Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 309 No, You Are Sick

Chapter 309 No, You Are Sick


Doflamingo was still in a confrontation with Fujitora, and neither side made a move immediately.

But at this moment, a voice broke the silence.


Both sides instinctively looked towards the sky at the same time.

In the sky, there were two figures flying towards them quickly, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere, and everyone was staring at the figure that suddenly appeared.

At this moment, Doflamingo raised his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly uncontrollably.

When the smoke cleared, two tall figures appeared.

"Doflamingo, I'm here to beat you."

Luffy declared.

Luo at the side looked at the scene in front of him with black lines all over his face. Very well, they had attracted all the firepower at once.

"It's Straw Hat Luffy and Death Surgeon Law!"

A Marine contemplated Fujitora's eyes and yelled.

Lieutenant General Bastiyu also approached Fujitora at this moment, and asked softly:

"Sir, let's go..."

Fujitora didn't have any expression on his face but slowly pulled out his staff sword.

"Since the pirates have appeared, we can't sit idly by."


Doflamingo couldn't help but sneered and said:
"Now our enemies are the same, let's solve these two first before proceeding with our business."

"Right on my mind."

Luo slightly lowered the brim of his hat, and sure enough, the Straw Hat Master successfully relieved Doflamingo of his troubles.

Luo was ready for the next battle, he bowed slightly, and stretched out his hand to cast the room directly.

And Fujitora didn't talk nonsense, and saw a huge meteorite falling from the sky towards their position.

Luo is okay, but Luffy is very excited to see it for the first time.

Doflamingo seemed displeased:
"Hey, this is my country, you can't do this..."

Luo looked at the approaching meteorite, planning to jump up and split the meteorite in half.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out to face the meteorite.


Luffy shouted happily.

It was Sabo who came out, and he directly crushed the meteorite with his dragon claws.

Broken meteorites all over the sky fell here like a torrential rain.

Sabo landed, stood beside Luffy, and rubbed Luffy's head affectionately:

"I'm coming, Luffy."

Then Sabo looked at Fujitora again:
"Since you want to attack my brother, I have to face you, General Fujitora."

Fujitora scratched his head:
"It's a bit troublesome to meet your Excellency."

Doflamingo was not surprised by Sabo's appearance, but said in a sarcastic tone:

"Is the mouse that has been hiding for so long finally willing to show up?"

Saab stabilizes his hat:

"Since you want to hurt my younger brother, then of course I, the elder brother, will not turn a blind eye."

Luffy stopped Sabo who wanted to rush out at this time:

"Wait a minute, Sabo, I want to defeat Doflamingo myself!"

Sabo was taken aback for a moment, but still smiled and said:
"Okay, then I'll personally drag the admiral in."

"It's troublesome."

Sabo then disappeared in place with a "swish", and appeared in front of Fujitora in a flash with a kick. Fujitora pulled out his stick sword to block the blow.

Then the battle between the two began.

Doflamingo looked at the two people in front of him, sneered and said:
"Do you think you can defeat me by yourself? It's interesting."

"Then come on, I'll wait!"

Doflamingo opened his arms, waiting for the two to attack.

"Dover! I'm coming too!" Torebol dragged his body over.

"Oh, Torrebol, you came just in time, so just in time, two against two."

Torrebol stood beside Doflamingo.

Luo gave Luffy a wink, but Luffy had already rushed out regardless.

....................................... ..
Confinement Chamber Deep in the Chapel

"Ms. Jolla! Why are you here!"

"And Miss Retina, why are you here?"

Jorah shook his hands impatiently, while Letina faced it with a smile.

"We have something to do, you can go as usual."


Then several people guarding Man Xueli gave way one after another.

The three of them came to the room very quickly, and intermittent sobbing can still be faintly heard.

Robin quickly scanned the room, and finally his eyes rested on a small prison.

Jorah also went straight to this small cell, and then motioned for Letina to come forward.

Letina wanted to step forward, but her face was a little nervous.

She glanced at Robin:
"Auntie, I don't think I can."

Robin sighed slightly, putting his hands on Letina's shoulders:
"Forget it, you have to learn it slowly in the future, watch it."

Robin stepped forward and stood in front of the small cell, and she could see a standard Dondada villain, her golden hair was combed into two braids, and she was wearing a cute princess costume.

He was constantly wiping the remaining tears from the corners of his eyes.

Man Xueli also found that an adult she had never seen was looking at her, and she curled up in a corner in fear.

Robin smiled and said:
"You are Princess Manxueli, right? I am Robin, I know Leo, and he asked me to meet you."

Hearing the name Leo, Man Xueli looked up with joy on her face:

"Leo came to ask you to save me?"

Seeing that Man Xueli successfully lowered her vigilance, Robin continued:

"Yes, but it's not to save you, but to visit you."

"But I'm not sick."

"No, you are sick, do you remember what they gave you?"

Man Xueli looked puzzled:
"Just plain bread?"

"That's right, that's right, they were afraid that you wouldn't want to take the medicine, so they secretly put the medicine in the bread."

"Eh? Is it really like this? No wonder I said how astringent this bread is."

As soon as Man Xueli heard the answer, she immediately understood something.

"So, when will it be good? I want to go out."

"Hurry up, don't you see why they locked you up? Because your body is too weak, too much exercise can easily aggravate your condition."

"I see."

Jorah looked at Robin who opened his mouth in surprise, looking very shocked.

Letina believed Robin's words a little bit.

"Odd number, Princess Manxueli, congratulations, your health has improved a lot recently, and you can go see your companions when the time comes, they are constantly helping you to cure your illness."


"Of course, next time, we will change you to a better room, because your condition has improved."

"So that's the case, thank you very much! But why do they sometimes force me to use my ability roughly?"

Man Xueli looked at Robin innocently.

Looking at this deceitful face, Robin felt guilty inside:
"That's because the reason why you are sick is because of your ability. You need to use your ability multiple times to relieve the condition. For this reason, we deliberately injured people to heal you."

"Ah, I really trouble you, I will actively cooperate next time."

Seeing that Manxueli had been successfully deceived, Robin secretly gave an OK.

Then Robin asked Jorah for the cell key to open the cell door, and put Princess Manshirley on his shoulders:
"Then Princess Manxueli, let's thank the people who actively treated you, they have worked very hard."


Man Xueli said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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