Chapter 260

sylros i.

A grand auction is going to be held on the island today.

Many people were invited to come.

But all the visitors were wearing masks, or cloaks to cover up their true faces.

People came one after another.

The entire auction venue was gradually being filled.

At this time, two men wearing masks and black masks entered the venue. The receptionist also checked their invitation cards, and after confirming their identities, Bian would lead the way for them.

"I'm invited by No. 105, please take me to see him."

"Ok sir."

The receptionist was not surprised, but led the two of them to a private room with a calm expression.

Pushing open the door, there was already a person waiting inside.

He sat up at the table and asked one of the men to sit down.

"I'm glad you're willing to come, Uncle Adri."

"It's nothing. I'd love to come and see my dear nephew."

Adri took off his mask and sat in front of the dragon.

Matthew Mills stood respectfully behind him.

"Since you are here, let me have a good talk with you."

The dragon spread his arms out.To be honest, he was a little used to facing this young and shameless elder in front of him. He was obviously from the same age as his father, but he was always young.

The appearance of the other party always reveals a sense of oppression.

Long still remembered that when he was still young, his father took him to meet this sea king.

I have to say that the other party's eyes were even colder at that time.The condescending gaze made people feel that strangers were not close.

Although the eyes of this elder are not as cold as before, they still make people shudder.

He never underestimated the opponent's strength, and he would not believe that this person who resigned from the navy to go into business would have no strength.

He also felt the strength of the other party in the past from his father's few words.

The other party gave him the feeling that he was neither righteous nor evil.The other party seems to have no position.

From the standpoint of a businessman, he would not agree to meet himself, the vicious leader of the revolutionary army.

Said it was a support position, he also seemed to keep a distance from the revolutionary army.

The two of them are more like personal friends.

He couldn't see through the person in front of him.

Or that he never saw through.

He didn't dare to be careless.

Finding him this time was also a trial.

Even if the other party is his father's friend, so what.

He wasn't against his father yet.

It doesn't prevent his father from being a naval hero and he is the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

At this time, Matthew Mills' eyes were also focused on Long, the guy who perfectly avoided his father's genetic defects.

No matter how you look at it, you don't think he is Luffy's real father.

It is rare for the IQ of three generations of grandparents to be concentrated in one person.

When it doesn't matter to him now, in his opinion, he is curious about where the revolutionary army will go in the future.

Now it seems that Mr. Adri's willingness to come to see the dragon has another meaning.

Today's auction is the handiwork of the revolutionary army, and for them, it is also a way to earn money.

It is also a gathering place that hides people's ears.

A large proportion of the revolutionary army is maintained through auctions.

The reason why this auction requires cloak masks is also to protect the identity of customers and let them dare to buy things boldly.

After all, many things have a certain relationship with the revolutionary army.

Just like the crown of a king who was overthrown by the revolutionary army.There are many collections of treasures piled up in the trophies of the revolutionary army. The only value of these things is to be invested in the revolutionary process.

Wait until the conversation between the two is over, and the auction outside the private room is not over.

"Uncle Adri, aren't you going to buy something?"

Long Ke set up.

After all, the money is going to flow into the hands of the revolutionary army.Long doesn't mind Adrian spending a little more money as a subsidy for him.

Adrian shook his head, expressing that he was not interested, then put on a mask and led Matthew Mills away.

Matthew Mills followed Adri quietly, without too many words along the way.

Although he didn't know why Adri wanted to see the dragon this time, it didn't prevent him from guessing.

But Matthew Mills couldn't help laughing at the thought of the dragon calling Adrian his uncle.

It's really hard to imagine that such a guy with a face that looks like he has been slapped by a shoe is called Uncle Adri, and he still calls him so naturally.

If he hadn't been professionally trained, he would have laughed out loud on the spot.

The more I think about it now, the more I want to laugh.

"Well, big brother, where are we going next? The plot has already begun. Are we going back to the castle next? Wait for it to start."

"Not really, but I have to go back to the castle. You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't make trouble for me."

"Don't worry, boss, so I'm free now?"

"It can be said so, but cherish this free time, and then, it will be very busy."

"Okay, boss, don't you know me, don't worry!"

"How do you say that, I'm a little worried."

"Don't, boss, I really don't want to cause trouble!"

"As long as you don't get caught by the navy, it will be a bit troublesome to get you out."

"Don't worry, boss, don't you know my strength? It's absolutely fine. As long as the three generals don't all go out, I'm absolutely fine."

"Okay, then, I'll go first, and I'll let you know the deadline on my phone."

"Okay, boss, you can go."

As soon as Matthew Mills finished speaking, Adri spread his wings and flew into the sky.

Matthew Mills stood below, watching Adri melt into the night.

Matthew Mills could no longer see Adrienne, and immediately jumped up excitedly:
"Oh yeah! The boss is gone hahahahaha! I can mess around as I want!"

"Mom, why does that brother look so stupid?"

"Stop talking, let's go."

A woman pulls her daughter away from Matthew Mills, who is there in a frenzy.

Matthew Mills was still immersed in joy, bouncing around in place.

The passers-by could see that they all avoided him and walked away.

Matthew Mills, who finally got rid of the excitement, remembered that he was penniless, and he put his hands in his pockets, empty.

Matthew Mills' expression suddenly became subtle.

He froze in place for a while, then ran towards the distance, shouting:

"Boss, you didn't pay me my salary!! I have no money!!"

After running all the way to the port, Matthew Mills remembered that he had a phone call.

He dialed the phone.

"Hi, the user you dialed is busy, please try again later."


Matthew Mills said that he was very dry, what crime did he do, how could he even forget the basic thing of money.

Matthew Mills had reason to suspect that the boss was messing with him.

Now Matthew Mills is disheveled in the cold.

 It seems that I can't code it out. Next, I will speed up the pace and try to finish it as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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