Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 187 Sabo's Chapter Memory

Chapter 187 Sabo's Memories

in the submarine

Ace and Luffy accepted Luo's treatment, but Ace's condition did not get better, because Ace's inner trauma was too great after witnessing the death of the white beard father.

But luckily his life was saved.

Luffy's injuries were too serious, but fortunately, he didn't face Ace's constant tragic death as in the original book.

When he got on the submarine, Luffy fell down due to serious injuries, but there was a smile on his mouth.Because today he not only rescued his elder brother, but also recovered another elder brother. Everything today is so beautiful as if in a dream.

Luffy fell into a short sleep after undergoing surgery, and Sabo stayed by his side.

He looked at Ace, who was already awake, and said to himself:

"Ace, in fact, the shipwreck did not take my life. I was saved by the revolutionary army."

"Well, are you all right there?"

Ace looked at Sabo with a distressed face, looking at the two younger brothers beside him, he felt both sadness and happiness at the moment.

If Papa Whitebeard was present at this moment, everything would be perfect.

It's a pity that everything can't go back.

He looked at the lost and recovered Sabo, and he was still very happy in his heart. He temporarily put aside the death of his father, because people cannot be resurrected after death. Besides, he has another more important thing, that is, Blackbeard is still alive. Revenge for Papa Whitebeard!

"I'm fine, I'm the second in command of the Revolutionary Army now!"

Sabo said proudly.

"Really, that's really yours."

Ace was also happy for Sabo. After reuniting after a long absence, they didn't know what to talk about for a while, so they continued to be silent. The two looked at each other and smiled, and they both fell into silence by coincidence.

Sabo fell into memory.

Just two days ago.

Isle of White Earth, Baldigo

"Sabo, the leader is back and looking for you!"

"Oh, okay, I see, I'll be right here."

"By the way, wasn't the leader still at Techwolf's place before? Why did he come back suddenly?"

"I don't know, but it is said that the leader brought back a strange man."

"That may be a new partner, Kerla wait for me, I will come as soon as I go!"

"Who is waiting for you, go quickly, don't let the leader wait too long."

"Okay, okay!"

Sabo rushed to a room, tidied up his appearance, then knocked on the door, and pushed the door open after hearing the dragon's voice to come in.

There are only two people sitting in the room, one is his leader, the dragon.

The other was wearing a hat, pressed down very low, and couldn't see the other's appearance clearly. The other's legs were crossed, and his hands were placed in front of his abdomen. This stranger just turned his head slightly when Sabo entered, and did not make any other movements.

Sabo gave a slight salute to Long, which may not be used normally, but it is still necessary to give his leader a little face in front of the newcomer or guests in front of him.

Then Sabo stood in the middle of the table, with his hands behind his back, standing in a military posture, waiting for the dragon to give orders.

Long coughed and said:

"Sabo, don't be so solemn, just go as usual."

Sabo glanced at the person opposite Long and did as he did.

"Ahem, let me introduce you, this is the Sea King, one of the underground emperors."


Sabo sighed with emotion in a low voice, intending to re-examine the man in front of him. This low-key man in front of him didn't say a word after Sabo came in. It's really strange. Directly revealing the identity of the other party, this requires Sabo, the second in command, to think carefully.

First of all, the leader seems to respect him but is also afraid of him, so the other party is definitely not from his side, but has a relationship with the leader.

Secondly, the identity of the other party is really surprising. It may be a partner relationship, but in general cooperation, the location of one's own lair will never be exposed to the other party, and even bring it in person. This makes Sabo a little confused. He If you don't believe that your leader will make low-level mistakes, there must be a reason for it.

Long saw Sabo's doubts and explained:
"I made a deal with him, it was part of the deal."

Sabo nodded half-understood. In his opinion, it is very important to believe in one's own leader.

Wait, part of the deal?

Sabo suddenly realized, why should he bring himself into the transaction, or seeing himself is also part of the transaction!

Sabo immediately took the initiative to stand behind the dragon and said:

"I don't know what you have to do with me?"

"It seems that you are very smart, the second in command of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo!"

"Please speak up."

Adri, known as the King of Sea Transport, didn't say much, but took off his hat to reveal his true face.

When seeing Adri's face, Sabo was moved strangely, and always felt that the person in front of him looked familiar.

"Do you remember me, little Sabo?" "No, I don't know you, I'm just a little familiar with you."

Sabo said it firmly.

But Adri was not frustrated by this answer, but still looked at Sabo calmly, muttering:

"It seems that what the dragon said is true, you have lost your memory, little Sabo."

"Hey, how can you confirm that I am the Sabo you mentioned!"

Sabo said.

Adri was not in a hurry, just smiled slightly:
"Obviously, you've kept a lot of your childhood traits, and, if you don't believe me, look at this."

Speaking of which, Adri took out two reward orders.

Sabo's pupils dilated instantly, and his whole body began to look wrong, and Long also noticed this keenly.

Sabo felt very strange about himself, obviously he should have nothing to do with the person on the reward order, but his breathing became rapid, his heartbeat began to speed up, and he always felt a strange urge to bet on his throat.

Adri didn't care, just continued to introduce:
"These two reward orders are 'Fire Fist' Ace and 'Straw Hat' Luffy. Among them, Ace will be executed in the near future, you should know. Among them, Luffy entered the advancing city to save Ace , because the two of them are sworn brothers, but in fact."

Adrian paused, looking at Sabo, "They actually have a sworn brother, the three of them have been together since childhood, until the unknown sworn brother fell into the sea when he was a child, life and death are unknown, but Ace and Luffy They all thought he was dead, but he was not. Their brother survived smoothly, because he was rescued by the revolutionary army, but he lost his memory and forgot everything. So, Sabo, now you think about it Is it, your brothers are suffering and urgently need your rescue."

As he spoke, Adri stood up abruptly, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, a shock wave swept towards Sabo.Long stood up quickly.

Sabo suffered a shock, he remembered, he remembered!

Tears pooled in his eye sockets, and his brain suffered bursts of pain from stimulation.

Sabo hugged his head and yelled, and the past images after the brain was stimulated began to emerge in his mind.

He remembered everything!

He is Sabo, the sworn brother of Ace and Luffy!

Tears flowed down his cheeks.

When he looked at Adrian again, he had regained his sanity.

He wiped the tears from his face and said happily:

"Grandpa Adri, I remembered!"

Long saw that Sabo was fine, and was also happy for him, but he also went out wisely to give them a little separate space, but he really didn't expect his uncle Adri to know his second-in-command.

But this is not important anymore, his family deal with Adri is still going on, all for the revolution!
"Grandpa Adri, how do you know I'm here?"

"Your title as the second in command of the Revolutionary Army is very resounding."

Sabo touched the back of his head in embarrassment, but immediately remembered the business and even forgot the fact that the person in front of him was the Sea King:

"Grandpa Adri, you said earlier that Ace is going to be executed? And that kid Luffy!"

"Don't worry, at least they are safe now, and Ace will not be executed before time."

"But that guy Lu Fei is really, how did he get in? That's the big prison under the sea!"

Sabo covered his face and said, for this younger brother, he was a little helpless.

"Don't worry, I'm here this time to find you. Do you want to save them? I can't show up because of my status."

"Of course, Grandpa Adri, I must go!"

"Okay, we'll go now."

"Okay, but I have to speak to the leader first."

"Go ahead and ask, I'll wait for you here."

Sabo went out and saw the dragon leaning against the wall:
"Boss, I have some personal matters, I wonder if I can ask for a leave of absence."

"Of course, do what you want!"


"Do you need Karas to take you there?"

"No, this is my private matter, and I will take it on myself, without involving other people."

"Fine then. When are you leaving?"


Shortly thereafter, in an open field.

There are two people wearing cloaks walking side by side.

"Grandpa Adri, where is our vehicle? Since we have to rush there, we must move fast."

"It's right in front of you, and I'll take you there."

Before Sabo could speak, a pair of huge black wings grew from Adri's back and began to flap wildly:
"Hold on, boy!"

"Okay, Grandpa Adri."

"Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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