Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 129 The Scary Sword Glow

Chapter 129 The Scary Sword Glow
Just when Adri was about to walk back, a shell hit him without any gap.

Adri frowned slightly, flicked his hand, and unloaded the shell.

Robin immediately realized that at the top of the Tower of Justice, the sniper king played by Usopp was aiming.

Countless shells came one after another, but they were all easily interrupted by Adrian.

Robin hurriedly got up and waved in Usopp's direction to indicate that nothing happened.

And Usopp is still wondering why the shells hit the opponent but there is no response, as if they didn't hit at all!
On the other side, Sanji with a binoculars looked bad.

"What kind of monster is that guy!"

"What's going on, is it internal strife?"

"The opponent is too strong!"

So far, Sanji, who has witnessed everything, is a little unbelievable. He watched the opponent bring down all the navy and smash half of the bridge.

The sound of the bridge collapsing caught everyone's attention.

So far the smoke has not dissipated.

"Wait a minute, Usopp, Robin-chan seems to be frustrated with something."

"I saw it! She seems to be saying stop attacking?"

"Huh? That man is obviously the one who stood beside them back then."

"Forget it, listen to Robin sauce."

"Hey! Wait a minute, what is that man going to do!"

On the bridge leading to the Gate of Justice, Adri picked up Robin and went back the same way.

"Ha! How dare she hug Robin-chan!"

"Huh? Chef, are you mistaken?"

"Impossible, Robin Sauce didn't even resist."

Adri here.

Someone stopped in front of them.

"Hey, put this woman down!"

It happened to be Franky standing in front of them.

Franky held the phone bug in his hand and heard a voice:
"Frankie, that man Frankie seems to be with Robin."

"Huh? Really. Hey, who are you, the masked man!"

Robin explained:

"It's my own."

"Ha, I remember he was still guarding us at that time."

"Trust me, it's my own."

"Alright then, Sniper King, your Robin said that this masked man is one of his own."

But before he could elaborate, Adri rushed up and kicked Franky out, right where Sanji Sauron was.

"Acridine! Damn it, didn't you say it's one of your own?"

"Father, you?"

"I'll send him there first, or I'll be in trouble."

Robin was a little helpless, he, his father, was still a little wayward.

In fact, Adri wouldn't say that Frankie only wore underwear all the time to prevent his daughter's eyes from being polluted.

"Father, Luffy seems to be fighting that guy from CP9, let's go there quickly!"

"Little Robin, have some confidence in your partner."

Robin was hugged by Princess Adrian, and went to the place where Lu Qi and Luffy fought at high speed.

And at this moment, a shell hit.Hit the perimeter of Judiciary Island.

Adri looked back and smiled, it seemed that the navy was still here.

"Father, that voice?"

"It's okay, the people above sent the navy over."

"Didn't the Demon Slaughter Order not be activated?!"

"It wasn't activated, but something stronger than the Demon Slaying Order was activated, and more navy came."

"Is it because father smashed the bridge?"

"Who knows..."

"Anyway, don't worry, your partner, I will let them go back safely one by one."

Looking at her father's reassurance, Robin couldn't help feeling relieved, but bad premonitions still surrounded her.

Another cannonball sounded, directly interrupting the upper part of the Tower of Justice.


"Get ready Robin!"

I saw that at this moment, Adri rushed directly to the waterfall on the edge, his wings stretched from behind, flapped quickly, directly across the waterfall, and arrived, the tower of justice rescued Usopp in mid-air.

Adri hugged Robin and landed on the ground where Sanji, Sauron and Franky were with Usopp in his hand.

"Ah~ I'm scared to death!"

"I thought I was going to die."

"Ah, it's you!"

Everyone was still wary, especially Frankie didn't like the person who kicked him away.

"Hey, who are you!"

Adri put down Usopp in his hand and simply threw it on the ground. He didn't have much affection for the guy who set off firecrackers at him.

"Who am I? I'm here to help you."

Adri opened the mouth first, and Robin acquiesced, since his father didn't want to reveal it, then forget it.

"Hmph, who would believe you, you actually threw me over there!"

"Also, why are you holding Robin-chan." Robin was not embarrassed, but said:

"Okay, let's prepare to escape first."

Robin knew that his father must have his own ideas.

"Well, let me throw you over there one by one! This place is going to sink."


Before everyone complained.

Sanji was caught by Adri and thrown out.

Sanji flew to the opposite bridge in no time, and landed with a bang.

Then Franky gets thrown over again.

"Why am I being thrown around again!"

After the two of them, Adri directly picked up Sauron and Usopp with both hands, and shook them hard again.

Zoro landed smoothly and Usopp was caught with the help of Sanji.

Seeing the people who landed smoothly, Adri picked up Robin again and flew over again.

"Ahh! Why are we throwing it over, but Robin is hugging it!"

"You bastard!"

"That is to say, treat them differently."

Adri said coldly:
"You are different."

Naturally, this group of scuffle boys who might cheat his precious daughter away should not be treated well.

If Robin knew Adri's thoughts, he would probably smile slightly.


"what happened?"

"If it weren't for you, we could have escaped through the backup warship on the other side of the bridge."

"Really, don't worry, there will be ships."

Adrian said calmly.

"The first thing is to gather all of your people."

Speaking of which, Adri put down Robin, folded his wings, and disappeared quickly.

"Really, is he a devil fruit capable user?"

"Look at his huge wings before, probably yes."

"Hey, Robin, who the hell is he?"

After a while, Nami appeared here.

Then there was Chopper, caught in Adri's arms.

Adri put down the two of them.

"Hey, who are you!"

Nami is still struggling.

"It's okay, it's my own."

Adri put down the two of them.

Scanned the same number of people, almost.

"Hey, where's Luffy?"

"Yeah, where did Luffy go?"

"That kid Lu Fei should still be fighting with Lu Qi."

Robin looked at Adri eagerly, and Adri nodded to understand, and then walked back.

I saw a huge hand appearing not far away.

"Looks like I know where it is."

Adri murmured.

Everyone was also attracted by the huge hand.

However, no one noticed that there was an extra sword in Adri's hand.

Adrian smiled contemptuously, looking at the warship not far away.

Finally, Sauron noticed the sword in Adri's hand:
"Hey, what do you want to do?"

Everyone's attention returned again. To be honest, they still couldn't trust the masked man in front of them and they all became vigilant.

"What on earth do you want!"

"What do I want to do? Open your eyes and watch!"

Adri then faced Judiciary Island, raised his sword and it was a sweep!
I saw that the entire Judiciary Island was completely turned into two halves!
The loud noise overwhelmed the sound of gunfire.

At this moment, both the navy and the world government officials are dumbfounded!
Because the black sword light made the whole island even more fragmented!
But the sword light was not over yet, it directly split the five warships in half, and completely scrapped them in the sea.

Even though it is such a long distance, it has achieved such a terrifying level.

At this moment, the Straw Hats didn't know how to describe their feelings.


"Am I dreaming!"

"real or fake!!"

Seeing this scene, Sauron couldn't help but clenched the three knives in his hand, ready to go.

Such an exciting feeling!
Seeing this situation, Sauron fixed his eyes on Adri.

Adri withdrew his sword and looked at the Straw Hats.

"I'll help you get the ship."

(End of this chapter)

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