continued to talk calmly, ignoring Big Mom's increasingly fierce eyes, and even lit a cigarette.

The aunt's aura rose instantly, and a domineering aura instantly hit Adri, but Adri still sat upright.

This made the aunt have to look at Adri for a while, at least the other side was not a simple person, and she directly ignored his domineering arrogance.

"Besides, you seem to have quite a few races..."

Adri's words offended Big Mom a little bit. Her ideal is to build a paradise where all kinds of races live together.

"Why, you have an opinion!"

"I just think that all races should coexist peacefully, and every child, no matter what race he is, should receive equal treatment." At this time, one of Big Mom's children broke in, seemingly wanting to plead:
"Mom, please don't hurt him, he saved..."

"Shut up, who allowed you to talk to me like that!"

But Adri, who was smoking a cigarette, protected the child behind him and opened his arms. At this moment, the figures overlapped.

Big Mom was in a trance, as if he saw the scene where he was guarded by the Carmelite nun when he made a mistake.

Her emotions gradually eased, and she told the intruding child to get out, and looked at the photo of the nun that she had always carried.

"I think, now you can calm down a little bit, let's talk about it."

"Yes, yes, but I think we need to "communicate" first."

Big Mom's eyes were full of desire at this moment, and she felt that the person on the opposite side gave her the feeling of a nun, and she needed it.

The young aunt drew her sword and stood up.

Adri is not in a hurry:

"Another place, this place is too small."

after an hour
Charlotte Lingling, who was in a bit of a mess, felt strenuous. The person on the opposite side was very strange, and her strength was at the same level, but she couldn't resist it.

"Who the hell are you? You shouldn't be an unknown person!"

asked Big Mom.

"I'm nothing more than a small businessman now."

"Hmph, merchant."

Big Mom clutched his bleeding wound, with an expression that the other party thought he was stupid.

But there was also a trace of strangeness.

"Hey, do you want to be my husband? The child we give birth to will definitely be a strong man! And I have an ideal, that is to build a world where all races live peacefully together! Don't you expect it!"

The aunt spoke more and more intensely, her eyes were crazy, and she was even imagining a beautiful blueprint for the future in her mind.

Adri stroked his chin and thought about it seriously.

"You have a good idea, but I can't accept being your husband."

"...Then we can't talk properly."

"But, didn't I say that? I'm a businessman, and I think we can talk about it later."


"Can I stay with you for a few more days?"

"What? The previous proposal has been decided?"

"It's not, it's just that I think your children are very good."

"Hahaha, of course my child is not bad!"

"For the sake of our common ideals and harmonious development in the future, don't you think we should get along first and look at our future partners?"

"That's a good thing to say."

"Hey, Adrien, be my family! You should be honored, you are the family I recognize besides my children."

"Really, don't you still want me to be your husband? You just gave birth to a few cubs not long ago."

"It's fine if you don't agree."

"Well, but I can be the uncle of these children, Lingling, what do you think?"


 The current update principle for recommendation tickets:

  A chapter is updated every five tickets

  Maintain a minimum of two chapters per day until the fifty chapters

  If there are too many tickets in a day, a maximum of five chapters will be updated (too many exceptions)


(End of this chapter)

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