Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 266 You Don't Like My Sister, Do You?

Chapter 266 You Don't Like My Sister, Do You?
"During the era of great pirates, there were constantly pirates on the ocean that were moving toward One Piece. Did pirates appear because there were One Piece in the ocean of the new world? Or did One Piece exist because there were pirates? Yes. Dreams come first, people are the first, as long as the pirates continue to pursue their dreams, some people will cry with their loved ones because of the loss of warmth and happiness. What should we do? Will there be an answer? The former admiral Z insisted on the answer."

"If the One Piece disappears, the Pirates will disappear too. What a rough idea."

"Although I am no longer in the navy, I still want to witness the end of Z but I don't know what to do next."

"Straw hat boy Luffy, you will stick to your beliefs and go to Z to fight again, right?"

"Just let me see your answer."

"Say hello to Robin for me, Straw Hat."

Rossindi said.

"Goodbye then."

Kuzan and Rosindi left together.

"Z, it's on this island."

"Okay, what are we going to do next?"

Sauron asked.

"Of course I gathered with Robin and the others first, but Robin's brother is really gentle, not at all like Enilo."

"That is to say, he is a very talkative person."

"Hey, look, they are here, but they bring a lot of bonus gifts."

"give it to me."

Luffy pressed the straw hat and stepped forward. Behind Robin and the others were many chasing marines.

"Luffy, keep one or two, we still have to ask where Z is."

"I see."

at this time,

Kuzan and Rossindi, who had gone far away, stopped to watch the sunset on the sea.

"Hey, Rosie, you never told me that you're Robin's brother."

"It's not like you haven't told me about your harassment of Robin."

Kuzan touched the back of his head:

"It's hard for me to say that, at least I'm protecting her."

"Of course I know, but, Kuzan, you don't really like my sister, do you? You saw him for the first time when he was eight years old, right?"

"Allah, Rosie, why don't you say that, I'm just curious how far she can go."


"Of course, but, Rossindi, you also know that I watched Robin grow up, and I know her family background very well, so you are also that guy's child?"

"That guy? You look like you have a grudge against my father."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's just that you were beaten to bed by your father to recuperate for a few months."

"Then you are really miserable."

"But, Rossindi, are you his own?"

"No, I was adopted when I was about the same age as Robin, and I brought my own brother with me."

"Brother, it's really interesting."

"That guy has adopted so many children, how come there are four according to what you said, right? One of them is Enilo, who has been the most popular recently. What is he planning? Of course, I have quit the Navy, and I also I'm too lazy to care."

"I don't know what my father thinks, but I know that my father will never do anything against me."

"You really trust him. That guy is really protective of his children. So, you don't worry about me retaliating against you?"

"Didn't you say that if you really dare to touch me, my father will tear you to pieces."

"It was scary, and we got along for a while anyway."

"Yeah, we've been together for a while."

"Now, Rosie, who is your other brother? Maybe I know one?"

"Of course you know, but I don't want to tell you, you will know later."

"I know him? That's really curious."

"However, Rossi, your father is really a terrifying existence."

"My father."

"That's right, when I was young, I heard that there were four masters in the navy, Garp, Sengoku, He and your father, who are now the King of the Sea."

"I don't know what reputation my father has in the navy." "After all, your father later quit the navy and turned to business. He obviously has a bright future. Of course, he is now one of the emperors of the dark world."

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Hey, let's not say something too clearly."

"I agree."

"After all, the two of us are already ex-navies, and some things are not in our control."

"Yes, for me, I just need to protect my family."

"It seems that you have gained a lot of insight after quitting the navy."

"Of course, after so many years, I am no longer the passionate young man I was back then."

"Let's go, we still have to see Teacher Zefa."

the other side of the island

Zefa is leading his nascent navy to fight against the navies

Luffy and the others also confronted Z and the others.

The night falls.

The volcano erupted suddenly.

The people on the island fled one after another.

Aokiji uses fruit power to save the people.

He made eye contact with Rossindi, and then they split up.

Rossindi went to evacuate the crowd, and Aokiji came to block the erupting magma.

Kuzan looked at the erupting volcano in the distance, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Whoever it is, it's a little too much."

And staying in place, there is also a sea train, Nami Robin and others are anxiously waiting for Luffy's arrival.

The newborn navy has retreated, and Zoro Sanji also arrived with Luffy without a straw hat.

The tumbling magma was also frozen by Kuzan's ability to freeze, and it could persist for a period of time.

The last sea train also left.

Rossindi finds Kuzan:

"I'm ready to go, but you won't be able to hold on for long."

"Indeed, did you find the bicycle?"

"I found it, let's go to the port, there are only two of us left on this island."

"Then let's go."

Couzan and Rosindi rode bicycles above the sea together, watching the hot magma melt away the ice and swallow the town.

Looking at the volcano that was still erupting, Rossindi couldn't help but get a headache.

"Really, I really have a relationship with volcanoes."

"Who said it wasn't."

"The Straw Hats are gone, right?"

"Well, I left, I left safely, I saw Robin, he looks much younger."


"Yes, it should be written by Mr. Zefa's Ainde."

"I'm really envious, I've regained my youth."

"If Robin hears your words, she won't be happy."

"Oh? Really, she can't hear anyway."

Rossindi rode a bicycle leisurely, and joked:
"You don't really like my sister, do you?"

"How come, I don't want to face her brothers and her father."

"But my sister seems to have a suitor."

Kuzan raised his eyebrows and couldn't help asking:
"who is it?"

"A man about her age."

(End of this chapter)

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