Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 270 Do you live together, so exciting?

Chapter 270 Do you live together, so exciting?

And at this time on the side of Matthew Mills.

'Boss, I suddenly turned into a woman, did you do it? '

'No, it's just probably a hangover from the last time that made you a woman. '

'Then when will I recover?I'm here in the navy now, they haven't found me. '

'I don't know, just let it go, you try to keep calm, if you get too emotional, you may change back again. '

'Is this something to do with being emotional? '

"[-]% yes, it should be because you were too excited when you saw the navy before, which led to the current situation. '

'Is it possible that I will be like this in the future! ! ? ? '

'No, it can be eliminated, don't worry. '

'Then what should I do now? '

'Don't worry, as long as you don't get too excited, nothing will go wrong. '

'Well then, boss, if I get caught, you'll save me, right? '

'Of course, my connections in the Navy are more than enough to get you out. '

'I can rest assured that. '

'But boy, do you have any intention of staying in the Navy?Just take a vacation in the Navy? '

'Boss, don't tease me, I may change back at any time. '

'All said, as long as you control your emotions, there won't be much problem.You also know that I need someone in the lower ranks of the navy so that I can inquire about some things when the time comes. '

'That's it. '

'It's up to you. '

'Boss, are you really sure as long as I keep my sex under control. '

'Of course, so have you thought about it? '

'I've made up my mind, I'll find a way to stay in the navy, just because I'm a little interested in the Six Forms, let's see if I can learn something this time. '

'Just think about it. '

Matthew Mills didn't know why he had this idea, but such an opportunity was very rare, and he didn't want to miss it.

Just make sure you're emotionally stable enough.

Matthew Mills has coveted the Sixth Form of the Navy for a long time. When the system was first established, she saw the Sixth Form of the Navy. What moved her most was the Moon Step and Return of Life. She felt that these two things were very practical.

If she can get it, her strength may be even higher.

Thinking about it this way, Matthew Mills felt it was worth it.

I didn't expect to learn the Six Styles while on vacation, which is a good deal.

But even though she is a woman, in order to enter the navy, this little thing is still acceptable.

Besides, if she is discovered, nothing will happen, she is related.

As long as it doesn't start in hell like now.

With the current setting of a general and a bunch of lieutenant generals, she can't escape.

Matthew Mills spread his legs, thinking about his future plans.

At this moment, a navy suddenly broke in:
"Miss Avro,."

A certain navy's eyes fell on Matthew Mills' actions. He quickly closed the door and reopened it. He must have opened it in the wrong way. Otherwise, how could Miss Avro be sitting in such an inelegant posture.

Matthew Mills was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of the navy. She noticed that the other party's gaze had just focused on her sitting posture, so she quickly changed her sitting posture, keeping her legs together and sitting in a reserved manner.

The navy who opened the door again saw Matthew Mills like this and said secretly, as expected, the way he opened it was wrong.

Matthew Mills forced a smile:
"Well, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Ah, that, we will arrange for you a female soldier to take care of your life."

"OK, all right."

"Anything else?"

"No, it's gone. But we have something to do next, and we may not have time to take care of you. As long as you stay on the warship, nothing will happen."

"Well, ok, I see, thank you."

Matthew Mills was a little puzzled looking at the navy that hadn't left yet. Could it be that he was discovered?Matthew Mills' mood suddenly sank, and she quietly put her hand on the hilt of her waist.

I saw the navy held back for a long time, and said:
"I'm sorry to hear your parents passed away."

After saying these words, the other party quickly left, leaving behind a bewildered Matthew Mills. What's wrong with this guy?
Matthew Mills ignored the other party and continued to take out his mobile phone.

'By the way, boss, the identity I gave myself is a girl who met a pirate whose parents died, can you help me fix it? '

'Okay, I'll send someone to do it, the Navy won't find out or anything. '

'That's fine, I'm relieved. '

Matthew Mills now feels that she still needs to pay attention. Just now when the navy came in suddenly, she felt that she almost changed back again, but it scared her just now.

She still remembers her character design, well, she is actually a girl who looks weak and elegant.

Matthew Mills coughed and adjusted his posture to be more feminine.

She didn't want to leave anything behind. If she went to the navy and changed too much, she would be suspected by others.

She had to hold herself, although it was strange, especially the weight on her chest was a bit heavy, it was a bit uncomfortable, not to mention the empty space below.

Just then, the door was knocked.

Matthew Mills tries to soften his voice:

"Please come in."

The door opened, and a female soldier with a ponytail came in. She simply greeted her:
"Hello, Miss Avro."

The other party looked very cold, seemingly in a bad mood.

"I will take care of your daily life, so I will take care of you. But because there are no more vacant rooms, we will live in the same room by then."

"One room!?"

"What's wrong?"

A trace of displeasure flashed across the other party's face. From her point of view, this Miss Jiaojiao didn't seem to want to share a room with her. Could it be that she wants to share a room with herself?

Matthew Mills also realized her gaffe, she quickly said:
"It's nothing." But Matthew Mills looked at the other party quietly. The other party was a heroic woman, but this did not mean that Matthew Mills could live with the other party very calmly. Hey!Isn't that a little too fast!
The other party frowned slightly:
"Then come with me, and I'll take you to your room. We'll take you home when we're done."

Matthew Mills nodded dully, then followed with his head down.

The other party just pretended that Matthew Mills was a little shy.

Soon, they came to a room with two beds, which was a better place than Matthew Mills had imagined. Unexpectedly, the treatment here in the navy was pretty good.

Matthew Mills looked around and sat down by the empty bed.

The other party brought Matthew Mills and then planned to leave.

"Well, miss, can I stay in the navy?"

Matthew Mills offered to strike, and she didn't expect to be chased away.

A trace of disgust flashed across the other party's face:
"We are not a shelter here, not a place for a delicate little girl like you to stay."

Matthew Mills felt the other party's malice, but she obviously didn't provoke the other party?
"I want to join the navy. My parents were killed by the nasty pirates. I want to avenge them!"

Matthew Mills blushed on purpose.

Hearing these words, the other party was a little moved, and his face looked a lot better:

"You look too weak to be suitable. If you want revenge, you have to become stronger, so revenge should be handed over to our navy."

"No, I must kill the enemy with my own hands, I know swordsmanship, I can become stronger!"

The righteousness that Matthew Mills said is really like an innocent girl who wants to avenge her parents. Matthew Mills even began to envy her acting skills, very good.

"Do you know swordsmanship?"

The other party obviously didn't believe it.

"Of course, so, I wish I could stay here! Please!"

Looking at Matthew Mills' clear eyes, the other party was a little shaken:
"I will tell my superiors, but you have to think about it, joining the army is very hard work, not just talking about it."

"I've already figured it out. For revenge, I will definitely work hard."

"Okay, then I will talk to my superiors, but it may not be successful."

"OK, thanks."

Then, the other party turned around and left.

In fact, the reason why she didn't like each other at the beginning was because she was asked to take care of Matthew Mills and she missed the opportunity to fight together this time. She felt that her hard work was not taken seriously.

She is also acting for the justice in her heart, but as a woman, she cannot always be treated equally. There are always people who say that she is a woman, so she is taken care of, but this is not what she wants.

She also wanted to go to the battlefield like other soldiers and serve the navy. This time, she managed to persuade Lieutenant General He to let her practice but she was like this now.

She was a little unwilling, and looked at a weak girl like Matthew Mills, and felt even more disdainful in her heart, but at present, it seemed that she was wrong, and the other party might also be a resolute woman.

But Matthew Mills, who was in the room at this time, breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, pretending to be a girl is really difficult, and he is a little tired.

I don't know if there is any flaw in what I just said.

Matthew Mills lay down directly on the bed and took a good rest. Really, I don't know if I can succeed. If I can't get in, it will be very distressing.After all, there is no system that can't learn such a powerful move as life return.

I don't know if the boss will.

However, the boss seems to be from the navy before, so he should know how to say it.

Matthew Mills Lima turned on his phone.

'Boss, do you know Six Styles? '

'meeting. '

'Then can you teach me? '

'I don't have time recently, so you'd better go to the navy to learn. '

'Boss, why haven't I seen you use it? '

'I don't need it, have you ever seen Karp or Sengoku use six styles? '

'Maybe not. '

'That's fine, for us, the six styles are already dispensable, so you will be like this when you are strong enough. '

'Ok, I see. '

Matthew Mills was a little distressed. It seemed that he was still not strong enough. He had to learn more during this naval trip.

But let's keep our eyes peeled.

The other party also returned to the room.

Matthew Mills, who had been in a state of boredom, looked at the visitor.

The other party looked a little tired.

"Miss Avro, my superior said that they can allow you to join the navy after they verify your identity."

"That's it, thank you."

Matthew Mills remained polite.

Anyway, she didn't have to worry so much with the boss behind her.

Matthew Mills pondered.

While the other party watched Matthew Mills thinking, he didn't bother too much, but took off his clothes on his own.

Matthew Mills came back to his senses, and when he saw the other party with only a vest left on his body, his expression immediately became agitated, and his face turned red instantly. She said incoherently:
"You! You! Why did you take off your clothes!!"

Matthew Mills quickly covered her eyes, but out of curiosity, she still took a peek.

The other party was a little confused by Matthew Mills and said:

"It's time to go to bed, of course I have to take off my clothes, it's okay, we are all girls, don't worry about it."

Although the other party said so, Matthew Mills' face was hot, and she hid directly under the covers.

"You don't take off your clothes when you sleep?"

"I, I'm used to it."

"OK then."

The other party obviously hasn't figured out the situation yet, but she doesn't bother to care about it, just being a little shy like a girl.

Seeing Matthew Mills' embarrassed look, she smiled and lay down under the covers to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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