Chapter 125 Miss Me?
judiciary island

"Dong dong."

"Come in."

Sitting in the office is the chief of CP9, Spandam, with short purple hair, dark nose bridge and conspicuous dark circles.

Spandam looked at the people who came in a little dissatisfied.

In the Men in Suits sink report:

"My lord, someone from the upper echelons has sent someone here."

"Huh? I see."

The man in the suit left.

Spandam stayed in the office and got up.

"I have to go to greet you. It seems that the worried person probably sent someone here."

Spandam rushed out the door, ready to find someone.

The other party has been waiting in the living room for a long time.

The man waiting in the living room wore a mask that made his face completely invisible.

Spandam entered the room and stepped forward very enthusiastically.

"Ahaha, you must be the person sent by His Excellency Srby Davis, the next CP9 chief, Spandam."

The masked man nodded without speaking.

Spandam grumbled secretly.

What does this mean, such a great authority, isn't it just a dog of Sulbie Davis?
But Spandam still had a smile on his face, no matter what, the other party was thicker than his thigh on the list.

Even his father would have respected Mr. Sulby Davis.

The masked man didn't speak, but watched as Spandam took his seat, and took out a document to confirm his identity.

After Spandam confirmed that it was true, his attitude became more eager.

"Don't worry, our side will never let the two prisoners escape."

No one can see the look of the masked man.

Just replied in a flat voice:

"I'm just in charge of watching over Nicole Robin's safety."

"Really, the good bag is on us."

Spandam rubbed his hands and said attentively:

"Nicole Robin will wait a while to arrive at us by sea train. Please rest assured that there are quite a few people who will ensure that nothing goes wrong."

"Really, then I will wait and see."

The masked man straightened the mask.

Spandam is still looking forward to seeing the other party's true face, but unfortunately, this is top secret.

At first, Spandam thought the opponent was CP0, but the opponent was not wearing a white uniform.

It seemed that the other party was someone beside that Srby Davis.

the other side

Robin boarded the sea train and entered the compartment under the arrest of a group of world government officials and the navy.

Sanji hid in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Nami and Chopper found Sauron and Luffy and embarked on a journey to rescue Robin. They boarded an abandoned sea train and went to the rescue with the Franky family.

Sanji, who boarded the sea train, rescued Usopp and Franky who were also tied to the train.

Robin was alone in the first car, brooding.

Once he enters the gate of justice, the possibility of life is almost cut off.

This is not possible, for fear that father would directly storm Judiciary Island, which would be a serious crime and would be an enemy of the entire world government.Adrie wouldn't be that stupid, and her brothers weren't really much better off.

Two older brothers have become pirates, and one was recently wanted by the navy.The other one has a special status and will be difficult to deal with once an accident occurs.

It's not that Robin doesn't have confidence in himself and his father, but that he doesn't want them to take risks.

For example, Enilu, once he knew about his arrest, he would probably rush over directly, that would be too risky.

After all, Robin came here so as not to implicate his partners and family.

Fortunately, the fact that she is the father's daughter was not known to CP9.

Otherwise, the involvement will be deeper.

I hope my father won't mess around.She also hopes her friends won't mess around.

Just thinking about this, Robin sighed slightly. Suddenly a hand appeared outside the window knocking on the glass.

a few hours ago

on a secret warship

It is said that it is a warship, but it is better to say that it is the private property of a certain world government official.

A man wearing sunglasses stood at the bow of the boat, holding some documents in his hands, as if waiting for something.

Not long after, a phantom figure finally appeared in the sky.

The surrounding people became vigilant, and the cannons had been aimed at each other, ready to fire at any time.

The man stretched out his hand to stop, signaling to those around him not to act rashly and to make a space.

The black figure in the sky landed, and the opponent's huge black wings were still flapping, causing many people on the deck to be unstable due to the wind current.

All of a sudden, commotion broke out.

But the man in the lead stopped the commotion with a look instead of a word. They are all personal guards trusted by a certain adult, so there is a little order.

For the black-haired man who fell from the sky, he didn't show any expression that shouldn't be there, and kept calm all the time.

Because once they can't control their mouths, they won't be the only ones to suffer. The people present are all smart people, and they won't do such stupid things.

After the black-haired man with pure black wings flapped his wings a few times, the wings began to shrink, gradually shrinking until they disappeared.

The wings that used to cover the sun have disappeared without a trace at this moment. Even the well-trained them can't help but sigh with emotion and make a sound at this moment.

The man maintained order again.

He stepped forward, carefully looked up and down the other person's face, and adjusted his sunglasses.

The other party's complexion was a bit pale, and the black hair was scattered randomly, which should be due to the wind, but it didn't look so messy.

The other party looked very young, at least younger than the man with sunglasses.

The other party was wearing a black suit, looking orderly, with an aristocratic air all of a sudden, coupled with the other party's calm expression, he even had the urge to salute, feeling that standing in front of the other party was unreasonable for him.

But the man in the sunglasses resisted the impulse, he represented the face of his family's adults, and he was his family's adults' confidants.

The man in the sunglasses stepped forward, and based on the other party's previous abilities and the coordinates here, he could preliminarily determine that this young man was the one they were waiting for.

But just in case, you still need to confirm.


The young black-haired man didn't answer immediately, but slowly turned his head and looked at the man in the sunglasses. This made the man in the sunglasses shudder, but he recovered quickly. I have to say that the man's gaze was a little bit cold.

The young man then slightly opened his lips, and replied in a cold voice:

"Surby Davis."

The man in sunglasses swallowed and confirmed.

It's a shame to dare to call his family's adults by their first names directly, and there are not many people who don't use honorific names.

The adults of his family are also true, the answer to the password is his own name.

After confirming, the man in sunglasses invited the other party to the cabin.

"This document was given to you by my lord."

The man in sunglasses handed over the document he had been holding all along.

The black-haired man took it, looked at it roughly, and nodded.

The man in sunglasses was a little speechless, why did his lord help this young man?

He didn't know, and he didn't dare to speculate.

He just needs to know that he is loyal to his own Lord Davis.

It's just that the other party's age is still young, and the adults in my family are also old and have no children
Could it be that!
The man in the sunglasses quickly shook his head, he couldn't think too much, he was just loyal to the adults, how could he think about such nonsense.

"That we will send a warship to take you to Judiciary Island later."


The dark-haired man picked up a mask from nowhere and put it on his face.

The man in the sunglasses didn't say anything when he saw this scene, but he hesitated for a while, and decided to show his favor to his lord, maybe because of that reason, the father and son had conflicts!
"Well, Lord Davis still misses you very much."

"miss me?"

The dark-haired man wondered.

(End of this chapter)

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