Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 307 Something is wrong

Chapter 307 Something is wrong

Underground factory
Leo looked at Letina and Robin who were talking in a low voice. He didn't know why, or at the beginning, Leo had an idea that Letina in front of him was like a person in his impression.

Now, especially the profile of the other party, they are exactly the same.

This idea has always been deeply rooted in Leo's heart, he stepped forward, came to Letina's side, and pulled her clothes:

"Miss Letina, do you know Scarlet, the princess of the Riku royal family?"

Letina bent down, with a little surprise on her face:


Letina showed doubts on her face:

"If my childhood memory is correct, Scarlett is my mother's name, but I didn't know that my mother was a princess, or my father never mentioned it."

Letina glanced at Robin from the corner of her eye after she finished speaking.

There was also a flash of surprise on Robin's face, but it was well concealed.

Letina didn't continue to pay attention to Robin, but continued to look like Leo:

"However, if you remember correctly, it may really be my mother. I only have memories of my mother when I was very young, but it was not in the palace."

Leo looked happy:

"That's right. I heard that Princess Scarlet married someone and then lived in seclusion. I remember that Princess Scarlet was very tolerant of us when she was still in the palace. I really miss her. .”

Letina smiled slightly, and continued to ask:
"Is she really, a princess?"

"Of course, there is absolutely no mistake. She is still a very gentle person."

Retina got this answer, as if confirming something, she didn't speak.

On the other hand, Robin frowned, as if thinking about something.

"Oh, by the way, Princess Letina, you should know Princess Violet, right? She is Princess Scarlet's younger sister, and is now a cadre of the Don Quixote family, Violet."

Hearing this sentence, Robin's eyes looked like Letina's back, as if there was something wrong, Robin felt a sense of disobedience, I don't know why, in short, it felt very uncomfortable, she was a little confused, now The amount of information is a bit large.

According to this, the child Letina is the granddaughter of the former king, so that means that Brother Dover married that Princess Scarlett?This is impossible. It is impossible for her to not know that her brother is married.Then there are only two possibilities, one, or, the brother secretly married and gave birth to Letina, and the other is that the brother Dover adopted Letina.

It’s okay if it’s the first type, but if it’s the second type…………… Then the elder brother usurped the other’s kingdom and adopted the other’s granddaughter?This is too ridiculous, so Brother Dover's motives are not quite right.There must be something in it, something she must have overlooked.

And now there is another point worth noting, that is, the woman named Violet, code-named Violet, it seems that Letina knew her before, but does Letina know about this?Robin's attention was focused on Letina.

Letina trembled a little when she saw Leo being dragged here, and then continued to maintain an elegant smile on her face:
"I do know her, but I really didn't know there was such a relationship."

Robin's brows frowned even tighter, and the sense of disobedience came up again. Sure enough, there was something wrong. The child Letina seemed to be hiding something.

Robin put his hand on Retina's shoulder and asked Retina:
"Letina, is your mother still alive?"

When Letina heard this, her eyes dimmed significantly:
"Mother passed away very early, on that night......"

Robin straightened up without changing his expression, and did not continue to bring up the topic.

Leo looked rather happy:

"Princess Letina, since you are the granddaughter of former King Riku, we believe that you will treat us as well as before."

Letina also nodded:
"Well, I will definitely treat you well."

And Robin behind them watched Letina and Leo talking there with an extremely weird look.

It's not right, it always feels weird.

Usopp looked at Robin who looked weird, and couldn't help but stepped forward to pat Robin:
"Robin, what's wrong with you?" Robin finally came to his senses at this moment:
"It's okay, maybe I'm a little tired."

"That's it, it's fine."

Robin squatted down, looked at the villains of the Dondada family, and kept an elegant smile:
"Well, Leo, I'm going to pick up your princess with Letina, can you wait for us here?"

"Huh? We want to meet the princess in person."

"This is a little troublesome. Your princess is seriously ill. She has been moved out of the factory and moved to the palace. Except for special personnel, the rest of the people are not allowed to go, because her illness is extremely contagious."

"Oh, that's how it turned out. Okay, Robin Lando, we'll wait for you here, as long as you help us confirm that Princess Manshirley is safe and well."

"Okay, I will notify you as soon as there is a situation. When Princess Manxueli's condition improves, I am arranging for you to meet. How about it?"

Leo thought for a while, then looked at his partner behind him, and returned:

"Okay, that's it, I trust you."

Robin also smiled back, and then gave Retina a wink, and Retina obediently followed Robin.

"Hey, Robin, what about me? Can I not go, I just stay here with Leo and the others."

"Of course, Usopp."

Robin walks away with Letina.

But the Dongdada family is cheering happily, because they can finally relax a little bit, which also means that they have reached a consensus with the crown prince of this country, and the next step is to coexist peacefully. Share this news now.

at this time
palace interior
Violet is quickly shuttling from room to room.

Through her ability, she can easily find the location of Luffy and Luo, so as to find the shortest distance to find them.

Turn that corner and you'll see Luffy.

Violet clenched the key in her hand:

"Straw Hat Luffy, the key!"

Luffy stopped and looked at Violet who suddenly appeared:

"Eh? Oh, by the way, key, quick, quick, help Telaan's handcuffs to be released."

Luffy just remembered this, quickly put Luo down, and used the key to unlock Luo's handcuffs. Luo, who was finally able to move, breathed a sigh of relief, and then directly used the fruit ability to face his abdomen.

Seeing several bullets suddenly appearing in his body, he couldn't help cursing:

"That bastard, Doflamingo, actually used lead bullets on purpose, damn it!"

"Traman, since you're all right, let's hurry up and go find Doflamingo."

"By the way, I just want to remind you..."

Before Violet finished speaking, a few huge toy soldiers appeared at the end of the corridor, and they were slowly walking towards Luffy and the others.

"that is………."

"No, it's Sugar's Nutcracker doll!"


"What the hell, wouldn't it be better to just kill it?"

"No, we have to avoid them, because as long as the sugar is still there, these dolls will not die!"

(End of this chapter)

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