Chapter 111 Kaido
"Hey, dad, did you see that lump?"

A huge black figure appeared in front of the father and son who were still on their way in the sky.

The opponent is standing above the clouds.

Enilo's eyes are full of playfulness:

"The other party is not the original author of Sky Island."

"Then how did he get up there?"

Enilo's wings were flapping in place, and he couldn't help complaining:
"This place is at an altitude of [-] meters."

Anilu looked at his father in the sky, his expression normal.

Adri didn't say anything, but watched the scene with great interest.

People before their eyes:
He is extremely tall and burly, with black hair shawl, a pair of long horns like horns of a horned dragon, a long beard like a dragon's beard on his mouth, and a dragon scale tattoo on his left arm.The upper body is naked, with an X-shaped scar on the right abdomen, a purple jacket hanging from the waist, two gold chains hanging from the bottom of the jacket, dark green wide trousers on the lower body, a shimenawa tied around the waist, and a purple fluffy cloak, like The "demon" is alive.Carry a wine gourd with the word "Heaven" printed on it with you.

This person is one of the Four Emperors of the New World!

Governor of the Beast Pirates!

Known as the strongest creature in the world!

Apparently a drunk beast hadn't noticed the two black spots in front of his eyes.

At this moment, Enilo seemed a little excited:

"Father, is he very strong? Hahaha! Let me, a god, beat him down!"

"Wait a minute, Enel!"

Adrian stopped.

"Let's guess what this guy will do next."


"I bet he'll jump."

Adrian said firmly.

But Ainil still didn't believe it obviously, and with his hands in front of him, he also started guessing:

"Ahahaha, I suspect that he also came to appreciate the condescension"

I haven't waited for Anilu to finish speaking.

The behemoth in front of him fell down without hesitation, and fell straight down freely.

"This person is finished, this is [-] meters high."

Anilu said plainly, but he was still curious about why Adri was so sure.

Watch the dust and smoke rise from the small island below which is the crash point.

Enel shook his head and smacked his mouth, saying:

"It was a terrible fall."

"is it?"

Adri asked back.

Anilu felt bored and wanted to fly away first, but was stopped by Adri once again.

Anilu felt strong in the other party at first, but he didn't expect the other party to be so thoughtless.

"What's the matter, father?"

In Ainilu's view, it is a certainty that this person is dead, and there is nothing to look at anymore.

"Ai Nilu, let's go down once the smoke clears."

Although Enilo was puzzled, he still obeyed his father's wishes.

After the smoke cleared, the two flew back to the ground, folded their wings, and landed on the ground.

The place where the two landed was the edge of the island, and the two walked towards the center, where there was a huge deep pit.

Enilu's expression was not good. Under his perception of the heart network, the other party was still alive, and his breath was extremely strong!
Ai Nilu looked at Adri, but Adri just motioned to continue walking, without any surprised expression.

"Father, he is still alive."

Enel said in a low voice.

"I know, it's normal."

"Normal? Are all people in Qinghai like this?"

Ai Nilu was a little confused after seeing this wave, obviously the Qinghai people I met before were not like this!
It should be a weak group.

The father and son were chatting on the edge of the pothole.

"I mean it's pretty normal for the guy in the pothole in front of us."

"Oh? Is he special?"

"Well, that's right. Enel, use Lei Ying."

"Huh? Are you sure?" Although Enel was curious, he still did as he was told and saw a huge thunder pillar falling from the sky and landing on Kaido.

Only Kaido's shout and angry voice can be heard:

"Ahhhh! Which bastard set off thunder and lightning indiscriminately, did he just get up when he didn't see me!"

That's right, he jumped from a height of [-] meters without any injuries and was about to stand up.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and there were only faint scorched marks on Kaido's body, but they faded away quickly.

The other party waved the mace, dispersed the smoke and appeared in front of the father and son.

Ainil looked at this scene in disbelief. He never expected that there would be someone other than the rubber boy who could take his attack intact.

"Is this also an insulated ability user in the superhuman system?"

Anilu said he was stumbling, he couldn't believe that his luck was so bad.

Adri shook his head:
"He is a fruit ability user of the animal department, but he is a phantom beast, and he is more resistant to attack, not to mention that he himself is stronger."

Enilu's pupils dilated, he gritted his teeth, looking at the intact person in front of him, not knowing what to do.

Adri patted Enilo on the shoulder and motioned:

"He is a well-known figure in the sea, don't be discouraged."

Kaido, standing in the middle of the pothole, watched the two come and go, completely ignoring him, feeling ashamed.

"Hey, you two little thieves, you are the one who called me!"

Kaido raised the mace and shouted cursingly.

But obviously, it's useless.

Adri is still talking with Enilo:

"Enilo, when you go to see the wider world outside, you will find that no one is perfect, so you still need to practice."

Enilo said seriously this time:

"Yes, father, I have indeed become a frog in a well, and I will see a wider sea in the future!"

Adri watched his son's growth with satisfaction, but the two still ignored Kaido.

Kaido was a little annoyed, and just about to yell, he was persuaded by Adri's eyes.

Kaido said that he was definitely not counseled, but just from the heart.

Adri isn't going to let a beast disturb their scene of loving father and son.

Kaido became even more angry, feeling deeply aggrieved, and finally waited for the father and son to finish talking before Kaido was able to interject:
"Hey, you two. Oh, it's Adri, long time no see."

Seeing the face of the visitor clearly, Kaido felt relieved a lot. He and Adri are old acquaintances, and they are rare drinking friends, rare drinking friends who can compete with him.

"Adri, why are you here?"

Kaido jumped out of the pothole with a mace in his hand, causing the entire island to faintly tremble.

The father and son stood firmly, looking at the huge monster that jumped in front of them.

Anilu spoke first:
"Who allowed you to call my father's name directly! Bastard!"

Enilo's wrist formed a thunder, ready to send tens of millions of volts to this guy who blasphemed his father.

Adri waved his hand to indicate that there was nothing to do, and then let Anilu put down his hand unconvinced.

But there was still thunder and lightning gathering silently behind him.

"Kaido, long time no see."

"Adri, is this guy your son?"

"Of course, how about it, isn't it good?"

Enilu looked at the person in front of him, but he didn't expect that the other person knew his father, and he still had hatred on his face.

"Huhahaha, he was the one who set off the thunder and lightning just now, kinda!"

Kaido appreciated it.

"Don't worry, I haven't tried my best yet."

Enel said unconvinced.

Kaido looked at Enilo in front of him, and said with appreciation:
"It's a good one, Adri, you can do it."

"Where is it, Kaido, don't you also have a son?"

"Yes, it's a pity that the boy is not very obedient."

When Kaido said this, he couldn't help but took a sip of the stuffed wine.

Adri also signaled not to be too sad, just take it easy.

"My child, there will always be so many times."

Then Adri glanced at Ainil, which made Ainil take a step back in embarrassment, and let go of the thunder and lightning gathered in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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