Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 171 Matthew Mills

Chapter 171 Matthew Mills

On an uninhabited island in the south of the Chambord Islands.

Matthew Mills stood in a pool of blood at this moment, surrounded by the corpses of some large animals.

Then Matthew Mills changed into dry clothes, stripped the meat from the animals, and began the delicious barbecue session.

He first lit a fire, then processed the meat, and finally created a bunch of seasonings out of thin air and sprinkled them on the meat.

Roast on the fire for a while, and the delicious barbecue is out.

Matthew Mills gnawed on the barbecue with satisfaction. In his opinion, barbecue must be a must-have at home when he goes out to hunt and fill his stomach.

The first choice for travelers to eat outside.

Matthew Mills was wiping the sword and putting aside the endless barbecue. Suddenly, he heard a noise in the grass, and immediately became alert, holding the hilt of the sword directly.

But it turned out to be a rabbit. Matthew Mills breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body relaxed.

"What, it's just a rabbit."

Matthew Mills put down the hilt in his hand and put the sword back into the scabbard. In his opinion, he was just being supercilious.

My nerves have been a little tense lately and I haven't recovered yet.Matthew Mills held his forehead, and then began to tease the rabbit.

"It's interesting isn't it?"

The sudden sound startled Matthew Mills, he turned his head suddenly, only to see a slender figure appearing behind him.

Matthew Mills immediately held the blood sword at his waist, but the next moment the blood sword appeared in the hands of the person in front of him.

"It's you!"

Matthew Mills recognized the other person, it was the man from before, Matthew Mills panicked for a while, and shouted loudly.

And the man opposite him played with the blood sword in his hand, looked at it, and then said:
"A handful of junk."

"What, what do you say, what do you know?"

As he said that, Matthew Mills stepped forward to fight and got out of the blood sword. His physical skills are not bad, and he directly hit the opponent's waist with a horizontal kick. Seeing that the kick hit, Matthew Mills Si smiled, but he couldn't laugh the next moment, because the clear "click" sounded, and his bones cracked!

Severe pain came from his right leg bone, forcing Matthew Mills to fall to the ground and roll in pain. He covered his leg, his face was grim, and whimpering sounded. At that moment, he felt as if he had kicked the iron. The plank is average, but it is reasonable to say that with his current physical skills, kicking the iron plank should not be a problem, but the strong pain tells him that the person in front of him is definitely not ordinary.

He used all his strength in the blow just now, and he was ready to kick the opponent away, but he didn't expect that he was the one who was injured in the end.

Matthew Mills said with difficulty: "You, who are you!"

The other party ignored it, but continued to play with his blood sword. The blade of the blood sword was extremely sharp, but it was obviously not enough for the other party. Matthew Mills watched the other party's fingers brushing the edge of the sword in surprise, But his hand was not injured at all. You must know that this sword was produced by the system, and his hand would bleed when he touched it lightly, but what about the person in front of him!It was so intact that he couldn't believe his eyes, it was too miraculous for him that all this happened.

Finally, the pain subsided over time. Matthew Mills stood up tremblingly, calling the system frantically in his mind. The man in front of him was too dangerous. He was definitely not an ordinary person. He could feel his blood sword Trembling slightly, it is fear or timidity!It can actually scare the bloody it, which made Matthew Mills' heart sink again.

Thinking of what the other party said before, I feel strange again.

"System, system!"

"System! System!!"

No matter how Matthew Mills called at the moment, the system did not appear, even the smart panel did not appear, and even the space backpack could not be used at the moment, which also made him unable to escape at the moment, otherwise he would be able to keep up with the last time he faced the yellow ape. Get away as often as you do.

Faced with this change, Matthew Mills was in a hurry for a while, and the protection in his heart disappeared suddenly, causing him to fall to the ground, completely losing his previous confidence. His biggest trump card, the system, disappeared. He who relied on the system collapsed, and his mentality fell directly to the bottom.

The other party glanced at him and said disdainfully:
"Is this not going to work?"

The other party's ridicule did not arouse Matthew Mills' fighting spirit, but made Matthew Mills sweat coldly, and he was stunned. His intuition told him that it was related to the man in front of him!

The other party then threw the blood sword to the ground, right in front of Matthew Mills, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, Matthew Mills hurriedly picked it up, then dragged his legs to stand up again, drew his sword and pointed at the other party , but the next moment, his face directly collapsed, because at this moment 1 in his eyes, the blood radiating from the other party's body was actually black!
Overwhelming black!
what does that mean!
This means that the opponent's blood energy has condensed into black and solidified!
This means that he himself is no match for a monster like the other party!
What should he do!
He didn't even have the courage to swing a sword!

At this moment, he seemed to be nailed in place, and his eyes became terrified!

Trembling uncontrollably, cold sweat ran down his cheeks and dripped directly to the ground.

He held on to all the blood in his body to resist the black that spread from the opponent, but the mere light red couldn't resist the invading footsteps of black at all.

Matthew Mills vomited blood and spit out a big mouthful of blood. He felt as if his whole body was being hollowed out. He staggered. Thanks to the blood sword in his hand, he barely stood still. He looked at the other party with a serious face, but the other party's The cold eyes looked down at him without any emotion.

Matthew Mills was quite sober at the moment, but he had no time to care about the blood at the corner of his mouth. He tried to stand up, staggering, but still managed to stabilize his figure with the blood sword.

Looking at the trembling Matthew Mills, the other party's expression remained calm, he took out a notebook from his arms, and began to describe in an indifferent tone:

"Matthew Mills, the original soul, Li Longsheng, from the magic capital of the earth"

The tone without emotion has been uninterrupted, constantly stating the facts, yes, Matthew Mills' original name was Li Longsheng, but the person in front of him at this moment even knows his birth, education, life experience, and death experience It was very clear, and the more he talked, Matthew Mills' heart became colder and sank a little.

Until the other party knew the name of his system clearly, Matthew Mills was completely heartbroken. All his secrets were useless in front of the man in front of him. In the eyes of the other party, he had no privacy at all. Going on, Matthew Mills has begun to become numb, and has no expectations for the next thing.

Finally, the other party closed the notebook, the words stopped, and everything returned to calm.

Matthew Mills lowered his head, his hair was scattered randomly, and he looked weak, but suddenly his breath burst.
(End of this chapter)

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