Chapter 249 Katakuri
Aunt and Adri continued to talk with a smile, and Matthew Mills had been standing by Adri's side without interjecting.

The main thing was that these two big brothers were talking, and he really couldn't figure out what to do, so he could only stare at them in a daze.

At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and a tall man came oncoming.

The other party was tall, with short amaranth red hair, strong muscles, slender legs, and a stitched scar on each cheek.There are pink tattoos on the left arm, upper body and left back, a skull tattoo on the left arm, and a wing tattoo on the left back.Wearing a white scarf like a flower, the overall clothing style is full of strong black metal style.

Wears a pair of black gloves and has a spiked ring on his left arm.Wears black jeans with white knee pads on left knee and black knee pads on right knee.Wears a pair of spiked black leather boots with spurs at the back.

The newcomer is Katakuri, the eldest mother's second son.

Matthew Mills saw the visitor, and there was a hint of interest in his eyes.The other party gave him a very good feeling. He was a strong man. Matthew Mills quietly held the blood sword at his waist, as if a blood beast was about to attack at any time.

Katakuri walked in slowly:

"Mom, I'm here. Uncle Adri, why are you here?"

"Katakuri, my dear son."

"Katakuri, you seem to have grown into a mature man."

Katakuri found a place to sit down, and his eyes glanced at Matthew Mills who was beside him. He sensed the opponent's fighting intent, but he ignored it, although he was still curious about why the opponent appeared in the here.

Katakuri didn't have afternoon tea.

Adri saw it, he knew that Katakuri was still holding his brother's airs, and besides, the aunt was still here.

Matthew Mills has been holding the sword in his hand. He couldn't help but want to challenge the opponent. After obtaining Adri's acquiescence, he offered his wishes:
"Mr. Katakuri, I want to challenge you."

Big Mom and Katakuri cast their eyes on Matthew Mills, but they did not expect that the other party would be so straightforward.

Mom finds it interesting:

"Adri, you're an interesting guard, you actually want to challenge my three generals."

Katakuri didn't speak, just stared at Matthew Mills silently.

Adri replied:

"Young people, young and vigorous, normal. Let them learn from each other."

Adri's words were a real admission that the two had fought.

Katakuri didn't refuse when he heard this, but stood up and said:
"It's okay, I'll just warm up. But I can't let go of my hands and feet here. Call Bree, and we will fight in the mirror space."

Everyone agrees.

There was a smile on the corner of Matthew Mills' mouth. He hadn't been presumptuous for a while, and he couldn't bear the anxiety in his heart. He could clearly feel the blood sword in his hand trembling.


Here comes Bree.

Bree found Adrie looking very happy:
"Uncle Adri! Here you come!"

Matthew Mills found out that something was wrong. The Bree in front of him was different from what he remembered. The Bree in front of him was much younger and had no scars. It was so strange. When he saw Adri wink at him, he knew it These eight achievements are the changes brought about by Mr. Adri.

"Bree, my cutie, you've grown into a big girl too."

Bree had a smile on his face when he was praised.

"Hey, Mom, what can I do for you?"

"Brey, there's a kid who wants to challenge your brother."

"Katakuri Nissan? Who is so bold?!"

Bree looked at Katakuri, who was sitting quietly, full of puzzlement. In his opinion, this is really possible. As we all know, Katakuri Nisan is the most powerful of them.

Bree followed Katakuri's gaze to Matthew Mills who was beside him.

"Is it him? He doesn't look very strong."

"Brey, he is Uncle Adri's bodyguard, and he was also a supernova a year ago, Blood Sword, Matthew Mills."

Katakuri recognized Matthew Mills and introduced him.

"Uncle Adri's guard? Supernova? There should be something there. You guys are going to fight in the mirror world, right?"

"Yes, please." "No problem."

Bree came to a large mirror.

Adri looked at the aunt:
"Lingling, should we go and have a look?"

"Let them be busy with the young people's affairs, but, Adri, are you so confident? Are you not afraid that your guard will disappear immediately?"

"Lingling, trust me to see people."

Then a few people watched Matthew Mills, Katakuri, and Bree enter the mirror.

Adri and aunt continued to drink afternoon tea.

At this time, a young girl walked in quietly. He had pink hair and dragged a doll in his hand.

Adri noticed the arrival of the other party:

"Ah la la, who is this little beauty?"

"It's my 39th girl, Anana, she's so cute."

Big Mom looked at Anana in front of her.

Anana said:

"Mom, the chef doesn't want to lend me a kitchen knife."

"Yes, ask Drago to get it for you."

"Well, Mom."

"Also, this one, you haven't seen it yet, this is Uncle Adri, let's say hello."

Anana obviously hid behind the big mother without making a sound.

Adrian smiled slightly:
"Such a lovely boy, No, this is for you."

Adriatic like magic, a huge doll appeared in Adriatic's hands. It was a big pink bear, but the expression of this big bear was particularly terrifying, but when Anana saw this, she let go of the doll in her hand. Doll, go get this big doll:

"Great, I'm going to dissect him too!"

Anana hugged the doll, jumping up and down happily.

Adri touched the other person's head, then took out a delicate dagger and handed it to her:
"Come on, you dismember him now."

Anana happily took the dagger, raised the knife to the world, and cut a gap in the neck of the big bear.

"Thank you, Uncle Adri."

"It's okay, but when you use the dagger, don't accidentally scratch your face, or it won't be pretty."

"OK, all right."

Apparently Adri wasn't worried about the little guy hurting him. The aunt didn't say much about Anana's dismemberment of the doll, but supported her own decision.

Seeing the cotton wool flying around inside the doll, Adri drank the black tea calmly.

At this time, a few more little guys slipped in, they were Delaj and Delcher.

Their figures are like round balloons, and they are pulling the balloons and flying over slowly.

There was a smile on Adrien's face, and these little guys hadn't seen it much.

Adri greeted them to come over. The two of them met Adri when they were younger, but they probably don't have much memory.

Adri gave the two little guys some greetings and sent them to take Anana out to play, while he and his aunt continued to chat.

This is the world in the mirror.

Katakuri looked at Matthew Mills in front of him. In his opinion, the reason why he agreed was not only because of Uncle Adri's face, but also because of his feeling that the guy in front of him seemed to be not a simple person.

Matthew Mills drew his sword directly:
"Then, please enlighten me, Katakuri!"

(End of this chapter)

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