Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 31 Meet a few little guys (recommendation ticket plus update)

Chapter 31 Meet a few little guys (recommendation ticket plus update)
Some guy on vacation didn't know that Rossindi joined the Navy.

Adri walked alone on a small island in the South China Sea. There is only one town here. Although it is not small, it is not big. developed.

Adrie isn't playing all the time, he also occasionally goes back to check on the business situation of his own chamber of commerce, because this small island is contracted by the Beixinghai chamber of commerce, in other words, it is a monopoly.

Monopoly business is good, and few people can resist the temptation in this regard.

Adri has always wanted to go to O'Hara to see, but there are only remains, and the Navy will not allow it.Adri still hopes to collect more books to enrich his library.

Adri was walking, and more and more people came around, because there were merchant ships approaching to supply gifts. Most of these people were porters. The food in the whole town was consolidated and sold to the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce. Finally, according to the two orders of each family Penny.

And those who have strong men at home will work as porters to earn more Baileys.

There are very few people like Adri who come to the town to travel, but they are not extinct.There are many immigrants in the town, and Adri relies on the particularity of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce.

The Xinghai Chamber of Commerce not only has merchant ships, but is also unique in the tourism industry. Most people will choose Xinghai for manned ships, because in this place where pirates are rampant, in terms of security, such as escorts, the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce makes people feel at ease.

Adri boarded this ship and headed for his next stop, Batherilla Island.

There was a big cleansing there, and it is said that the blood of One Piece was left there. During that time, the island was full of mourning and crying, and many pregnant women died because of this. In order to find the successor of One Piece, they were strangled in the cradle.

Now the island of Batherilla has returned to its former calm. The actions of the navy kept them silent. In a real sense, only the pregnant women and their families were traumatized during that time.

Adri actually didn't care, he went there just as a check-in point, the birthplace of the future Fire Fist Ace.

Adri was hanging out on the deck, but somewhere in the corner of the ship he spotted a little guy.

It has to be said that this child is familiar to Adri, but Fang Fang looks only four or five years old, but with red hair and prickly hair, the other party looks fierce.

His body was dirty, his clothes were full of holes and patches, but his face was still unruly. He noticed Adri's gaze and stared back fiercely, as if warning:

What to look at, believe it or not, I will kill you!
He still had a wrench in his hand.

Adri looked at the fierceness of the other party, but he didn't care. After all, in this regard, he had never seen anyone who was more fierce than his own Dover.

Adri then walked away silently, without even looking at the red-haired hedgehog.Adri wanted to rest first. After browsing the next destination, he decided to find a place to rest for a while.

As soon as he returned to the room, Adri's cell phone rang, it was Doflamingo.

Doflamingo is very busy, and he almost never takes the initiative to call him, an empty nester.

"Mossy, Dover?"

"It's me, Adrian, I was recently targeted by the navy."

"That's it, congratulations."

".thank you."

"You're welcome, have you been offered a reward? How much? How about your side? How is the development going?"

"Not yet. It's just that the basic framework on my side is already being built. Don't you worry? I'm being targeted by the Navy."

For some reason, Doflamingo's voice was a little gloating, as if he was looking forward to Adri's reaction.

"There's nothing to worry about, as long as you don't die, I don't know your strength yet? If you're bored, would you like me to ask someone from Ah He to send you from the headquarters?"

Adri's casual voice doesn't seem to have any worries.

"Fufurfur, forget it, I'm not ready yet."

Doflamingo didn't have any surprises about Adri's reply, it's better to say that this is reasonable.Adrian didn't even care about his identity as a Tianlongren, let alone let him meet the admiral of the navy, the general staff of the navy, and the hero of the navy in his early years.

According to Adrienne, it is fine to let Doflamingo make trouble as he pleases, as long as he is fine, anyway, he will be arrested as Doflamingo.

"Hey, Adri, I'm going to make a deal with you..."

Doflamingo's voice suddenly dropped. "Really... That's up to you, but if you do this, it's a bit dangerous... Do you need me to ask No. [-] to accompany you?"

"No, this is my decision, and it is also for my future plans."

"That's up to you, but it's still the same sentence, don't die..."

"Fufurfur, don't worry, the secrets I know won't let them kill them all."

"It's good if you can be clear, pay attention to safety."

Adri then hung up the phone, recalling what Doflamingo said just now, thinking, the world government is not so easy to talk to.

If the world government made his son feel bad, then he made the world government feel bad.

Adri's gaze then became dangerous.

On the other side, Doflamingo hung up the phone with a rare smile on his face.

After all, on weekdays, Doflamingo's smile is either arrogant or beating.

One month later

Dodal Islands in the South Sea
Although it is an archipelago, it covers a large area, and there are bridges connecting each island. However, due to the relatively cold weather in the area, the construction of the bridges is a bit difficult.

The people of the Dodal Islands mainly eat meat. Because of the climate, the price of rice here is extremely expensive. Only the rich can have rice or bread every meal.

It has also naturally become the main import place of cereal grains.

Adri was on his way home with a basket of fresh ingredients. He was wearing a heavy suit jacket and a scarf around his neck.

He noticed that there was a navy nearby, as if he was searching for something, but what did all this have to do with him?
Adri just needs to go back to his warm hut, not to mention, sitting by the warm fireplace drinking hot coffee, looking at the book in hand, and occasionally admiring the snow scene outside the window, this feeling is unique.

And when Adri was about to get home, a group of small black shadows ran in the white snow, and soon lay down in the snow and couldn't get up.

Adri was aroused and went to check. He saw a little girl covered in injuries hiding there. Seeing Adri approaching, she immediately wanted to get up and run away.

The little girl was wearing very little clothes, and accidentally fell when she got up, and she was so painful that she couldn't get up on the ground.

Adri stepped forward and found that the opponent had many frostbite marks on his body, and because he fell too hard just now, the snow was stained red.

But the little girl desperately tried to get up and run away.

Adri pulled the other side:
"You fell, don't move around."

I saw Adri first took off his coat and wanted to wrap the little girl up, but the other party was too guarded, so he had to hand it to the other party hastily.

The little girl tremblingly wrapped her clothes around herself, her red nose trembling.

Adri then took out his silk scarf
"Don't move around, I will simply bandage your wound first."

The little girl nodded obediently, and watched Adri slowly bandage her wound with a silk scarf. For a moment, her heart was full of entanglements, whether she should trust others or not.

The kind old lady called the navy after seeing that she had won the bounty, but now, what will happen to this one?

"Little guy, your wound still needs to be treated. Let me take you to my house for treatment?"

Adri asked solicitingly, like this will appear under the ice and snow, if you ask people's parents or family, it will be a bit idle.

The little girl who stayed on the ground hesitated for a moment, but nodded anyway. In her opinion, it would be a big deal to run away again, so as to deal with her wounds.

Then Adri picked up the little guy wrapped in his coat with one hand, and walked home with a basket in one hand.

 There are some differences in the local timelines in different chapters, and there will be more later, if you have any doubts, you can contact me
(End of this chapter)

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