Chapter 27 Departure
"Dover, don't let me see you these few years, let me relax for a few years, and then I will come to see you."

Adri waved goodbye to Doflamingo who was riding his own pirate ship, but Doflamingo in the distance had black lines all over his head.

Rosindi came to say goodbye together, but in fact he also planned to go out for a walk.

Of course Adri readily agreed, it would be nice to be able to throw both of the family's cubs out at once and give himself a vacation.

Then, under the astonished gaze of Rocindindi, Adri directly handed over a burden, and drove Rocindindi directly to the departing German ship. Before leaving, Adri tried to persuade:

"Boys need to be independent, go outside and play for self-reliance, as long as they can't die."

Rossindi originally imagined that Adri would be very reluctant, but he didn't expect that he would even prepare his burden.Sure enough, when I grow up, I don't love anymore.

But when he opened the package and found his favorite prunes, he waved goodbye very simply and ate the prunes.

Adri also turned around very neatly and was about to go. He was going to take a walk-and-go trip, but he didn’t know that when Rossindi looked through the luggage carefully, he would find that there were only 1000 Baileys and a change of clothes in it. what expression.

In fact, Rossindi has already planned everything. First, he will travel for two years, travel around the world, and finally check the situation.

But under the current situation, it seems that he has to travel poorly, and he hopes that fare evasion by boat will not be caught.

Doflamingo's goal is very clear. Roger's execution date and location have been announced. He is ready to meet the waves of the sea!
All members of the Don Quixote family have already held a banquet on the ship to celebrate their first voyage.

Adri also boarded a private speedboat.

This year is the 1500th year of the lunar calendar

O'Hara perishes

Ace was born
sabo was born
It was also a year when the Adrienne family went on their own trips.

Adri's purpose at the beginning was to experience the plot. Now, Roger has long since died, and the gears of the plot began to turn slowly. Everything is so natural, and it has become inevitable under the fuel of the situation.

Adrian was lying on the recliner, wearing sunglasses, his body began to change, the blond hair mixed with white hair turned back to black in an instant, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes began to fade quickly, and the bones creaked, the original middle-aged image All the energy dissipated in an instant. If Doflamingo and Rosindi were present, they would be surprised to find:

At this time, Adrienne looked exactly the same as when they first met.

Adri has regained his youth again, not only in appearance, body, but also breath.
The people on the speedboat just knelt on one knee and lowered their heads deeply.

The people present are all Adri's cronies, and they have long been familiar with the strangeness of their own adults.These people also include No. [-], No. [-] and No. [-].

Adri stretched his body, felt relaxed, looked at the phone screen, and gradually fell silent.Adri thought to himself, it seems that this kind of trivial matter does not need to be told to the children, and he should go to enjoy the vacation.

Adri put the phone away and started today's vacation.

Time forward to Rossindi's side
Rossindi quickly finished eating a large jar of prunes before the ship reached its destination.

But fortunately, Rosindi's extremely careless falls totaled 23 times, and none of the prunes wasted.But at this moment, he looked at the 1000 Baileys in his hand and fell into deep thought.

The place he was going to was several sea areas other than the North Sea. He was hesitant, wondering if the thousand Baileys would be enough for him to eat three meals.

If it doesn't work, he can only go hunting, and make money while walking.

But the more optimistic Rossindi decided to go sightseeing first.

He opened his plan book, which listed several places he was going to, such as Alabasta.There are also many travel plans and local specialties on it.

Now he hopes that Adri's chamber of commerce can be opened further, so that if he really can't stand it, he can rob his own chamber of commerce and use it as pocket money.

At most, let's have a fight with Adri, anyway, since his father can't find him, then he can play casually!
the other side

Numantia Flamingo
As the name suggests, the entire hull is a flamingo, and the flamingo is wearing the same glasses as Doflamingo's, but Doflamingo hasn't figured out the pirate logo yet.

Doflamingo's preference for pink may have something to do with flamingos.

Adri also specially bought some real flamingos as pets for Doflamingo in the early days.

After witnessing the execution of Roger the Pirate King, Doflamingo can still recall the magnificence of that time!

"One Piece is real!"

Roger put all his treasures on the final island, and because of Roger's words, the era of great pirates will also be set off!
Doflamingo met a lot of interesting people at the time, and he managed to make a "friend".

The opponent's eagle-like eyes are unforgettable. Although the opponent is young, he exudes a sharp sword aura all over his body. The opponent is much older than Flamingo, but it is also obvious that the opponent will definitely have a place in the sea in the future.

It was precisely because of Adri that Doflamingo still had a bottle of fine wine on his body at the time, which impressed this cold swordsman, and the opponent was Joracle Mihawk.

Doflamingo was very sure that he might meet him in the future, so he gave him a few bottles of red wine afterwards.

Although Mihawk didn't want to talk to Doflamingo at first, but the red wine offered by Doflamingo was of high quality, so Mihawk didn't refuse.

At this time, Doflamingo turned his attention to the present again. The future development direction of the Don Quixote family will be finalized through the family meeting. Now is the beginning of his grand plan.

Doflamingo has already chosen an unlucky guy, and as long as he takes one step at a time, he will eventually reach the top, so that his name as Don Quixote Doflamingo will finally resound across the sea.

Somewhere in the West Sea
A small figure continued to shuttle through the street, but the firelight behind her lit up half the sky.

The little figure kept dodging, she hid in a corner, covered her mouth and dared not make a sound, she picked up a reward order on the ground, looked at the picture on it, angrily crumpled the reward order and threw it away.

At this moment, the little figure curled up, tears streaming out helplessly, but she didn't dare to cry out.

 Come and give some advice
(End of this chapter)

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