Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 113 Come, continue to fight

Chapter 113 Come, continue to fight

With a "swish", Aokiji's arm was broken, but fortunately the opponent did not use the armed domineering color.

Aokiji stepped back quickly and took his hand back.

"Al Al, you still can't help but come out."

Aokiji teased, looking around unhurriedly.

Make sure there is only one person in front of you.

The other party was wearing a hat with the brim pressed down so low that the other party's face could hardly be seen, only a number two made of metal was pinned to the hat.The other party covered his whole body very tightly. He was wearing a black windbreaker, black gloves, and pure black boots. His whole body was black.Holding a knife in his hand, he stood between Aokiji and Robin.

"Number two?"

Robin recognized it and wanted to go forward, but was stopped by No. [-] and motioned her to back away.

Everyone was puzzled by this new person.

"who is he?"

"He seems to know Robin."

"That guy, well done! Whoever you are, beat that kid!"

"Great, someone finally showed up. I thought Robin was going to be frozen."

Everyone was overjoyed.

No. [-] didn't pay attention to others, just showed a pair of light black eyes, staring at Aokiji tightly, making people shudder.

"Yeah, don't do this, little brother, I'm fine."

No. [-] gritted his teeth:

"What's the matter? You think I'm blind! If the lord hadn't said that he would never make a move unless the eldest lady's life and death are at stake, I would have shown up and chopped you off a long time ago!"



Nami was keenly aware of the information in No. [-]'s words. At this moment, Nami looked at Robin who was hiding behind No. [-], fell into deep thought, and then thought of Aokiji's words before.
Nami shook her head and didn't think about it anymore. Everyone has their own privacy and it is inconvenient for them to say it.

Qingzhi touched his head helplessly, and sighed:

"It's impossible."

Although it was unexpected that someone appeared, but at least it wasn't the Lord's appearance, otherwise I'm afraid it would be impossible to be kind today.

No. [-] was quite sensible, he didn't point the knife at him again, and Aokiji also guessed that the other party didn't kill him, so as to whether he could beat him or not.
The other party is a swordsman, and it won't work for a while, Qingzhi felt troubled, so he compromised:
"How about we talk first?"

Aokiji asked tentatively.

But before No. [-] answered, Robin blurted out:

"No, you can't trust him!"

Originally, before No. [-] came out, Robin wanted to threaten his father, but obviously, it didn't work at that moment.

Now that No. [-] has appeared, Robin is a little bit at a loss because she doesn't know the specific strength of No. [-], but it may be a bit difficult to compare with Aokiji. Robin dare not be sure, she doesn't want No. What an accident!
But number two turned his head and said softly:

"Miss, don't worry, your lord is on his way."

Robin felt relieved.

No. [-] faced Aokiji again, and said in a deep voice:

"I agree to your request, but we have to change places"

"Hey, the one with the hat, don't interfere, I'm going to fight that kid one-on-one!"

Luffy stood up.

"Hey, little brother, I finally made a deal, shall we fight later?"

Number two also turned around and ordered:

"Also please take my eldest lady back to the boat first, and the three injured over there should be dealt with quickly."

Usopp and Chopper greeted the injured three back to the ship.

Nami helped Robin walk, and Robin also received frostbite from close-range air conditioning.

"Number two, are you sure you're okay?"

"Don't worry, miss."

"Hey, hat-wearing one, I'm counting on you this time. Next time I'll beat that ice-dropper away!"

Luffy made the oath while being dragged away. "Thank you this time."

Sanji said politely.

No. [-] nodded to indicate that nothing happened, and did not continue to look at Aokiji until he watched the Straw Hats go away completely:

"Let's move on."

"Before the adults come, let me accompany you to fight."

the other side

Straw Hats

"Hey, who was that guy before!"

"I've never seen that sharp knife technique!"

Sauron said fearfully, if only he could find that the other party is above him.

Sanji was also lost in thought, and he didn't react when the other party flashed over.

"It's really terrifying strength, both of them are."

"Hey, can that uncle really be alone with the admiral?"

"Hey, Robin, who is that man? Why are you called Miss?"

Nami helped Robin and asked carefully.

Robin replied:
"That is my father's personal guard. It seems that he has been silently protecting me. Don't worry, the other party dare not do anything."

Robin felt that with his father's ability, it wouldn't be a big deal, after all, who was his father?But the majestic shipping king!

"Father? Miss Robin's father?"

"Robin's father's personal guard?"

At this moment, everyone was full of curiosity about Robin's life experience, but they didn't ask in detail, this was their respect for their partners.

Soon, when they first arrived on the ship
"Boom" loud noise
I saw a huge icicle in the forest in the distance rising suddenly, but it was split in half in an instant, the sword edge flashed, and in an instant, the icicle that was divided into two shattered into pieces, and the crystal light fell all over the ground.

"Really! Did you see it?"

Nami exclaimed.

Sauron looked at this scene in amazement, and wanted to cut through the ice with a single knife. It was not an easy task to do so neatly.

Sanji was also shocked to see this scene full of crystal light.

"This is."

Robin looked nervous:

"It seems that the two are fighting, but it doesn't matter, let's get on the boat!"

"Don't we really need to help?"

Luffy looked a little reconciled.

"It's okay, Luffy, number two can hold on."

Robin urged.

"Luffy, that's no longer a battle we can participate in."

"Yeah, Luffy, let's not make trouble."

Luffy was not reconciled, but he boarded the ship under the persuasion of his partners.

Robin looked worriedly at the scene of the fight.
And where the battle is at the moment.

Number Two was panting, but still poised, his hat still on.He had a lot of frostbite on his body, but No. [-] didn't care about it at all, because Aokiji's body was not good to go anywhere, and there were many wounds on his body caused by No. [-]'s black knife.

Aokiji patted the smoke and dust on his body. At this moment, half of his body was already elementalized, condensed by freezing, and the breath of the whole person was completely different from the past. He said:

"Brother, it's almost done. In fact, I was doing it for the good of your eldest lady at the beginning."

Aokiji rubbed the back of his head helplessly.

Number two straightened his body, loosened his muscles and bones, and responded:
"You'd better talk about these things later, let's get things done first."

As No. [-] said, he took off his windbreaker and threw it casually, then stared at Aokiji closely:

"Come on, let's fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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