Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 131 The Dilapidated Body

Chapter 131 The Dilapidated Body

Holy Land
Mary Joa
The seat of the world's most powerful "five old stars"
The five old stars are in charge of the Tianlong people who are the pinnacle of world power, and the pillars of the world government.

With a loud bang, the ceiling shattered, and a black figure appeared and landed on the ground.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and a tall and slender figure loomed in the smoke.

For a moment, Wu Laoxing's attention was focused on the figure in the cloud of smoke.

There was a knock on the door outside, it was the guards, they heard the sound.

"Master Wu Laoxing, is there any emergency!"

One of the five old stars said in a deep voice:
"Nothing happened, continue to perform your duties."


The five old stars stood up in unison, and looked at the man standing in front of them at the moment.

"Sea Freight King, Adrian."

"Why are you here?"

"how did you do it."

Adri waved his hands casually, went straight to the sofa and sat down, crossed his legs, lit a cigarette, and smoked it without hesitation, completely treating the five old stars around him as air, one of them was a violent bald man Wu Laoxing with a mustache wanted to step forward, but was interrupted by another old man in a white Taoist robe with glasses.

The five looked at each other as if they had made a decision, and they just quietly watched Adri, who was sitting arrogantly, puffing away.

Adri snuffed out the cigarette, threw it away, and said slowly:

"It's really troublesome to come to your broken place. I think it's more convenient to fly here."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Laoxing fell into silence.

It is true that it is a bit troublesome to meet the five old stars as Adrienne, and the procedures are complicated.

The five old stars just stood like this, looking at the only Adri who was sitting.

The blond-haired old man was quite afraid of Adri, and he had been vigilant since the other party came in, and the scar on his chest was also very conspicuous.

Adri continued, completely ignoring the five old stars with bad faces around him:

"To tell you the truth, you five boys are brave enough to touch my daughter."

There was a hint of killing intent in Adri's understated tone.

Wu Laoxing frowned slightly.

"This is not something you can control, Sea King."

"It's not something you can do wildly here."

The two five old stars said calmly, they want to protect the face of the world government and themselves.

Looking at the opposite side with a rather tough attitude, Adri didn't plan to say anything more.

Adri directly released the domineering aura that shocked several people.


"This momentum!"

"This power!"

Wu Laoxing, who was wearing Taoist robes, frowned even deeper, and clenched the treasured sword in his hand.

The blond-haired Wu Laoxing had a bad complexion, clenched his fists, and stroked the scar on his chest with the other hand.

The curly-haired Wu Laoxing looked heavy, as if he had something on his mind, he kept rubbing his crutch.

The five old stars with long straight hair behind their hands, as if they had received some shock, their footsteps were a little unsteady, and they staggered.

The bald mustache Wu Laoxing looked at Adri with hostility, and by the way looked at the staggering Wu Laoxing with disdain.

The five people have different expressions and different thoughts.

Dao Pao Wu Lao Xing said:
"What do you mean by this?"

Adri put his arms on the sofa, and although he was sitting, he looked at the five people as if condescending:

"Me? Nothing interesting."

Adri paused.
"I just want to seek justice for my daughter!"

As he said that, a more powerful aura was released centered on Adri, and the strong air current hit Wulaoxing at this moment, forcing them to bow their heads.

At this moment, there is no complete place in this room except the sofa where Adri is sitting. The walls are broken and the windows are cracked. Wu Laoxing looked at this scene helplessly, his eyes became a little deeper, and his heart sank. .

"Are you really going to do right with the world for that woman!"

Wu Laoxing questioned loudly. At this moment, their clothes were all in tatters, and there were scratches everywhere, all thanks to Adri.

What Adri released for the second time just now was his own sword intent, which was naturally extremely sharp.

"Huh? Woman? Who allowed you to call me that! That's my precious daughter!"

Adri turned around in a blink of an eye, came to the bald man, picked up his collar and lifted him up.

"Remember it, that's my child!" Adri threw it aside casually, cut it and ignored it.

Adri returned to the sofa, raised his hand, and pointed to one of them:
"Take me to see Im."

"How can you call an adult by his name!"

"This is my privilege, there is something you call watching."

Adrian snapped back angrily.

Wu Laoxing really offended him this time, and he, who is usually gentle and gentle, didn't bother to confront these guys for so long.

This time Wu Laoxing also knew that he had touched the opponent's bottom line and didn't say anything.

This time, the majesty of their five old stars was also thrown on the ground and rubbed.

They didn't fight back either.

It's just because of the orders of their adults, and also because of the lingering shadow blessing from decades ago.

Suddenly, a door next to it opened, and an ethereal voice came.

"come in."

It's Im.

Adri got up, stopped looking at Wulaoxing, and walked straight over.

Behind the door is the Void Throne, and above the countless steps is a black figure sitting on the Void Throne.

As soon as Adri entered the room, the door closed.

"What did you come to do with me?"

The ethereal voice sounded again.

Adri looked up at Im who was on the throne, and said with an unhappy expression:

"Your attitude makes me very uncomfortable, let me adjust the angle."

As he said that, Adri stepped back, and a throne suddenly appeared. Then, the land rose up from the ground, lifting the throne all at once, and extending it to the same level as Im.

"Okay, this is the height we should be, Im."

Adri crossed his hands on his legs and looked at each other coldly.

"Adri, you are still the same as before."

Im sighed.

"Yes, thank you for the compliment."

"I'm not praising you."

"I will."

Im sighed slightly and paused:
"Tell me, why are you looking for me?"

"What?" Adri laughed. "It's just to stop you idiots from thinking about my precious girl."

"Hmph, don't think about her? We'll be fine if we don't pursue you this time!"

Im's tone was ruthless. This time, Adri broke the bridge connecting the Gate of Justice and caused several warships to sink.

Although the other party has restrained, the declaration of war by the video phone bug can be said to make Im angry.

"Really, I should be the one who said this sentence."

Adrian replied flatly.

Im's tone became playful, and he looked Adri up and down.

"With your broken body now?"

Adri did not speak this time, but remained silent for a long time, and said:
"If I want to, I can kill you at any time, Im."

"Then, your current body cannot support your words, Adri."

"Whether you can hold it or not is not up to you."

"You can do anything for those unrelated children, Adri, you actually made your body so dilapidated, hahaha."

"If you laugh one more time, I will tell you that you will never be able to laugh."

Adri's complexion suddenly sank, and Im closed his mouth wisely, he knew that the man in front of him was angry.

No more words, after a long time, Im spoke:

"You are not afraid that you have to stay here today, a guy who is strong in the outside world."

"Would you, Im? You're busy now, too. The prophesied important guy is coming."

"Cut, you don't need to say more."

(End of this chapter)

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