Chapter 233 That Day
Rossindi came to Adri's office, got on the sofa, leaned back directly, and collapsed on the sofa.

Rossindi looked at Matthew Mills who was sitting on the opposite sofa, and asked:
"Where's my father?"

Rossinanti looked at the empty seats.

Matthew Mills said without raising his head:

"I don't know where Mr. Adri has gone, but he should be back soon."

Rossindi looked at Matthew Mills who had been playing with his mobile phone and said:
"Mills, aren't you tired of holding a mobile phone all day long?"

Matthew Mills put down his mobile phone and looked at Rossindi:
"Of course I'm not tired, Rossindi, why don't you come and play these few games, I guarantee you will be addicted too."

Rossindi quickly waved his hand:
"No, no. I can't even deal with documents, so I don't have the time to play."

"Okay, okay, I still want to drag you into the pit, haven't you changed a secretary recently? How is the new secretary?"

"It's not bad. It's a talent cultivated by Petra. It's almost like she was carved out of her."

"Then you'll have to bear it."

"Who said it wasn't."

A trace of fatigue flashed across Rossindi's face.

He picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, and then picked up the newspaper from the table, wanting to see what news there is today.

Before he could swallow the tea, he saw a few large characters written on the newspaper, and Luo Xindi couldn't hold back, and the tea sprayed out directly.

Matthew Mills was taken aback, jumped off the sofa, and shouted:
"Rosindi, you were scalded by the tea again?!"

Because of being choked, Rossindi coughed and said:
"Ahem, no, no."

"Then what happened to you?"

"Yes, sorry, I was too excited."

Rossindi hastily apologized, and Matthew Mills' clothes were wet a lot.

"What did you see, so excited?"

Matthew Mills immediately leaned over to read the newspaper.

I saw that it was written in the newspaper:

"The new Shichibukai is born, Travargar Law!"

"So fast."

Matthew Mills muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing."

Matthew Mills went on to ask:
"Isn't it just becoming Qiwuhai, why are you so excited?"

"Huh? Luo has never told me about such a big event as Qi Wuhai! Besides, this is a big event!"

"Is there anything wrong with Luo becoming Qibuhai?"

"No, the main reason is that he is willing to become a running dog of the world government because of his temperament. This is not in line with common sense."

"It's nothing, isn't your brother Flamingo also Shichibukai?"

"Who cares about my brother's bastard. I'm worried about that kid Rona."

"Think about it another way, at least he is not in danger of being a pirate now, at least the navy will not attack him."

"That's true, but I'm still a little uneasy."

"When the child grows up, you have to learn to let go."

"That's right, he will naturally have his own plans, but, Mills, why are you talking so old?"

"I didn't learn it from your father."

"My father often said something like this?"

"Yes, Mr. Ardley keeps saying that the child is too old to keep."

"Really. It seems that I lack his company on weekdays, and my father is getting old, but I have only one son by his side"

Seeing this, Matthew Mills was also a little silent. He didn't intend to take too much care of other people's family affairs.

"By the way, generally Luo won't come back?"

Matthew Mills asked his doubts, he had never met Luo.

"The kid Luo doesn't come back very often, and you know he's a pirate. But that day is coming, maybe he will come back, I'll call and ask."

"Okay then, I'll go change my clothes first and see you later."

"see you later."

Then Matthew Mills left. Matthew Mills went straight to his own room. He took off his wet shirt neatly, revealing his eight-pack abs. He casually threw the clothes aside, Coming to the closet, he randomly pulled out a piece of clothing and put it on. Then he saw himself in the mirror. He approached the mirror, looked at his handsome face, and nodded in satisfaction.

It's not that he is bragging, as a member of the crossing army, his face is really handsome, but why is there no beautiful young lady who likes him?
Obviously there are many good-looking young ladies in the castle, but why no one confessed to him? This is unreasonable.

The more Matthew Mills thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Could it be that the good looks in Mr. Adri's family generally made him look mediocre?

Matthew Mills nodded, that must be the case. Unfortunately, he was a solo mother and has not yet found a suitable girlfriend. Would you like to ask Mr. Adri if he would mind finding a girlfriend to talk to.

Thinking of this, Matthew Mills shook his head, threw out his thoughts, got up, and prepared to go back to the office.

While in the office, Luo Xidi called Luo.

"Hello, Luo? It's me, Rocindy."

"Father, is there anything you can call me for?"

"Luo, I just called to congratulate you on becoming Shichibukai. Is everything going well with you?"

"It's not bad, everything is going well, do you have anything else to do? I'm busy here now."

"It's nothing, just to remind you that that day is coming soon, will you come back?"

"That day? Oh, I know, depending on the situation, I may not be able to get away soon."

"Well, if you come back, remember to call me and tell me."


"Then I'll hang up." "Goodbye."

Then the phone hangs up.

At this time, on a certain New World island, Luo just finished a battle.

Bepo on the side asked:
"Captain, whose call is it?"

"It's nothing, it's my father's call."


Everyone was surprised, they had never heard Luo mention it.

"Hey, captain, what kind of person is your father!"

Everyone booed, they were very curious.

Luo thought for a while, smiled and said:

"My father, he was a very gentle man."

Rossindi hung up the phone, when Adri walked in, Adri was a little surprised to see Rossindi:

"How did you come?"

"I just came to see you, father, for tea or something."

"Really, you are a real kid. By the way, where did that kid go?"

"He went back to his room."

"That's it, no wonder I didn't see him. By the way, will your child come this time?"

"Luo said not necessarily."

"Sure enough, as you get older, all of you children are thinking outside."

"Father, don't say that, and besides, father, your appearance is still the same as before."

"Although my appearance hasn't changed, I'm actually aging. That boy Enilu doesn't seem to be planning to come back. Really, it really bothers me why everyone in our family is running to become pirates."

"Father, you also know that they all yearn for freedom."

"By the way, Rossindi, don't you yearn to go outside?"

"Fortunately, I have seen many places in my early years."

"That's right, you traveled around like I did when I was young, and you even joined the navy. It's really weird, except for the two of us, the others are going to be pirates, and I'm ashamed to see Kaka Push them."

"Uncle Garp and the others will understand."

"Don't worry about them. It's me. You all ran out one by one. Now that you're retired, you're the only one by your side, really."


"Okay, I'm fine. I still have a few years to live. I, the old man, will give you a vacation, and you can go out for a while now and then. Don't be bored at home all the time. Sooner or later you will be bored."

"Father, it's actually not necessary."

"Your boy, let me go out too. Looking at you group of people, my old man also finds it annoying."

"Father, don't say that."

"So are you going to get out?"

"Go out, definitely go out, but you have to wait until after that day."

"Of course."

"By the way, what did your brother say, is he coming or not?"

"Dover hasn't told me yet, I'll ask next time."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. I still miss my little granddaughter a little bit, and I don't know what happened to Letina's child. I haven't seen her for a while."

Speaking of which, Adri sat down at his desk.

Luo Xindi sighed helplessly. He felt that his father was really different. He still remembered very clearly what kind of person his father was before. His father had changed a lot, and he was more like a complete person.
At this moment, Matthew Mills walked in.

"Yo, boy, are you back?"

"Mr. Ardley, when did you come back?"

"Just came back not long ago."

"Really, do you know about Luo becoming Qiwuhai?"

"of course."

"Rosinanti told you?"

"No, I knew it a long time ago."

"What, father?! You know?"

Rossindi was puzzled.

"Rosie, who do you think is your father? I'm the king of the sea, ah no, should I leave the title of king of the sea to you?"

"No, no."

Rossindi quickly waved his hands, he must not want to do more work.

Matthew Mills lay down on the sofa all at once, complaining:
"If you let the outside world know that you, the title of Sea King, were randomly given up, I don't know what you will think."

"What do they think, what does it matter to us, you say yes, little Rossi."

"It's true that sometimes what the outside world thinks doesn't matter that much."

"Forget it, you father and son are really similar sometimes, I really don't know if I should say that you are worthy of being father and son."

Matthew Mills continued to take out his phone and continue playing the game.

Adri also began to review his documents.

Rossindi silently read the newspaper.

A peaceful afternoon just passed away quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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