Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 290 The Toy Soldier Who Can't Talk

Chapter 290 The Toy Soldier Who Can't Talk
"I have lived until now to fulfill that person's long-cherished wish!"

Luo shouted loudly.

He has long been unhappy with this bastard Doflamingo!

This time, he will make a break.

Luo Bian used his ability and ran towards Doflamingo quickly.

The corners of Doflamingo's mouth turned up, and countless threads appeared from behind him, rushing towards Luo at an extremely fast speed.

But Luo disappeared in a flash, and the next moment, he appeared behind Doflamingo.

Doflamingo realized Luo's position, jumped into the air, and avoided Luo's blow.

Luo Jian missed the opponent, and rushed forward with all his strength, and Doflamingo directly took the blow with his arms wrapped around his legs.

But the iron bridge they were on fell apart because of Luo's ability and sank into the sea.

Luo kept changing his position through the room to avoid Doflamingo's attack.

The Doflamingo manipulator Silk Thread kept approaching, and taunted:

"What's wrong! Luo! Don't you want to beat me!"

The silk thread in Doflamingo's hand directly cut off the huge iron bridge as easily as cutting a cake.

"room! baton!"

I saw that Luo used his ability to quickly attack the fragments of the iron bridge that was about to sink into the sea towards Doflamingo's back.

Doflamingo turned around naturally, and the fragment was instantly split in half.

But once one is broken, there will be a steady stream of fragments coming one after another.

Doflamingo was trapped for a moment, but in just a second, these gathered fragments were torn to pieces by Doflamingo's silk thread.

Luo quickly approached Doflamingo through his ability:


But Doflamingo leaned back, dodged the attack, and kicked Luo in the middle of the way. Luo was kicked into the air, turned around, and panted quickly.

Doflamingo didn't intend to give Luo a chance to breathe, and quickly approached through the silk thread.

"room! Slaughterhouse!"

This time, instead of changing Luo's position, Luo directly switched Doflamingo to him, and without hesitation it was a slash.But Doflamingo also reacted quickly and blocked it with a hard silk thread.

"The power of the fruit of the operation is really cunning. But your ability is also limited, how long can you last?"

Doflamingo kicked Luo Lianren and his knife away with force, and Luo staggered back a few steps.

But Doflamingo won't give him time to stabilize:


Keep raising the index finger and retracting the other fingers, so that the thin lines created from the fingertips are fired at high speed like a gun.

There was no miss in the shot, and the shot hit Luo who was in a panic. Luo couldn't bear it directly, and fell backwards. He couldn't hold the knife, and he collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

Doflamingo approached slowly.

Luo wanted to continue to use the room, but his current physical condition obviously did not allow it. After using it for a long time, he spit out a mouthful of blood because he couldn't bear it.

The pungent feeling of blood welled up in Luo's heart. At this moment, his whole body was in a very bad state, sore and swollen.

"What are you going to do about it, Rob?"

"Dressorosa is close at hand... Fufurofuru!"


The voice of the phone bug rang.

Doflamingo stopped and took out the phone bug from his pocket.

"Hello, Dover."


Luo suddenly jumped up, picked up the knife and came towards Doflamingo, but Doflamingo just hit Luo's leg with a few bullets, causing him to fall down again.

The phone bug obviously heard a voice:

"Ah, sorry, are you busy?"

"No, it's okay, just keep talking."

"Violet betrayed."

"Oh? Really? Blackfoot came to my side, I think something happened."

"I originally wanted to use her power to scout the strategy of the Straw Hats...but it didn't work out in the end."

"It's not a big deal, Diamanti, send Lao G and the others to guard the entrance of the SMILE factory."

"Hey, how can this work? They are going to participate in the finals next, which will push the atmosphere of the venue to a climax. Besides, it is also the time to officially announce her identity to outsiders in order to ensure that Retina gets the fruit."

"It's enough to have you alone."

"Don't say that, make me sound like a genius."

"No, only you can do it."

"I said it all, you didn't say that I was..."

"You are a genius."

"Since you've talked about it, leave it to me!"

The phone bug hangs up.

Luo Hai lay on the ground, holding his leg and shouting in pain:
"Doflamingo, you bastard!" "Luo, that is to say, you made a bait to contain me. The Straw Hats took advantage of this time to destroy SMILE. Once destroyed, even if you die, I, who cannot create SMILE, will Being attacked by Kaido. This is your wishful thinking. But you are not as able to buy time as you thought, and they are also grinding away without any achievements. "

As Doflamingo spoke, he kept approaching the struggling Luo.

"Although you are using them, this battle plan must have considerable trust in them. You trust them so much because you have Robin around, right?"

Luo raised his head tremblingly, and looked fiercely at Doflamingo:

"D is sure to make waves again!"

The blue veins on Doflamingo's forehead were exposed, and his fingers were gradually twisted. He slowly raised his hand, and his claws were not stray.

blood splatter......


Contestants who were tricked into the underground on the grounds of medical treatment continued to disappear one by one.

At this time, the people who lost in the arena were secretly sent to the garbage dump under the arena.

However, when they were still confused about the situation, a sticky liquid thing caught a player and went up.

But the person bound by the slimy thing came to a platform.

A pair of small hands came towards him, and the next moment, this person became a toy.

"Don't hurt humans, obey the family's orders, and obey these two orders carefully. You can see the factory and trading port from this door, go."

The toy walked obediently towards the door.

sunflower field

King Liku Rebel Army Headquarters
"A long, long time ago, our Dondada clan set sail in search of scarce resources in our country, but after being discovered by the adult clan, we fell into a crisis of almost extinction. At that time, King Dressrosa of the neighboring country proposed to us In exchange for a small amount of labor in exchange for a security treaty for resources and safety, the king at that time was named Don Quixote."

Robin was slightly surprised.

The patriarch of the Dongdada tribe continued:
"This treaty has been in effect until 900 years ago. This period is the darkest period of our family's history, the slave era. The remaining historical materials clearly record the cruel rule of the royal family over our family at that time, which is completely demon!"

"Our family is engaged in heavy labor in the underground, while the adult family enjoys the glory and wealth by our hard work. After that, in the 100 years of history, we don't know what happened, but it is far from 800 years ago, a new king was born in Dressrosa. After he learned that our little people have been engaged in inhuman labor underground for hundreds of years, he shed tears and told us Deep apology, redemptive atonement for actions taken by the new king."

"Our family no longer has to work, and can take any necessities of life in this country at will, while the king uses goblin pranks to appease the people, and let the legend of goblins be passed down in the country. Afterwards, the generous and benevolent Liku clan ruled Looking at this country, because of being helpful, the country was not rich at the time, but it was indeed a beautiful country where people lived and worked in peace and contentment. The ancestors were grateful to King Liku, who loved the people like a son, and tried their best to turn this country into a thriving flower. A beautiful country full of wilderness, this is the 800-year-old friendship between our Kingdom of Dontata and King Riku."

"However, after 900 years of change, Doflamingo, the last descendant of Don Quixote's clan, unexpectedly made a comeback, intending to repeat that unbearable history again. There are already 500 companions including my daughter Manshirley. Become his victim, we will never let that period of history repeat itself!"

Looking at the Dongdada family whose voices were getting louder, Robin was thinking about something.

And just when the toy soldier was about to confess his identity, he found that he hadn't spoken.Everyone was curiously waiting for his next sentence, but the words that were on their lips at that time could not be uttered.

The toy soldier looked at himself in disbelief.

Everyone was also looking at him.

Then a man's voice came from the ear of the toy soldier:

"Don't tell anyone who you really are, don't hurt my children. Follow my orders."

The toy soldier hurriedly covered his ears, but the next moment, he fell silent.

"What's the matter, Mr. Toy Soldier?"

"It's nothing, you don't have to worry about it."

The eyes of the toy soldier were very empty. After a short period of panic, he returned to normal, and he began to explain the story of ten years ago to everyone.

About how Doflamingo stole the country ten years ago...

After listening, everyone was silent.

Only Robin was still thinking about something.

At this time, everyone here was only immersed in this tragedy, but they never thought that the villain and cunning guy they talked about was Robin's brother and Adri's son.

Robin didn't feel much after hearing this story, although it was her brother's doing, but if it was someone else, Robin might click her tongue.But if this person is her elder brother…………….
Rather, for Robin who experienced that scene in his childhood, what is all this, can it be compared with the Demon Slayer Token?

All she needs now is to know that she is her father's daughter.

Her heart is in favor of the family members, no matter what the family members do, she will not object, because she has long seen the darkness, fear, anger, tears in this world?That kind of boring thing has long been unable to hold her back.

She herself is part of the darkness, and she also clearly knows that her father is not an absolute light, but so what, as long as she knows that she is her father's daughter, her father will never harm her, Therefore, Robin can be said to be indifferent to those.

Before joining the Straw Hats, she was wandering in the dark, but it was only after joining the Straw Hats that she became like this. She never had a time of empathy, let alone a time when it was about her brother.

Although Brother Dover is stealing the country, it is only for profit, and the Riku family is just a stumbling block in the way of brother's benefit.She believed that if it was her father, she might do the same thing, maybe even worse.

Now, Robin is thinking about Luo's problem instead. She thinks that Luo just wants to make Brother Dover unhappy, but from the current point of view, it seems that Luo has a strong desire for revenge.He didn't just want to teach Doflamingo a lesson, but absolutely hit him!

Now in front of me is a friend and an enemy of Brother Dover. Robin can't do as well as Luo.This matter is a bit troublesome. She trusts her partner very much, so Brother Dover is really busy this time.

If it's just a simple fight between Luo and Doflamingo, then it doesn't matter to Robin as long as he is alive.But now it's not that simple...... They seem to be trying to kill you......

Now the people around her are still in a state of being moved, of course Robin will not say it so bluntly, she also needs to appear gregarious, because beside her are friends.

It was her friends who would cover her darkness for their sake.

She has already been involved in this matter, so it can only be carried out to the end.

"Doflamingo is truly unforgivable."

Robin spoke anyway.

"Eh? Is Robin okay? You're not Doflamingo's..."

"It's okay. So this time I'm going to teach him a lesson..."

Then Robin found something to do and left here. She came to the sunflower field outside and made sure there was no one around. She dialed the phone:

"Hey, father......."

(End of this chapter)

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