Chapter 21 Arrival
Standing in front of them was a navy man wearing a cloak of justice and brown sunglasses. Although he was still young, he still looked wretched.

At this time, the navy was still scratching his head helplessly.

"Oh, I almost missed it~ It's so dangerous~."

Facing this person who appeared suddenly, Doflamingo immediately fell into alertness. The flash and speed just now belonged to a devil fruit capable user!
Doflamingo kept his face as calm as possible. Even though the opponent was a navy, it still couldn't make Doflamingo relax his vigilance.

"Great, it's the Navy, saved!"

Some crew members found the naval warships that came to support and the navy already on board.

The crew who thought they would just watch the two children get caught wiped a cold sweat.

"It's great, thanks to you, these two children were saved from disaster."

But the person who rushed over just turned his head to look at Doflamingo and Rossindi, narrowing his eyes.

"These two little brothers, even if I don't come, they will be injured."

Listening to the speech of the navy in front of him, Doflamingo also felt deeply malicious.

The navy on the opposite side is not easy.

Looking at Doflamingo who was on guard against him, the navy didn't say anything, and dealt with the few pirates who were still on board.

He raised his finger and pointed at the pirates, and a beam of light shot out from his hand, piercing the hearts of the pirates.

Solving the pirates so easily naturally aroused the admiration and praise of the people present.

The pirate ship not far away was instantly contained by the red magma and sank to the bottom of the sea in an instant.

Is it the ability of devil fruit again?

Doflamingo has been lost in thought, and has two devil fruit abilities.

The naval warship gradually approached. Standing at the bow was a man with a fierce face. At this time, his fist was still covered with magma. It was obvious that he was the one who made the shipwreck just now.

The navy seemed a little impatient and said to the navy cleaning up the pirates on the ship:

"Porusalino, why does it take so long to deal with so many pirates?"

The wretched-looking man didn't make any apologies, instead he teased back calmly:
"Sakaski, I did this to protect the safety of the people."

The stinky man known as Sakaski didn't pay attention to Polusalino's yin and yang aura, but turned his attention to the people around him. After staying on Doflamingo for a while, he just snorted coldly. With a sound, return to the interior of the warship.

Although Polusalino is older than him, they belong to the same period, and now their military ranks are equal, there is no distinction between upper and lower, and both of them are natural-type fruit-capable people, and they were assigned by the Navy Headquarters. Give high hopes.

Polusalino got bored, and returned to the warship, and a few more navy soldiers got off the warship to clean up the pirate corpses.

Soon, the navy's warships gradually drifted away amidst people's thanks.

Not long ago, Doflamingo also met Sakaski's gaze, the other's eyes were full of determination, that kind of coercion, not only did not make Doflamingo feel scared, but a kind of Surging, seeing the strength of these two devil fruit users, Doflamingo even felt the blood in his heart flowing rapidly, and the beating of his heart showed his excitement, because he was very sure that his future would also become like that. A person who is as strong as two people can even be stronger than them!
"Fufurfur, it's really exciting. Rossi, let's go back and rest first, it will take a long time to arrive."

Rossindi nodded, but couldn't help looking at the warship in the distance.

on a warship

"Hey~, Sakaski, did you seem to care about those two children just now?"

"I just thought that one of the kids made me feel weird."

"Indeed, I didn't panic at all under the pirate's knife."

"Oh, is that so? It seems that there is something wrong. I'm afraid that the child will go astray when he grows up."

"Ha~, that's really far-fetched..." "If that's the case, I wouldn't mind executing him on the spot in advance even if he's just a child."

Sakalski's low-pitched answer won't make people think it's a joke.

What Sakalski didn’t know, fortunately, he sailed a certain distance on the ship before he said that, but if this sentence was heard by No. For the sake of thinking, kill Sakarsky here.

And both sides will not know all this.

"Nissan, what's wrong with those two marines just now?"

"Those two are all devil fruit capable users."

"Devil fruit users? Really! Are they all the same as you?"

"Well, it seems that they are all natural."


Luo Xindi gasped. Natural Devil Fruits are rare, but their value is very high. Seeing two natural ability users in one day is considered amazing.

Seeing Rossindi's appearance, Doflamingo asked:
"Rosie, don't you want a fruit? With Adri's ability, I should be able to get one for you."

"No, I haven't thought about it yet. After all, there will be a big problem with the sea water in the future."


Doflamingo squeezed his chin and thought about it. He had thought about this a long time ago. How to operate at sea is extremely restricted if only relying on ships.

Sure enough, Adri's suggestion before was still very constructive, but now he is not enough to do it. After practicing it in the future, he can even make him undefeated.

two days passed quickly

North Coast Port of the Kingdom of Loonzido
Doflamingo and Rossinanti got off the boat with their luggage and saw this bustling area.

"That's not bad."

"Of course, economic development is indispensable."

"Brother, are we going directly to the Xinghai branch now?"

Doflamingo looked around, shook his head and said:
"No, the Chamber of Commerce should be able to hear about us and come to greet us in person."

Afterwards, Doflamingo found a carriage driving towards them, and the flag hung on it was really the logo of the Star Ocean Chamber of Commerce.

I saw the carriage slowly stop in front of the two of them.

The Xinghai Chamber of Commerce is also the top priority in the Longziduo Kingdom, occupying a considerable position, because this branch has many locks and connections, so the Longziduo Kingdom where the branch is located is known as a gathering place for trading.

Looking at the carriage with the logo of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce, other people on the side also showed surprise looks. As we all know, the carriages of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce are only used to receive distinguished guests.

The flags of the branches are actually different from the signs of the central government, which is also for the convenience of distinguishing.

And a branch will have two central flags.It is used to receive people sent by the central government.

The luxury of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce's carriage is also directly proportional to the identity of the person who picks it up.

And the one in front of Doflamingo and Rossindi is the carriage indicated by the Central Committee of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce, and the level of luxury is the most luxurious that the branch can produce.

So when this carriage appeared, it undoubtedly aroused many people's onlookers and curiosity, but this carriage stopped in front of the two teenagers.

Just when everyone was still wondering, the carriage door opened

(End of this chapter)

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