Chapter 143 I Refuse

magic triangle
Dread Barque

Just defeated the Moria Straw Hats

"By the way, I forgot one important thing."

Nami covered her mouth, her pupils dilated unconsciously, and a figure appeared in her mind.

Usopp turned around:
"what happened?"

Nami replied slowly:
"I forgot that guy existed."

At this moment, even Robin asked curiously:

"what happened?"

Nami quickly turned her head and said loudly:
"Something is bad..."

But before Nami finished speaking, a voice came from not everyone present.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, following the sound, a huge figure above the collapsed tall building was particularly conspicuous under the reflection of the sun.

The opponent is tall and tall, wearing a trapezoidal white hat with scattered brown spots on his head, and two bear ears on the hat.With rimless glasses.

This person is Bartholomi Okuma, who is also one of the Seven Martial Seas under Genmoria!
At this moment, he is sitting on top of the ruins, holding a book in his left hand and a phone bug in his right hand.

The voice came from the phone bug in Big Bear's hand.

"I see."

Said the voice of the phone bug.

Everyone was startled and looked up at the figure of the big bear under the sun at this moment.

The voice from the phone bug rang again:
"Have you experienced an unknown premonition?"

Big Bear replied calmly, his voice was so gentle:

"It seems so."

Everyone looked towards Big Bear.

"Who is that..."

Usopp asked uncertainly, the other party didn't feel good to him.


Nami's trembling voice came.

Nami began to pant, cold sweat began to flow down, her hands trembled involuntarily.

"Everyone, calm down and listen to me." Nami swallowed and tried to keep herself calm. "When I was fighting Moriah and the others, I forgot to mention that there is another one on this island, Shichibukai!"

For a moment, everyone trembled unconsciously.

Usopp asked in disbelief:

"What did you say!?"

Usopp looked at the bear on the high place again, and shouted:
"That is."

"Seven Wuhai!"

"Why, how could this be!"

"Why are there two Shichibukai on the same island!"

The phone bug rang again:
"It's hard to decide Crocodile's successor, and one more vacancy for Shichibukai will be lost. Does he still have a breath?"

"do not know."

Bear opened his mouth slowly.

"As long as he is still alive, wait for him to recover. I hope he will continue to serve as Qi Wuhai for the time being. We will deal with him later. If he is killed one after another, the name of Qi Wuhai will lose its majesty."

"This news can't be spread to the world, it's really nerve-wracking guys..."

At this moment, someone also recognized the bear's identity.

"By the way, that pirate called the Tyrant, Bartholomew Bear."

"That guy is the Tyrant Bear!" "The one who is extremely cruel"

But the bear on the ruins didn't pay attention, but continued to listen to the voice of the phone bug.

"You understand what I mean, don't you?"

"The failure of Moria cannot be allowed. The world government has issued a special mission with the existence of witnesses: to wipe out everyone on that island, including the Straw Hats."

"a piece of cake."

Xiong's plain voice made everyone present couldn't help but be surprised.

The bear moved, stood up slowly, and took off the gloves.
Adrian is sitting at the table at the moment, flipping through books.

At this time, the black pendant on the chest began to emit black light, shaking constantly.

Adri put down the book in his hand and put the bookmark in it.

His slender fingers picked up the black pendant and placed it in front of his eyes. It was strange that this time the pendant was still emitting heat, and there was a cloud of white mist swirling inside.

Adri knocked on the pendant, which was still shaking and making a buzzing sound.

Looks like a certain kid is in a bit of trouble.

Which child is it?

Adri got up, came to a bookshelf, turned out a black notebook, and stroked the dust on it.

"It hasn't worked for a while."

Open the book and turn the pages.

"Page 2513 and one, is it here? It doesn't seem to be 360, 370, 370-370. It's here."

Adri browsed the writing on it, sighed softly, closed the notebook, rushed into it and put it back on the bookshelf, hesitated for a moment, then pulled it out again, walked to the place where he was sitting just now, and put the notebook on the table above, ignore it.Adri came to the window, looking at the scenery outside, thinking about something.

Is he going?
It seems unnecessary.

At this time, Adri's pendant flickered faster. Adri felt a little bad, and a bad feeling came to his heart. Soon the pendant stopped flickering, but the white smoke inside also disappeared, replaced by It's more violent shaking and loud humming.

Adrien held the pendant tightly in his hand and tried to control it, but the pendant was struggling like a disobedient child.

Adri felt something, and when he turned his head again, three figures had appeared behind him.

"No. [-], you go there once, and the rest follow me."

"Remember the guys over there don't provoke them easily."


I'm afraid only Adri and No. [-] understand who Adri is talking about.

Then No. [-] and No. [-] followed Adri out of the gate, leaving No. [-] behind. No. [-] straightened his hat and looked out the window. He had to go to perform his task.

On the side of the Straw Hats, the bear teleported to Sauron, no matter how Sauron attacked, it was useless.The bear's meatball fruit can bounce off damage, and a bear-like pad will grow in the palm of the hand. The pad can bounce off anything it touches. When the power is small, the opponent's blow and the swordsman's slash can all be destroyed. Can pop open.

So all Sauron's attacks seemed so futile.

Sauron, who was already deeply injured, also seemed so powerless at this moment.

And the opponent can also bounce the air into a palm-shaped shock wave and continuously penetrate objects.If the meat ball in the palm is ejected, it will exert pressure on a large area of ​​the atmosphere to form a small meat ball-shaped air mass. After one release, it will produce a powerful shock wave with extremely destructive power under the reaction force of the atmosphere.

Franky has already been attacked by this move and was defeated head-on. He can only lie on the ground at this moment, unable to move!

Sanji's ground meat kick had no effect on the bear, the bear just scratched the wound, and Sanji's leg was nearly broken.

At this moment, this overwhelming strength makes people unable to change, defeating everyone's inner defense.

The big bear began to shrink the atmosphere, and the originally huge meatball-shaped atmosphere was compressed into the size of a palm under the bear's fruit ability.

If such a large amount of air is restored to its original state, the explosive power, for example, is a huge shock wave, a bomb!

Xiong held the air bomb in his hand and looked at everyone present.

"I can let you go."

"In exchange for it, give me the head of Straw Hat Luffy."

Immediately, the sound of the entire venue was extinguished, maintaining a quiet state, everyone's face sank, and they said in unison:
"I reject!"

(End of this chapter)

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