Chapter 305 Excuses
underground port
"Oh? Isn't it a bit chaotic outside?"

"Indeed, I seem to see a few little mice."

"It doesn't matter, this is the young master's lifeblood. Even if the ceiling collapses, it won't hurt the factory built with sea stones, so these things are none of our business."

"That's right, we don't have to worry about it."

A few people are not paying attention to the situation outside, but continue to work.

"What are you doing!"

The attention of several people was attracted.

Then came the sound of a whip.

I saw one of their colleagues throwing a tantrum. It turned out that this group of deceitful little people knocked over things.

"Did you knock down this SAD storage tank! Help it up!"

Followed by another whip.

The Dong Da Da clan in prison uniforms hurriedly dodged the whip.

"Are you okay, please stop."

A Dontada tribe stood in front of Don Quixote's family members and explained:

"The earthquake that just happened knocked the storage tank down."

"That's right, what happened to the big earthquake just now?"

"Shut up, you don't need to know this!"


"Don't you want to cure Princess Manshirley's illness? You must, don't you?"

"Of course I do, how is the princess' condition?"

"Well, it's a pity that the princess' condition has not improved yet."

"It's not going to be good."

The two subordinates began to pretend to be in harmony, and the other colleagues were not surprised. This was just a way to coax these little guys.

"Please, let us meet the princess."

"It's really troublesome, shut up and work quickly, you just need to do a good job of SMILE."

The people of the Dongdada family could only continue to work, but at this moment, the door opened.

All eyes were on the open door.

"Hey, what's going on, who opened the door! Eh? Miss Letina?"

The originally aggressive members immediately put on a flattering look, and at the same time were curious about the group of people following Letina, among whom were members of the Dongdada clan.

Is it an increase in labor?

"Well, Miss Letina, why are you here? You are not allowed to come here without your father's permission, and you brought outsiders with you."

The member pointed to Robin and Usopp next to Letina and gestured.

Letina explained:

"This is not an outsider. This is my aunt, my father's sister, and her partner in other things."

"The young master's sister!! Then you can't come in at will, this is the most important place for the young master, how did you come in?"

The man made a troubled look.

"It's my father's will that I can come in."

"Oh? Miss, are you here to oversee the work? Did you bring a new batch of little humans by the way?"

At this time, the Dongdada clan in prison uniforms also saw their companions.

"Leo! Why are you here?"

Leo also greeted them happily.

"I'm here to help you!"

"Are you also here to help treat Princess Manshirley?"

"Eh? The princess is sick?"

"Yeah, that's why we're here to help her."

"So that's it. I thought you were captured by Doflamingo and forced to work. But don't worry, the person next to me is the current princess of Dressrosa. She is easy to talk to. She is here to improve the relationship with our Dongdada clan." "Eh? Really, then we don't have to be so tired?"

"Yeah, because I will arrange your work reasonably, and your partners will come to help when the time comes."

Robin said these words without changing his face.

At this time, the members of Don Quixote who knew about it had a strange look on their faces:

"That, this."

"Dover should have had a relationship with your people in advance."

"Indeed, the young master did say so."

One added in a low voice.

"So just do as I say, the responsibility is on me alone, so don't worry."

Robin comforted his brother's men.

Then he bent down and negotiated with the Dongdada clan.

Letina also leaned down and began to communicate with these little guys.

Doflamingo's subordinates could only stare at each other and stand where they were. Since it was their young master's intention, there was no need to worry about it, as long as they did their jobs well.

the other side

The gap in the arena.

Diamanti approached Doflamingo and said softly:

"Young master, these guys seem to know something."

"Don't be nervous, Diamanti, it was just an accident."

Doflamingo looked at Fujitora again:
"I didn't expect that the admiral of the admiral actually listened to the nonsense of the group of bounty criminals in the revolutionary army. They must have told you something, Admiral Fujitora?"

Fujitora did not speak, which also meant acknowledgment.

"Fufurfurfur, it's really interesting. Instead of arresting them, the navy listened to them and came to trouble me, a member of the world government? You shouldn't protect us, right? Otherwise, our money would be for nothing gone?"

Doflamingo opened his arms, trying to confuse the young navies around him. Of course, he just added to Fujitora's obstacles. It's not a good thing for this guy to let him go back.

Since the other party is looking for death, then I can only play with him. If they find out the secret below, then they don't want to go back.

The secret here can't just be discovered like this, if it really reaches that point, then the only way to open the birdcage is.

Lieutenant General Basyuti was also close to General Fujitora at this time, waiting for him to give orders.

Fujitora raised his hand, signaling to everyone not to act rashly, and said in a low voice:

"This old man actually doesn't want to do this, but it's also for the safety of your country, so I hope you won't let us use force. Everything this old man does is for justice, so please get out of the way, Mr. Tenyasha."

"Who wouldn't say such a thing? This is not a good reason. This is my country, so naturally I should have the right to refuse."

With his hands in his trouser pockets, Doflamingo obviously wouldn't be fooled by Fujitora's vague words.

Fujitora also shook his head slightly, and said lightly:
"I'm doing it for your country's sake. Now I suspect that there are criminals from the Revolutionary Army hiding here, so I have the right to search."

The smile on the corner of Doflamingo's mouth disappeared, and the veins on his forehead were exposed:

"What about the evidence? You can't do without evidence."

"Of course there is evidence. The old man met the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army on the road, and the old man chased him all the way here. The testimony of the marines who were with me is naturally the evidence."

"What a joke!"

Doflamingo's tone was very bad.

"If Mr. Tian Yasha doesn't let me find out, I might have to report it. After all, your current nature is suspected of harboring criminals from the Revolutionary Army. I think the higher-ups should agree."

Fujitora's flat tone made Doflamingo very upset, and he clenched his fists.

Monet and Diamanti looked serious.

Fujitora meant to give Doflamingo a big hat.

Fujitora is trying to slander Doflamingo for having a deal with the Revolutionary Army. If the world government knows about this matter, even if it is just a suspicion, it will not be easy to deal with.

After all, the world government attaches great importance to the revolutionary army. If it is someone else, maybe they will not pay too much attention to it, but Doflamingo is a special person. Pay attention.

Although Doflamingo is not afraid of this, but Fujitora uses this matter as an example, and the meaning is not clear.

That's a good excuse indeed, a good excuse for a search.

(End of this chapter)

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