Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 135 Sauron's Challenge

Chapter 135 Sauron's Challenge

After staying in the capital of seven waters for a few days, the merchant ship of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce set sail again.

After a certain distance has been driven.

"Eh? Father is gone!"

Rossindi exclaimed.

It was reported by the crew on the ship.

Rossindi looked at No. [-], No. [-], No. [-] and it was these three who confirmed that Adri was there.But in fact, there is no Adriatic figure in the cabin.

At this moment, the three of them bowed calmly and said:

"Master Rossi, the master has gone to Miss Robin's place, so you don't have to wait for him."

"What, why didn't you tell me when you went there? My father is really capricious."

At this point, Luo Xidi was a little helpless, originally thinking of pulling his father to help with the affairs.

And the Straw Hats are fleeing from Luffy's grandfather Garp.

Karp threw the shells in his hands, hitting after hitting.

Just when everyone was struggling, the door of the cabin opened, and it was the missing Adri who came out.

"Hey guys, haven't you figured it out yet?"

"Eh? Why are you here?!"

"Aren't you Luffy's Grandpa Adri?"

"Yo, Grandpa Adri!"

"Grandpa Adri, why are you here?"

"That's it."

Adri touched the back of his head and moved his body:
"I just stopped by to see Robin, and I plan to come to you to rest for a while."

"Hey, now is not the time to talk about this!"

Sauron interrupted.

Because at this moment countless shells hit them.

"give it to me."

Adri said indifferently, and then disappeared in place.

"Whether it's true or not, I didn't see clearly."

"So fast."

"Look, it's in mid-air!"

Facing the countless incoming cannonballs at this moment, Adri was unhurried, suspended in mid-air, and then with a wave, a bunch of dark flames appeared and turned into a wall to block the movement of the cannonballs.The fast-moving shell that was originally thrown by Karp stopped moving as soon as it touched the black flame, and finally was blocked from the flame due to lack of power, and fell into the sea.


"How did you do it!"


"Ability I've never seen before!"

The Straw Hats all admired.

And the navy ship.

"Report to Lieutenant General, an unknown figure appeared over the straw hat in a while, blocking your shells!"

"Stupid, the old man can see it!"

Garp said, not forgetting to glance at the flame with a deep expression.

He was very familiar with that flame, it was Adri.

Karp said to himself:
"Why is that Adriatic guy on Luffy's boat?"

"Lieutenant General Garp, what did you say?"

"It's nothing, keep getting me the shells!"


For the Straw Hats, Adrian fell back to the deck.

"That's amazing, Grandpa Adri."

"Yeah, it's unprecedented!"

"How did you manage to suspend in mid-air?"

The words of the crowd surged up all of a sudden.

Ade didn't change his face, and slowly replied:

"Prepare to escape first, Karp's shells are a bit difficult to pick up."


"Hey, quickly put away the sails, I have a secret weapon!"

"Wind to jet!"

The ship quickly sprinted forward and flew out of the sight of Garp and others, and also faded out of the sight of everyone in the capital of seven waters.

The Straw Hat Crew's new ship, Wanli Sunshine, sets sail!

The Straw Hats, celebrating their escape, are happily drinking beer.

"Hey, cheers to the two crew members who have returned, as well as the new Franky and Grandpa Adri!"

"Hey, Luffy, I'm just staying here temporarily." "Ah~, what, Grandpa Adri, why don't you just join my pirate group!"

Before Adri opened his mouth, Nami spoke first:

"Hey, Luffy, don't embarrass Grandpa Adri."

Adri waved his hand helplessly:
"It's okay, Nami-chan."

Then Adri looked at Luffy again, pressed the opponent's straw hat, and said:

"Luffy, I won't join. Grandpa Adri has a lot of work to do. Now I'm here to take a vacation with you. Do you agree?"

Luffy removed the straw hat and looked at Adri:

"Of course, I welcome Grandpa Adri very much. I really miss the days when I was beaten up by Grandpa Adri."

"Huh? Luffy, did you commit a crime before and was beaten up by Mr. Adri."

Sanji was puzzled.

Luffy replied without hesitation:

"Oh, I just challenged Grandpa Adri and got punched."

"Nani! Challenge!"

"Luffy, how old are you!"

"That is to say, you actually took the initiative to challenge?"

"Well~, then Ace challenged Grandpa Adri, so I couldn't hold back."

"Really, it seems that you brothers still have something in common."

"Who is Ace?"

Frankie wondered.

"Oh, it's Luffy's brother."

"So that's the case. I didn't expect our captain to have an older brother."

Nami suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Grandpa Adri, the masked man who saved me before was you!"

"Nami-chan, it's really me."

"It was really dangerous before. I didn't even come to say thank you, Grandpa Adri."

"Indeed, you were the one who kicked me to the other side!"

"Mr. Ardley is the man who threw us over the falls before."

"That one sword split the Judiciary Island in two."

Usopp said.

Robin nodded:
"That's right, it's my father. At that time, my father sneaked into CP9 to rescue me. He happened to see you coming to rescue me, so he brought you together."

"So that's it. I said why the masked man was so protective of you back then."

"I just said why the other party came to rescue me for no reason. I was really scared to death at the time."

"Wow, that's amazing. Mr. Adree can actually split Judiciary Island in two! Unfortunately, I didn't see it."

Chopper lamented that he had fallen into a coma at that time.

Sauron once again recalled the surge of emotion at that time, and couldn't help but draw his sword.

"Hey, Sauron, what are you doing?"

"That is to say, why did you suddenly draw your sword?"

I saw Sauron pointing his sword at Adri.

"Mr. Adri, dare to challenge."

"What, Sauron, are you right?"

"That's the one who split Judicial Island in half with a single swipe!"

"Wow, Sauron wants to challenge Grandpa Adri, too, so do I!"

"Hey, Luffy, don't make trouble."

"Wait a minute, Zoro, calm down!"

"I can't stand it. Meeting a strong man makes me excited. My knife is screaming!"

Adri didn't take out his sword, but approached Sauron, and said calmly:

"You are a three-sword swordsman, my child, but you only have two swords now."

Adri asked Sauron to put the knife down.

Indeed, Sauron's snow walk was damaged in the duel and is no longer usable.

Adri continued:
"If you want to challenge me, it's still too early, come back when you are back to the top."

Sauron raised the two knives again without hesitation:

"Please enlighten me."

Sauron doesn't want to miss it, even if he only has two knives now, it doesn't hinder his pursuit of a strong heart!

Adri shook his head and couldn't help but sigh with emotion:
"What a stubborn child, if that's the case, come from the very beginning and see if you have the courage to face me!"

Suddenly, a sharp aura emanated from Adriatic body, rushing towards Sauron like a broken bamboo!

(End of this chapter)

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