Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 174 The truth of everything (this chapter is very important)

Chapter 174 The Truth of Everything (this chapter is very important)

It was Rossindi who entered.

Naturally, Rossindi also knew some news about Matthew Mills.

The title of "Blood Sword" is very resounding among the new pirates.

Rossindi didn't say much, but stepped forward and handed the document in his hand to Adri.

Adri took it with a smile and introduced it to Rossindi:

"This is Matthew Mills, my temporary guest."

Rosindi nodded, indicating that he understood, stepped forward to shake hands, and introduced himself:

"Hello, I'm Rossindi."

Matthew Mills hurriedly stepped forward, stood up, bowed his waist, and signaled hello.

Luo Xindi raised her eyebrows slightly, she didn't expect that the famous "Blood Sword" was so polite.But what he least expected was that his father actually invited a new pirate star to visit his house. This is really unprecedented, and it has never happened before, although there are quite a few members in their family as pirates.

Rossindi didn't say much and went out, but when Matthew Mills raised his head and saw Rossindi's face at close range, he was stunned for a moment.

Adri ignored Matthew Mills' abnormality, but told Rossindi:

"Rosie, remember to tell Diana to prepare one for Mr. Matthew Mills for dinner today."

"Okay, father."

Then Rossindi pushed the door and walked out.

Adri looked at Matthew Mills who was still thinking on the spot again, and he was muttering in his mouth at this moment:

"Rosie. Rossi shouldn't?"

"What are you thinking, boy?"

"Ah, no, it's nothing, but I always feel that the one just now is a bit familiar. It seems to be with."

Adri seemed to see through Ma Xu Mills' heart, and said:
"The one just now is my son, his full name is Rosindi, maybe you can change it to a name you are more familiar with, Corazon."

At this moment, Matthew Mills' mouth grew gradually, as if he had heard something extraordinary.

"Really?! He shouldn't be, sure enough! I just said why it looks familiar! It turns out that he wiped off the clown makeup on his face!"

Adrian smiled and looked at Mai Xu Mills and said excitedly.After all, Rossindi's iconic feather coat is so recognizable.

Next, Matthew Mills fell silent again, and he looked at Adri:

"Shouldn't Corazon be dead?"

"Young man, you need to know. You traversers can rewrite history, why can't I?"


Matthew Mills found himself in a misunderstanding, but this is a rare character he met in the plot. He first started in the South China Sea, and along the way he chose either to flee or to kill. Empty meets plot characters.

I finally arrived at Chambord Island, but I don’t know if it’s because of my bad luck or something. I still can’t meet the characters in the plot, and I pass them by. I want to find Rayleigh, the king of the underworld, but because of my own uncertainty, I didn’t act without authorization. , because the Chambord Islands are too big, and he doesn't have a guide, he can't find some plot points at all, even if he finds them, it will be difficult to meet them.

Plus Adri's warning.
"Well, boss, let me ask, why Corazon didn't die, is it because you adopted him as a child and didn't join the navy?"

Adri shook his head:

"No, Rossindi still went to the navy and went undercover to the Don Quixote family."

"Then why don't you stop him, you know he's going to die!"

Matthew Mills' tone began to become agitated, he also felt sorry for this character!

"Of course I know, so when Rosinindi was a child, I didn't adopt him alone. I also adopted his older brother, Doflamingo."

"Nani! Doflamingo! Don Quixote Doflamingo! The hero!"

Matthew Mills looked at Adri in disbelief, and Adri just nodded.

"Then you are Doflamingo's father?!!!" Adri nodded again:
"Is there any problem with that, boy, Dover is a good boy."

Matthew Mills didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Then Corazon was not shot?"

"He was shot anyway. By Dover himself."

"What! Aren't you joking? Obviously, the two brothers have grown up together, so there is no relationship basis! You are joking, right! How is this possible? At most, the other party will be put under house arrest. Why is the final result shot dead? !"

Matthew Mills burst into a fit of anger, yelling angrily.

Adrian's gaze became much calmer.

"Do you think I would? I've been trying to change that line, but sometimes you can't change your destiny."

"What kind of nonsense is this? Isn't this world yours? Why don't you stop it!! Those are your children!"

"Of course I know! But now I am a human body and can't reach the power of the original body. I am still affected by the way of heaven here. This is something I can't change for a while."


"At that time, in fact, Doflamingo didn't really want to kill Rosindi, but the consciousness of this world forcibly raised Doflamingo's anger and lowered the opponent's sanity, which led to this A farce."

Adri said very plainly, as if nothing had happened.

Matthew Mills also calmed down:
"Then Corazon has come back to life?"

"My resurrection cost a little price."

"Really. Then why did you abandon the Primarch and come here?"

"Young man, don't you think you're asking too much?"

Adri raised his head gloomyly and stared straight at Matthew Mills.

But suddenly his face changed again, and his face became amiable:

"Forget it, count your luck, we are destined, I will tell you."

Matthew Mills breathed a sigh of relief just now, he really felt like he was going to die, that kind of feeling like facing hell.

Matthew Mills sat down at Adri's gesture, ready to listen carefully.

"The reason why I came here is also because I was cheated. All in all, I can't enter this world as the original body. I can only influence the outside but can't feel it intuitively. This feeling is not what I wanted at the beginning, so I just I gave up the original body and created my own body to integrate into this world. As for the price, my strength can only reach the highest point that this world can bear."

Matthew Mills's pupils dilated. He didn't expect it to be like this at all. This is really unbelievable. He is as powerful as him, but he will be tricked, so it's better not to mention it.

"Okay, boy, do you have any doubts, I can answer them for you."

"No, no more, big brother, you can continue to talk about your story."

"Really? Then let me tell you about my children by the way?"

"Don't you have more than two children?"

"Of course, I have a total of three sons and one daughter. The other son is named Enilo, and the daughter is named Robin. Nicole Robin, is the young man familiar?"

"What? Stop talking?"

"Surprised? Are you okay?"

"No, no, big brother, you are a bit too aggressive, aren't you?"

"I just like kids."

Matthew Mills complained silently in his heart, why not adopt all the children, there are so many awesome characters.

Adrian smiled. He knew everything.

(End of this chapter)

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