Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 164 Tour of the Chambord Islands

Chapter 164 Tour of the Chambord Islands
"Oh! Grandpa, look quickly, the bubble car!"

Bryce tried to speak calmly, but couldn't hide his excitement.

The man called Grandpa patted Bryce on the head:

"Like it? Then let's rent one."

"Why not buy one?"

"Because there is no need to waste money, no matter how rich the family is, they can't afford to spend it indiscriminately."

The man patiently explained, and continued:
"This kind of bubble car can only be used in the Chambord Islands. Once it leaves the island and leaves the climate range of the Chambord Islands, the bubble will burst."

"I see."

Bryce nodded like a little adult, and then took out the small notebook he carried with him and started to record.

The two of them rented a bubble car. The man wanted to hold Bryce in the back seat, but was refused. Bryce climbed up by himself, indicating that he had grown up.

The man also laughed it off, sat in the front seat and began to step on the pedals, and the bubble car moved accordingly.

The two just wandered in this dreamlike world.

After a while, they encountered a riot.

A tall, fierce fellow, panting heavily, with a special collar around his neck, was yelling:

"Help me take it off!"

The other party held the collar around his neck with his hands, and the people around him kept giving way, avoiding like the plague.


"take this"

"Take this off for me!"

"I, I want to go home too!"

The people around gave way one after another and scattered in all directions.

Bryce watched this scene and asked:
"Grandpa, what's going on?"

The panic around him didn't affect him, and he remained calm.

The man also noticed this, stopped the bubble car, got out of the car, picked up Bryce, and said:
"It's a slave of the Tianlong people..."

Upon hearing these words, little Bryce's eyes revealed deep and resentful expressions.

"Dragon slaves..."

Bryce murmured.

The man walked aside with Bryce in his arms, away from the man who had been begging madly for people to drop his title.


Bryce said, his eyes looked at the poor slave, who fell to the ground humbly at the moment, tears streaming down his face.

Blaise wanted to say something, but couldn't.

The man's face became serious:
"Bryce, you know, the chances of him getting away are low."

Bryce lowered his head and clenched his fists.

"But, but, Grandpa... I still want to save him."

"Bryce, I know you are disgusted because of your mother. But you have to face the reality, you are unarmed now. Even if you can save one, you can't save all of them."

"But." Bryce's voice began to become firm, and he gradually raised his head, "but I hope to save one! I never thought about being a savior, but I just don't want life to disappear before my eyes! I don't want to regret it for the rest of my life! Maybe his family is waiting for him, poor man! He has the right to be free!"

It's hard to imagine that these words were spoken by a child, and it's also hard to imagine how determined Bryce is to say these words. He has already made a clear goal in his heart. This is what he thinks and what he expects !
The man's expression softened, he stroked Bryce's golden hair, and said softly:
"Since you have made up your mind, let grandpa realize it for you now."

As he spoke, the man raised his hand casually, and the slave who had just been moaning helplessly disappeared in an instant, which attracted the attention of many people present.

But the man doesn't care about that, he only cares about his grandson, Bryce.

"The collar on his neck has been touched, what a lucky guy to send him home."

The man said to Bryce.

Bryce nodded to show that he understood. He was put down by his grandfather and held his grandfather's hand tightly.

Bryce's grandfather glanced at his grandson and said:
"I hope that when you grow up, you can remember what you said today."

"Okay, Grandpa, I see."

Bryce seemed to have made up his mind, and bit his lip. After a while, several figures appeared. They were wearing bubble helmets, and a chain in their hands connected several slaves.

One of them spoke: "Father, my toy is missing."

"Forget it, let's buy you another one."

The people around did not dare to speak, they all knelt down to make way for these people, and no one dared to speak until these people passed by, while Bryce and the man appeared on the high-rise building, looking down all of these.

Bryce's eyes showed extreme disgust, and the man's expression seemed to be looking at livestock.

"It's disgusting."

Bryce said without any grievances, in his opinion, this is the truth.

The man stood aside, with his hands in his pockets, and said:
"Bryce, you have to remember that in this world, except for kneeling parents, no one else has any qualifications."

"Yes, grandpa."

Bryce watched the departure of those Celestial Dragons with contempt, and he looked away when they disappeared completely.

"Grandpa, I mean if, if one day I can't bear it, what should I do?"

Blaise looked up at the man.

The man smiled softly and replied:
"You don't have to bear it at all. As long as you are willing, those Tianlong people just now are dead."

NO.13 area

Xia Qi's Ripped off BAR
The man leads Bryce through the door.

"Welcome, what do you want?"

Said a young-looking woman with short black hair and a spider-patterned blouse.He is the owner of the bar, the original pirate, Xia Qi.

Seeing the person coming, Xia Qi was a little surprised:
"I didn't expect it to be you."

The man also said hello:

"Long time no see, Xia Ke Ya Ke Xia Qi."

"Long time no see, this kid is"

The man dragged Bryce to him and said:
"It's my grandson."

"Yah la la, it's really strange, a person like you."

Bryce also introduced himself as a gentleman:

"Hello ma'am, I'm Gilder Bryce."

"Hello, sweet little gentleman."

Xia Qi responded with a cigarette in her mouth, and said:

"Want something to drink?"

"I'm casual. The man naturally found a place to sit down, and Bryce sat aside obediently.

"Would you like some orange juice, little one?"

Xia Qi asked.

Bryce looked at the man first, only to see the man nodded slightly.

"Okay, thank you, sister Xia Qi."

Xia Qi was taken aback for a moment, covered her mouth and smiled:
"What a lovely child." Xia Qi handed over the orange juice, "It's just that I'm already very old, so don't call me that. In terms of age, I'm the same as your grandfather."

Bryce nodded half-understanding, and took a sip of the orange juice.

Then Bryce took out his handkerchief, wiped his mouth gently, and asked:
"What's the relationship between Miss Xia Qi and Grandpa?"

Bryce was still very curious about this, because his grandfather had always been single, and as a grandson, Bryce wanted to match him up.

Xia Qi, who understood the meaning, smiled slightly:
"What's the matter, little Bryce, don't you have a grandmother?"

"Yes, it is!"

"Hi, Bryce."

The man yelled softly.

Bryce ignored the man's call and waited for Xia Qi's answer.

Xia Qi put her hands on her face, thought carefully, and then said:
"Adri and I...Little guy, do you want to guess?"

(End of this chapter)

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