Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 195 Adri's Life Experience (3)

Chapter 195 Adri's Life Experience ([-])

After the initial settlement of the crowd, the man selected the top five to accompany him, and the rest stayed here.

The man selected a woman from among the people who stayed behind as the chief manager. The woman's name was Diana, and she was originally a lark.

Among the crowd, most men use numbers as code names.

So No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], No. [-] and No. [-] traveled with the man.

After staying here for a few days and sorting out everything, the man is ready to go out. What he can accept here is really limited. He needs a base and he needs to see the outside world.

But before that, he directly taught the five people how to hide around him.

He didn't intend to show up with five people blatantly, he had his plan, and before that he needed a name, a name that could live in human society.

According to the memory of the previous human, he decided to name him Adri.

To be honest, Adri had no concept of gender at first. Although he was a man, he still took a name that was biased toward women. In his original body, he had no clear gender.

The reason why it is a male body is because he is satisfied with this body.

The disabled products produced earlier are also rewarded to the creatures here, otherwise, do you think that the body is created out of thin air?

However, this has nothing to do with Adri. He just did it according to that human memory, just like wearing clothes. There is no such thing as clothes.

After the arrangement, Adri's indifferent face seemed to have something more, and then he stretched out his hand above his head, and a beam of light gushed up and covered the entire island. Now the preparations and insurances are also done, as long as it is not an invitation. No one will find it here, and there is no such thing as breaking in unintentionally, but just in case, Adri snapped his fingers again, and a green light enveloped the island again, and then disappeared. Layers of defense to avoid stalking by interested people, only you and the group of people you created can enter.

As for whether there will be new additions in the future, that's another story, and it's just started now.

For a moment, Adri felt a strange feeling gathered in his chest. The human body is really strange, and he actually felt a feeling called excitement.

Adri looked at the other five people who were following him. At this moment, they always felt that there was something lacking in them. Adri changed his mind temporarily. He asked No. [-] to call the other five people, that is, to get together the top ten.

Not long afterward, No. [-] appeared with No. [-] to No. [-]. Seeing them kneeling in front of him in unison, Adri's original ethereal voice sounded again, and his lips did not move.

"You ten people, I will be randomly sent to various places in this world, and your task is to survive and become stronger. The period is five years."

After finishing speaking, Adri didn't give them a chance to speak. With a wave of his hand, the ten people disappeared. As for where they went, Adri didn't care. He wanted to train these people, even though they had been endowed with bodies and his mind, but still needed exercise, as he needed it himself.

According to human memory, I seem to need to speak and my tone needs to be changed.

It seems that this aspect needs to be strengthened, and I have been used to it before.

But Adri doesn't want to pay attention to these small problems now, the emotion called excitement is urging him to do some reckless things, but how can he be bound by this emotion as the original, what he has to do now is that The so-called start of the journey.

new world

Kingdom of Magara

That night
A man in a cloak walks down the road.

The street was empty, except for him, and his figure was very long.Suddenly, in the dark part of the street, there was a chattering sound, the man didn't turn his head, and the next moment a sharp dagger was thrust directly into his stomach from behind.

Blood was dripping, but the man still didn't make a sound. He turned his head calmly and looked at a tall and thin man behind him looking at him morbidly. The man's snapping of his fingers shattered the man's expression just as he showed success. .

The man pulled out the dagger and touched the blood with one hand. The bloody hand didn't look so scary under the moonlight, but the man still put his hand close to his nose, and the smell of blood poured into the man's nasal cavity, stimulating his body. Under the moonlight, the original wound on the stomach healed quickly, and even the clothes also healed.

Adri was thinking while playing with a dagger in his hand.

As for why he came out at night, he was completely curious about the serial murderer mentioned in the news recently.

He doesn't know much about this world so far, so he needs to put himself in the situation to test some attacks with different damage levels, so as to facilitate his own calculations.

Of course he knows that he has been suppressed to the highest point that this world can bear, but after all, it is not his original body and still needs to adapt.

Adri clenched his fists, adapting, the other party was really not a powerful person but just an ordinary person, and he couldn't even snap his fingers to resist.

Adri put on his cloak and disappeared into the night. As for the dagger, it should be regarded as a gadget.

The next morning, Adri wandered in the city during the day, and the bloodstains from last night still caused a lot of commotion, but Adri didn't care about it.

Adri came to the bar. The information here was mixed but there were some useful ones.After inquiring for a while, he was about to leave, but someone told him to let it go.

It's the bar owner.

"Brother, you haven't paid for your drink yet."

Adri was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that he had no money on him, and he had never had the habit of carrying money, but after looking through human memory, he found that this kind of operation still exists. In order not to attract attention, he still took out a handful of gold Handed over.

These were offered to him by the creatures.

The bar owner was shocked when he saw this scene, but seeing Ade's expressionless expression, he swallowed and said:
"No, not so much."

The boss's conscience was still there, so he took a piece of gold that looked the smallest, and put it away.And the other people in the bar have been attracted by the eye-catching light.

The group of people looked bad, their eyes full of greed.

They gestured to each other a few times, watched Adri put away the gold with a smirk, and then a group of people followed Adri out.The bar owner saw that he wanted to remind a sentence, but he was threatened by those people's eyes and stopped talking. He just sighed slightly and said:

"It's over again."

Many people in the bar recognized the identities of those people. They were well-known bullies in this street. They carried guns and knives with them, and most people dared not face them.

As for the fate of this group of guys, it depends on their next operations. I wish them good luck, and the group is the best.

 What I’m writing now are all Adri’s previous stories. If you are inspired, you can tell me, and let me copy the book reviews.

(End of this chapter)

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