Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 317 Reactions from all parties, the upcoming starving enemy attack

Chapter 317 Reactions from all parties, the upcoming starving enemy attack
"The joker has been arrested! Then what about our business!"

"That's right! We've already paid the deposit!"

"Without the weapons provided by joker, how can we fight this battle!"

"Boss, surrender, we can't win without a source of weapons."

"Damn it, I can't give up now. The empire I haven't built easily can't be ruined just like that."

"But, if this continues, we will be defeated!"

"Isn't the ending the same! Hold on to me!"

The blue veins on the forehead of the man sitting in the first place were exposed, and he was obviously very angry. The biggest agent in the underground was arrested. Who would have imagined this?hateful.

The fist of the man sitting at the top slammed on the table, causing the table to split into two sections.

Those sitting under him dared not make a sound, for fear of getting hurt.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came, and the door was knocked.

"My lord! There is something new! The weapons we ordered before have arrived!"

"how is this possible!"

The person sitting on the first seat stood up abruptly. He was already in despair, but now a ray of light appeared in front of him.

"Hasn't joker already been caught? Who sent the weapon?"

The person who came to report said out of breath:

"Yes, the other party claimed to be a new joker, and he also told us to remember to pay the final payment."

The people in the first seat were immediately overjoyed, which was a good thing, he knew that there were many people in the underground world staring at the big cake of joker, and he didn't expect to react so soon, and now he didn't bother to care about how the new joker appeared, he All that has to be done is to win the war at hand.

"Quickly, distribute all the weapons, let's continue fighting!"

"Yes Yes!"

Everyone in the room was surprised and hesitated for a while when they heard the news, but what the hell, they don’t need to care about those important people, as long as the supply of weapons is constant!
The originally sluggish atmosphere suddenly lifted.

Such things happen all over the world. Anyone who has done business with joker knows the birth of a new joker, but there are some people who have evil thoughts and want to go to Dressrosa to find out. After all, there is still There are a lot of good things left.

But more people are still curious about the identity of the new joker. For a while, there are different opinions and turbulent winds.

new world


ghost island
Kaido sipped his wine:
"The joker guy was defeated? Heh, he was actually defeated by a group of brats. It's really useless."

"Mr. Kaido, what about our smile? If that guy loses, we will have no source."

"Hmph, I've already sent Jack to try to hijack the ship."

"But those brats who have ruined our business need to be taught a lesson."


The phone bug rang.

Kaido is not in a good mood right now, but he still answered the phone. What news can there be? Smile is probably not available.

"Hey! Master Kaido!"

"What the hell! Isn't it that smile is not available?"

"No, no, Master Kaido, Smile contacted us and said that the supply is as usual!"


These words surprised Jhin next to Kaido, the joker is gone, who will take charge of the overall situation?And who will manage the supply of smile fruit?
Kaido laughed when he heard the news:
"Guhahahaha! God help me! It seems that the smile factory has not been destroyed! I'm really curious who the other party is... Hey, who is in charge of Dressrosa now?"

"Reporting to Master Kaido, it is a woman who claims to be Doflamingo's daughter."

"Huh? Daughter? That guy has a daughter? It's really strange. It seems that the other party has hidden a lot of secrets. Send my people to meet her and find out the matter!"

"Yes, Lord Kaido!"

Jhin said beside him:
"Mr. Kaido, can you see if there is anything in it..."

"Don't worry, I'm Kaido. It's probably because those little devils are complacent about defeating a Shichibukai, but I'm the Four Emperors, so there's nothing to be afraid of! Just do as I tell you!"


Jhin didn't continue to raise objections, he believed in Mr. Kaido's judgment.

At this moment, a phone bug that Kaido carried with him rang. Kaido hesitated when he saw the phone bug, but he still connected:

"What do you mean by calling me at this time? Do you also want a share of the pie?" "……………………"

"Huh? It seems that you are here this time. What are you planning?"


"Guhahahaha, whatever you want, our cooperation is still the same?"


"That's fine, but, aren't you a little uneasy there..."

Before Kaido could finish speaking, the other party hung up the phone bug. Kaido's eyes flashed a bit of displeasure, but he still didn't have an attack, but put the phone bug away.

"Jhin, there is no need to send someone to contact Dressrosa."

Jhin didn't speak, but nodded and stepped back.

Kaido rested his chin in his hand, seemed to be thinking about something, then took a sip of wine:

"Forget it, don't care, as long as it doesn't hinder me."

And above the attic, a figure flashed past.

Kaido glanced at it, didn't speak, but let the figure leave.

The departing figure wears a prajna mask.A head of long white hair with a gradient color, from the top of the head to the tip of the hair, the hair gradually changes from white to green and then to blue.The hair is parted in the middle, and the temple hair naturally hangs down to the chest.There are a pair of red devil horns growing on the top of the head.The back of the head is pulled into a ponytail, struggling with two orange hairpins.Both ears wear gold earrings.

Tall, wearing a white sleeveless close-fitting kimono with blue patterns and two diamond patterns on the chest.A huge shimenawa is tied around the waist.He was wearing a long red dress on his lower body, a pair of red clogs with straps on his bare feet, and a pair of handcuffs on his wrists.

The figure moved quickly in the attic, showing a happy mood. He finally heard the news about the straw hat boy, which made her a little excited, and she didn't know when that guy would come to see him again.

Inside a warship above the sea
"General Fujitora! There is a huge ship with a strange shape approaching us. We have sent instructions not to approach dangerously, but the other party is obviously still approaching."

"Oh? Are you here for Tian Yasha again?"

"Let's go see it together."

When the Warring States Period started, Crane was still alone with Doflamingo, and now the two of them had the highest official positions.

Fujitora and Sengoku came to the deck and looked at the ship that was still a little away with a telescope.

Warring States obviously frowned and said:
"This type of ship has never been seen before. It is really strange, and it seems to be equipped with many weapons."

"Oh? Is that so? Does the old man need to take action?"

Fujitora made a sword-drawing gesture and asked about Sengoku.

"Farewell, let our people fire a cannon at a certain distance as a final warning."

"The old man has no objection."

"Wait! The logo on that ship!"

"It's the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce!"

The sudden voice was a navy with short silver hair, wearing a large coat with "Justice" written on the back, and goggles around his neck.

Zhan Guo looked at Smoker with a trace of curiosity in his eyes, as if he was saying how do you know?
Smoker didn't answer, because the last time he knew that Brother Rossi was still alive, maybe even earlier, such as when he was still in the navy, Smoker had been paying attention to the Star Sea Chamber of Commerce, and he had studied a lot about it, and some After an in-depth investigation, the logo of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce is even more memorized.

Warring States didn't have time to pay attention to why Smoker knew that this strange ship with the logo of the Star Ocean Chamber of Commerce was approaching them.

Since it is a ship of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce, it means that that guy may also be here!
I really do whatever I want.

"Hurry up and inform Lieutenant General He, just say, he's here!"


Smoker didn't know why, but he obeyed the order and left immediately.

"Notify the entire navy, all on alert, the biggest enemy is coming!"


With this order, the deck became busy, and there were constant transfers of personnel, and they all stood in their own positions.

I saw that the battle was getting bigger.

But Fujitora was thinking silently, what kind of person could make the former general of Warring States afraid?Where is the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce mentioned earlier?There were too many questions, but Fujitora didn't ask any questions.

Because, he thought, next, he would soon know.

As the atmosphere on the entire warship became more and more tense, the ship that made Sengoku feel bad was getting closer.

(End of this chapter)

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