Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 198 Adri's Life Experience (6)

Chapter 198 Adri's Life Experience ([-])

Dechun Island is beautiful in autumn.

Adri once wandered in it, and it was full of beautiful atmosphere, and everything seemed so peaceful.

Today Adri will once again pack his suitcase and start his own adventure, and he is leaving here.

To try, he rented a small boat, and in it he drifted away until he could no longer see Spring Island in the distance.

He stood up, and a pair of huge black wings emerged behind him, and began to flap behind Adri's back. The black feathers scattered on the ground, and the next moment, Adri's body broke away from the boat and flew directly into the sky. above the clouds.

The wings fluttered rhythmically, and Adri flew among the clouds, carrying a suitcase in his hand, soaring.If you look up from the ground, you will only find a black dot moving rapidly, and most people will only think that they are dazzled.

Adrian sensed the nearby islands, and suddenly he saw a huge monster, out of interest, he flew over.

It was a giant elephant, and he was constantly moving, with something on his back.

Adri didn't fly up immediately, but came to the giant elephant's deep eye socket, took off the glove of his right hand, stretched out his right hand and stroked the wrinkled giant elephant.

Adri closed his eyes, then murmured:

"It turns out that you are called the elephant master. I am very happy to meet you."

The moment Adri touched the elephant owner, he knew everything from the birth of the elephant owner to the present, why the other party was punished for walking aimlessly, and the origin of the fur tribe that lived on his back .

In this way, Adri's interest also came up. He put on his gloves again, fluttered his wings, and quickly flew to the back of the elephant master.

The Principality of Mokmo, also known as the Kingdom of Zou, is a country that has existed for 1000 years surrounded by clouds and mist on the back of the Elephant Lord, and where the mysterious fur tribe lives.

Adri flew over, stopped in front of a gate, folded his wings, surrounded by trees, and there was a watchtower around, but there were no fur tribes guarding the lookout, so Adri could only knock on the door, the door was magnificent It was huge, and I don't know if I can get a response. The sound of "dong dong dong" spread throughout Zou, and there was a sound from the other side of the door, but the door did not open for a long time.

Adri hesitated for a moment, but pushed the door open. Although the door was very large, it was still very easy for Adri. The real travel and visit was to go through the main entrance.

There was a noisy sound from the other side of the gate. Adri pushed the door open, and there were already a lot of fur tribes gathered on the other side. When he saw humans coming in, he immediately became vigilant.

For a while, the two sides stalemate together.

Adrian didn't do anything either.

A courageous member of the orangutan fur family stepped forward and said:

"Humans, what are you doing here!"

Adri waved his hands unhurriedly and explained:
"I'm here to travel."

With that said, Adri also showed off his suitcase.

All the fur tribes were dubious.

At this time, a member of the buffalo fur tribe stood up:

"You said you were here for a trip, so how did you get here?"

Adri didn't speak, but suddenly, his wings emerged again, and the huge wings suddenly appeared in front of them, scaring everyone to take a step back.

They were all fur tribes in the nearby forest who heard the knock on the door and came to check the situation. The scene in front of them was a bit beyond their imagination.

It goes without saying that Adri naturally flew up.

After confirming that Adri was not malicious, everyone carefully planned to take Adri to meet their king.

Along the way, Adri's good talk and Chen Gong won a lot of favor from the fur tribe. He was having a lively conversation with the former buffalo fur tribe members, and other fur tribes also came to Adri for questions.

Adri also answered patiently, telling them about the outside world and the countries he had visited by the way.

The vast world outside has buried longing in the hearts of these fur tribes. They are very curious about the outside world. They came to the city of fur tribes talking and laughing. Adri’s arrival caused a lot of sensation. Under the introduction of the family, everyone is also very friendly to Adri, and even many fur tribes directly touched Adri's face and said:


Adri also responded enthusiastically:

"Karuchu, the beautiful cat lady."

"Kaluqiu, the healthy Mr. Leopard." "Kaluqiu, the lovely Miss Squirrel."

"By the way, we don't know your name yet?"

asked a member of the Orangutan Fur Clan.

"My name is Adri, please give me your advice."

"Adri, Karuqiu!"

The orangutan fur tribe approached enthusiastically and greeted Adrian again.

"But Adri, I didn't expect you to be quite enthusiastic. Looking at you, I thought you were indifferent."

"It's okay, I'm just interested in furry people like you."

Adri picked up a member of the fur family of a baby bunny, and was stroking it heartily, and the other party was also enjoying it.

"Really? From our point of view, you humans are actually a monkey-fur tribe with little hair."

"Monkey fur tribe? That's it, no wonder you don't reject me at all."

As they entered the center of the city, everyone learned that there was a human being coming, and everyone greeted warmly:


"Karuchu, human!"

Adriatic came to a slightly larger residence amidst the bursts of laughter.

"Here, this is the address of our king. I will take you to meet him. He will be very happy."

As he said that, a group of fur tribes surrounded Adri into the house.

Entering inside, Adriatic suddenly saw a relatively large lion fur tribe with a wine jug pinned to his waist.

"Hey la la la, I have heard that a human has come in, hello, I am the boss of the fur tribe, Kit, Kaluqiu!"

Seeing that Kit directly grabbed Adri and rubbed it directly, Adri said with difficulty:
"Ka, Karuchuu, Kit."

Kit finally put down Adri, and directly ordered everyone:

"Everyone, get ready, have a banquet, and welcome our friend!"

Adri sat next to Kit and chatted with Kit, and Kit said happily:

"We haven't had humans here for a long time, and we still welcome humans!"

"Boss Kit, have you ever gone out before? To the outside world?"

Kit heard that his eyes fell into memories, and after a long time, he murmured:

"I have been out, the outside world is very exciting, I heard that you are a traveler, must have been to many islands?"

Kit turned his gaze to Adri, and Adri nodded and began to tell Kit and other fur tribes what he had seen and heard along the way.

The banquet went smoothly, and Adri lived in Kit as he wished. He stayed here for a full week. Adri often lived and got along with the residents of the fur tribe.

Until the day when Adri was about to leave, Kit personally led a group of fur tribes to send Adri away, and Adri also received a badge symbolizing friendship from the fur tribe. Adri's solemn subordinates gave him a gift in return. The gift was made by him himself. A statue of the Elephant Lord is carved on it, and below it is carved:

"To my fur friends. —Adri."

The fur tribe readily accepted.

Adri left. Before leaving, Adri took a deep look at Kit, and Kit also took a deep look at Adri.

In the end, Kit waved to Adri and watched the strong man leave. The fur tribe got the friendship of a strong man, which is not a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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