Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 151 Black Flame

Chapter 151 Black Flame
"Ski, I don't want to play with you now."

Adri put the sword away and said in a flat tone.

"Huh? What do you mean!"

The Golden Lion didn't understand, so Adri put down his sword, which basically means abstention, a symbol of giving up fighting, but looking at Adri doesn't seem to mean that, I saw Adri slowly took off his gloves, and two groups of black flames appeared impressively.

"Jiehahahaha, Adri, your ability always surprises me."

Adri did not use the black flame to attack, the black flame in his hand began to change shape, showing abnormal reflections under the sunlight, shining a ghostly light, under the light, Adri's face looked cold and aloof.

In the end, the black flame in Adrian's hand finally turned into a sword. Gradually, the flame dissipated slowly, and what suddenly appeared was a black sword inlaid with precious stones. The sword refracted light under the sun, and its sharpness The light of the sword dazzled people's eyes. Adri held the sword in one hand and stroked the sword with the other. Adri's cold eyes were reflected on the blade of the sword.

The golden lion can feel the extraordinaryness of this sword just by watching from a distance, and the golden lion also holds a black knife in his hand:

"Hey, Adri, why have I never seen your sword before?"

Golden Lion claims to be very familiar with Adri, and he thought the previous sword was the limit.

He had never seen such a sword that made him shudder. The opponent's sword was definitely not something in the pool, but it gave people a sense of chaos and rejection, which made the golden lion feel dangerous.

The golden lion swooped forward, and the two swords were facing each other. It was hard to distinguish the winner for a while. Adri and the golden lion both used force, and the two bounced away. Adri rushed forward and confronted the golden lion here. Both bounced off again.

The two of you come and go, causing two figures to appear in the sky, one yellow and one black are fighting fast in the sky, constantly colliding and impacting, the two are hard to distinguish for a while, as time goes by, the golden lion It is already a little difficult to rely on swordsmanship alone, and has even begun to fall into a disadvantage.

The functional coordination of the Golden Lion is getting worse and worse, and it gradually begins to feel powerless. The chassis is unstable, and he staggers. Adri seizes the opportunity and goes up with a sword. The sword directly hits the shoulder of the Golden Lion. Fortunately, the armed color of the Golden Lion is wrapped around On the upper body, the bleeding was avoided, but it also made the Golden Lion feel uncomfortable for a while.

The Golden Lion hurriedly used the fruit ability to distance itself, but Adri can also fly directly, which made the Golden Lion very embarrassed. dilemma.

"Hey, Adri, aren't you worried about your men?"

Golden Lion changed the topic, trying to distract Adri.


With a flat tone, Adri looked at the opposite golden lion without any emotion.

The golden lion thought he had an expression of success:

"You are worried about your subordinates now, why not worry about yourself first."

"Return the original words." The two fought again.




The two sides fought again.The golden lion's palm suddenly clenched:
"Lion Power Earth Scroll!"

The ground began to tremble and bulge rapidly, turning into lions and rushing towards Adri. The huge lion mountain seemed to cover the sky and the sun, and the huge earth rolls made people feel retreat for a while. In front of him, even the Golden Lion himself seemed extremely small at this moment.

Lions one after another rushed towards Adri. Adri first charged up, and the sword intent came out from the sword. A quick horizontal slash repelled the blow, but the ground that had turned into powder began to reassemble. Condensed into the original lion shape, here it surges towards Adri like a wave.

Because the golden lion is a fluttering person, it can make itself or objects float in the air without gravity, and can control the touched objects (that is, non-living bodies) to float.This is the principle of Lion Wei Dijuan.

Adri made several quick slashes, and the incoming lion mountain was shattered into fragments here. Adri directly dodged and disappeared from the attacking sight of other lion mountains, causing the remaining two lion mountains to collide with each other and turn into nothingness.

And Adrian watched this scene quietly above the altitude of [-] meters:

After casually uttering two words, he immediately flew towards the golden lion. To deal with a capable person, you can't use hard steel, especially the type like the golden lion. You just need to jump over the attack and hit the yellow dragon.The sword lights of the two swords collided here, and the collision in the air caused a wave of air waves, which radiated to the surroundings, and the golden lion received a lot of damage.

The swords of the two clashed again, and the Golden Lion tried his best but felt exhausted.

Because his slashing strikes are always weak, and Adri’s flame turned into a sword has the effect of unloading force. Every attack of the Golden Lion is like a fist hitting a sponge, which makes people miserable and uncomfortable. The impact on Adri's side is very small.

The golden lion gritted his teeth, looking a little unwilling. Why did his attacks seem to be tickling the opponent, which made him feel extremely bad, and the whole person was getting more and more annoyed. He had already started to go mad with anger, and thanks to a veteran like Jin Shishi, he reluctantly endured it.

The Golden Lion once again distanced itself:

"Lion Power Earth Scroll!"

The golden lion repeated its old tricks, trying to delay it for a while, but a huge evil spirit was enveloped in an instant, and the air waves rolled and flowed, hitting the Lion Mountain powerfully and powerfully. Then, suddenly, the evil spirit strengthened again, smashing the rocks directly, and the Lion Mountain instantly turned into pieces and rushed to the surroundings.

Not to be outdone, the Golden Lion manipulated the gravel and violently attacked Adri. Seeing that the dense gravel was about to hit Adri, Adri flung it back casually without any haste, and a black flame turned into a wall. Blocking the direction of the gravel, as soon as the gravel touched the black flame, the originally extremely fast speed began to slow down, until it stopped and finally fell back to the ground.

"Jie ha ha ha! Adri, you are really not simple."

The golden lion pretended to be cheerful, but his expression was deep, and his face was not very good-looking. The mysterious flame of the other party was too dreadful, so he had to guard against it.

The Golden Lion clenched his fists and looked at Adri. It seems that he is going to have a big fight today
Adrian didn't speak.

the other side

No. [-] and No. [-] brought Dr. Indigo to a cage, and it was Enilo who stayed in the cage.

Anilo has fallen into a coma.

"Master Enel!"

No. [-] shattered the cage in a hurry, while Dr. Indigo backed up silently, as if looking for an opportunity, but after only a few steps back, he felt something, and Dr. Indigo slowed down. Turning his head slowly, it was No. [-]'s sharp long sword directly on Dr. Indigo's neck.

Dr. Indigo was sweating profusely. Fearing that the number two player would slip, he quickly stretched out his hands and expressed his surrender again.

Afterwards, Dr. Indigo only felt black in front of his eyes, and fell to the ground unconscious
(End of this chapter)

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