Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 148 Numbered Person

Chapter 148 Numbered Person

"Adri! You bastard!!!"

The roar of the golden lion spread throughout the floating island.

The golden lion who fell in the corner stood up quickly, his face was still hot, and he touched his red skin with trembling hands. The pain spread all over his body, and his bones were also sore because of the continuous smashing of the wall, but these None of them were enough to make Jin Shi feel painful. What made him angry the most was that he was punched in front of everyone and flew far away.

Thinking of this incident made Golden Lion's face scald hot. This is a shame, a naked shame!
Let him lose face in public!
The golden lion looked angrily at the black-haired man in front of him, he was very familiar with this man, Adri, this old man, is not dead yet.

The Golden Lion yelled at Adri in front of him:
"Adri, are you crazy!?"

Indeed, in the view of the Golden Lion, the two had no grievances and no enmity, and they were both people from the old era. Adri was definitely crazy this time, so he punched him as soon as he came up and had nothing to do, especially in full view of everyone. Down!
Adri moved his body a little bit, looked indifferently at the golden lion who wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said:

"Where is my son?"

The golden lion roared:

"Your son? I don't know about your son! Huh? You still ask me!"

The golden lion was really furious, he was hit like this for no reason, what did he think!He thought of countless reasons to make Adri furious, but he never thought that it would be such a
"Wait? Son?"

"Huh?! Adri! You actually have a son, and someone like you actually has a son!"

"Are you kidding me!"

"I've never seen such a poor excuse before."

The golden lion gradually became insane, he couldn't get angry, and smashed the wall next to him with a single punch.

"Adri, old friend, why do you want to"

Golden Lion stopped abruptly in the middle of his words, because he could clearly feel the change in Adri's momentum, which can only show one thing, what he said is true.Adri's situation at the moment made Golden Lion frowned, and took a deep breath of the cigar that hadn't dropped.

"Really, a person like you."

This is the second time Golden Lion has said this, and he is right, in his impression of Adri, how could a person like him have a son!

Adri moved his muscles and bones again and made a "click" sound:

"Ski, one last time, where is my son?"

The aura on Adriatic body began to run wild, raging around, and felt that even the air began to distort and change, as if centered on Adriatic, there was an inexplicable flame surrounding him and spreading to all directions, and the whole area seemed to be engulfed in a sea of ​​flames middle.

The Golden Lion could feel that the surrounding temperature began to rise. He seemed to have never known Adri before. He had never seen Adri with such a terrifying expression, never seen it!The golden lion's aura became chaotic, and his breathing became rapid. He was so strong that he couldn't help being frightened at the moment. This was an unprecedented feeling, but his strong heart supported him.

The golden lion looked straight, he knew that Adri was coming for real this time, but the problem now is that he doesn't know who is Adri's son at all, but would he ask with the pride of the golden lion, of course not, I saw the corner of the Golden Lion's mouth twitching, revealing a wild smile, and looked at Adri with crazy eyes:
"Adri, if you want to know the answer, come here! Beat me! Only the winner has the right to speak!"

Golden Lion felt his blood surging, his muscles contracting, his whole body was shaking, it was excitement, it was his last blood being activated, meeting an old acquaintance was not easy.There is no need to say much about the duel between the strong.He, Shi Ji, the golden lion, won't be called around by others, and he has to answer when others ask him?That's impossible, if you want to ask something from Shiji's mouth, you must defeat him!
On the other side, No. [-]'s side is sweeping wildly.

"Run! They are demons!"

"Damn, what is the origin of this group of people!"

"Let you see how powerful I am, ah!"

"Do you know who I am!, I am"

"You can't kill me because, because, ah!"

The killing was going on, countless screams and exclamations, and blood was flowing, soaking the entire hall.

The pirates were calling for help, but it was of no avail. No matter how many people came, they could not escape their final fate. They turned into dye on the floor, and the smell of blood filled the air, as if the air was covered with threads of blood, floating in the air visible to the naked eye.

The floor and the walls were splashed with blood. The blood seemed to be a naughty child playing happily in the entire hall, and his traces were everywhere.

The corpses were piled up one by one and pushed into a mountain of corpses. No. 11 dragged the corpses forward slowly. He was only responsible for cleaning up the battlefield, but he would make a few stabs occasionally to avoid people taking advantage of the chaos.

One person dragged the corpse like this, walking in the corpse mountain, like a god of death, pulling the dead soul to hell.

They don't participate in the massacre of the first few, that belongs to them.

On Adrien's side, those with numbers are called numberers.

Numbered persons have no names, only a numerical code, no one knows their past, only know that they are the confidants of the King of Sea, absolute loyalists and followers.

The strength of the top three numbers is the strongest, belonging to the top strength, and the second step is the remaining top ten.

They are also really strong, and they are the best at fighting and the like.

At the third level are the remaining NO.20 people.At present, they know a total of 30 numbered people. The next 20 people all have their own specialties, or they have special talents or innate skills, but their strength is not much worse, but in I can't stand it in front of the first ten people.

Except for number one, the top ten people were all present, slaughtering wantonly, except for a certain group of people.

Former member of Thor Pirates
I don't know if it's a coincidence or a coincidence, these masked guys have been avoiding these guys intentionally or unintentionally, which makes them very curious that even if they take the initiative to attack, they are only subdued by the opponent, and the opponent is killing all directions even though there are only ten people .

This was finally discovered by a member of the Thor Pirates, and said in a trembling voice:

"Don't you think these people are familiar?"


"It feels like."


"They have the same costumes as NO.14! The same hat and windbreaker for thousands of years!"

"And they all have digital masks!"

"Hey, hey! Shouldn't it be!"

At this time, all the members began to get nervous. If they hadn't betrayed, they should have laughed at this moment, but at this moment, they clearly knew what happened to No.14 in the end, and they tied up No.14 and handed it to the Golden Lion of.

At this moment, their hearts were extremely cold.

Since the opponent is No.14, it means that he is here to save No.14 or the captain.

Then they should not know the fact that they defected, they can be said to bear the humiliation to come undercover.

Now, apart from No. [-] and No. [-], they are still fighting with Dr. Indigo and Scaledo, the subordinates of the Golden Lion.

The rest of the numberers have already successfully cleared the field, and now they are all looking at the original Thor Pirates. These people have seen how powerful they are.

"That, that."

Urki was about to say what they said, and it was probably not certain that the other party hadn't done anything to them.

But before Urki finished speaking, NO.11 shook off the blood on his hand, took out a piece of paper from the pocket of the windbreaker, and began to read.




"Ryan Nelson."

"David Kate."


As the names were pronounced one by one, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that the other party knew their names.

Urqui still wanted to smooth things over, but was stopped again by NO.11's words:

"You traitors, who eat everything inside and out, betray your own captain, you deserve to be killed, but it's not up to us, but we will beat you until you can't move."

At this moment, the breath of everyone in the original Thor Pirates suddenly became fierce, and Urki, who was still smiling just now, suddenly turned gloomy, and directly picked up his weapon.

The rest of the people also took out their weapons and prepared to fight.

"Damn, I didn't expect to know such details."

"Now that I know, I can only invite you to die!"


"In that case, let's fight!"

But compared to them, the numberers seemed much calmer. Their windbreakers were clean, and even their white masks were not stained with blood.

Only their hands are still dripping with blood, and their weapons still have the stumps and blood of the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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