Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 192 Adri's Life Experience

Chapter 192 Adri's Life Experience
The universe of the entire One Piece World is just a star in the Great Thousand World.

Like countless stars on the earth, they echo each other.

And this bright star is in hot operation because of the system industry.

The universe where the stars live is called the original universe, and there is such a region in the original universe, because of its dazzling appearance, it is called the sea of ​​stars.

The sea of ​​stars is not a group of stars, but a world of mist and mist. The scope of the world is huge. According to current speculation, the interior is no less than the size of an original alliance.The atmosphere inside is rampant, and it is a very dangerous place.

The Xinghai is erratic, wandering in the original universe, few bold people dare to go in and try, but almost all the people who enter have disappeared, and occasionally the lucky ones escape, but they keep silent about everything in the Xinghai, only revealing:
"There is a person in the star sea, he is like the original devil!"

Whenever recalling, the survivors have excited faces, as if seeing a god, and their eyes are full of admiration.

The original demon, in the language of the earth, is a demon.But in this original universe, there are superb technologies everywhere, far larger than the earth, and there are even higher civilizations living here, which can be called demons, which shows how powerful the so-called original demons are.

Yuanmo is a kind of creature born naturally in Yuanyu. Its nature is to devour Yuanyu. They are powerful. They are Yuanyu's cleaners. They help Yuanyu swallow some garbage. Of course, this garbage is indiscriminate. They will spawn randomly.Wherever they are born is where they devour.

Therefore, many civilizations have been harmed by this. Of course, they have fought back, but the original demon is a product of the original universe, and has a certain void nature. Ordinary attacks are ineffective. Of course, the original demon will not last forever. When the target is devoured, he will automatically disappear.

There is no case in history to repel the original demon, because the original duty of the original demon is to devour, and he will not disappear unless the devour is finished.

But history is not without examples of defeating or even completely dissipating the original demon. Powerful technology will always find a way, and there is no shortage of mysterious civilizations in the original universe. For them, everything is still controllable.

After all, the number of original demons is rare and rarely appears, just like the demons in the human world hardly appear in the public eye.

They are like a legend flooding the entire original universe, but only a very few people know the existence of this group of creatures.

There is a shining star in Yuanyu. Although the civilization of his main world line is relatively low, it is a relatively prosperous place in Yuanyu, because it is controlled by different system companies. The name of this star is Blue Star. .

Many branches of Blue Star are controlled by different system companies, only the main world and some trunks are spared.

Every node is a brand new blue star.

It is worth mentioning that each blue star has its own world, one of which is called the universe.

In an era where interstellar ships like Yuan Yu are flooded, interstellar adventures are already the norm.However, everyone still unanimously abide by the cleanliness of not disturbing the people in the small world. It's not that they don't go, but they can't.

Of course, derived worlds can be obtained through trading, but they are expensive.

In the sea of ​​stars, there is a supreme throne, and a blurry figure appears on the throne. You can vaguely see this person holding his forehead, because the memory of a blue star came to his mind by chance, He is digesting. For him with a long lifespan, such a short 32 years of soul is not enough to see, and it has almost no impact on him, it is just an extra memory.

He was born in Xinghai, born in this vast and chaotic area. He didn't know what he came from, he only knew how to devour. Gradually, he felt that something was passing by. Only his own energy barely escaped this catastrophe.

So far, he has been wandering in this area, devouring continuously, like a person who can never get enough to drink, devouring with all his might.

When he first got this memory soul, he didn't care, but he didn't know that there was an extra ray of light in his silent eyes.According to his memory, he left the sea of ​​​​stars where he lived in the past and came to the pirate world in his memory. He successfully exchanged world consciousness into a derivative world and brought the world back to his own territory. He began to research. He could spy on this planet. Everything in the world, but the memory in his mind seemed to be unsatisfactory. He did not expect that the other party's emotions seemed to be a little integrated, which was absolutely not allowed.

Therefore, he washed away the emotions on this memory with the passage of time, but all this also aroused his interest, and he was not satisfied with being omniscient, he wanted to bring it in and experience it in a real way. .

When he really took action, he realized that this planet could not tolerate him at all. He knew that he was sloppy at the beginning, but he didn't regret it, nor was he angry. He was born without any emotions.

He can only separate out a trace of his own soul to suppress it to the highest point that this world can bear.

He made a body, but he was not satisfied. He made several more, and the total number was unclear. Finally, he finally made a body that satisfied him. The age of this body was frozen at 25 years old. , because it is the most perfect among the works he personally made, and it will not grow old.

"My full name is Uriel Adri. That's the name I've given myself."

Adri said lightly.

Matthew Mills looked at Adri in front of him in shock. He didn't know what to use to describe his mood at this moment. After hearing the information from outside the universe, his brain was no longer enough. The surging waves seemed to sweep Looking at his body, every inch of him was surging, and his mind was shocked. He could clearly see the picture in Adri's narration.

He saw the sea of ​​stars, a brand new world, and the beginning of everything!

"Ah, Mr. Adri, then, are you the original demon of Xinghai that they rumored!"

According to Adrienne's narration and what Matthew Mills saw in his mind, he can basically judge that the supreme existence of Xinghai, the original demon of Xinghai, is standing in front of him at this moment. A man drinking tea!
Adri tilted his head slightly:
"Isn't that obvious, boy?"

"Then, Mr. Adri, what happened after you came?"

Matthew Mills was eager to know all this, which made him subconsciously ignore certain key things.

Adri held a teacup and smiled slightly:
"Do you want to know, boy?"

"Of course! I'm curious!"

"Then I can't tell you this for the time being. This is the next story. I will explain my affairs one by one in the next few days. For your convenience, let's stop here today."

"Well, then, Mr. Ardley."

"Of course, if you have any doubts, you can naturally ask questions now."

"It's okay, Mr. Adri, I think I have to digest these things now."

"Then, goodbye, boy."

 This is the identity I prepared for Adri, and I don't know if you are satisfied or not.

(End of this chapter)

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