Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 320 Warring States Fujitora Moves

Chapter 320 Warring States Fujitora Moves
Adrian didn't seem to care much about the decision of the Warring States Period. In other words, this result was within his expectations, and he was not surprised. He looked at the high-spirited navy and didn't bother to say anything.

Adri just said lightly:

"Sengoku, I want to teach your navy a lesson this time, and let you know what air supremacy is."

Adri took out a phone bug and whispered to the phone bug:
"Go ahead."

I saw that several carrier-based aircraft circling in the sky seemed to have received orders. When the Warring States Period was still in doubt, I saw several bombers directly dropping several bombs, and one of them landed on a warship precisely. , caused an explosion in an instant, which directly affected the actions of the warship, and many people were injured as a result.

The rest of the bombs fell into the sea, and they directly disliked the huge waves. The broken water spray pushed the warship to sway, which is enough to prove the power of this bomb.

Warring States is asking about the damage of the warship. He knows very well that if their warship is destroyed, the blow will be heavy. Adri is obviously capable of driving all of them into the sea.

Then we can only destroy those few flying things in the sky, otherwise they will be very passive.

Fujitora also understands this truth, he intends to directly use gravity to suppress those ships.

But Adri obviously wouldn't give Fujitora this chance. At this time, these carrier-based aircraft seemed to be attracted by something and began to stay away from the battlefield.

"I won't let you destroy them. I spent a lot of effort to make them, and I can't let you destroy them, so don't worry, I won't let them join the battlefield again, although there are many good things to think about." I want to show it to you, but let’s forget it, it’s a bit expensive, so the official shipjacking is next, so I hope you are ready.”

Zhan Guo frowned, obviously very worried, this guy Adri is now saying that the official start is really a bastard.

While everyone was waiting for Adri's next move, Adri snapped his fingers, and saw countless soldiers pouring out from a hole in the aircraft carrier behind him, all of them were equipped with Xinghai Chamber of Commerce The unique technological weapons and the combat uniforms on their bodies are also very uniform. They are well-trained and lined up on the wide platform of the aircraft carrier. Among them are a few people wearing bright-colored vests, waving a flag there.

I saw that following the instructions, these fully equipped soldiers actually lifted off on the spot, their feet bouncing rhythmically, as if they were stepping on the air, stepping on the air under their feet, and they rose into the air rhythmically one by one Well, the navy was really not calm when they saw this scene. It would be easy for them to understand if it was Adri who was suspended in the air alone, but what the hell is this scene now? As the navy, they are still very aware of the current situation.

They also quickly discovered the clue, it wasn't that this group of guys would be similar to Yuebu's moves, but the problem was with their equipment, their shoes were weird!
"Hey, why did I see this? I thought it was Germa 66. It looks so similar."

"I also think that if it weren't for their clothes, I would suspect that they are soldiers of Germa's 66."

"You said, could this be Germa's soldiers, otherwise they would not have given their equipment to others."

These guesses are fairly grounded.

When Crane saw this scene, he couldn't help frowning. It seemed that someone had something to do with Germa, and it was hidden really deep. It is not easy and feasible to obtain Germa's technology.

Watching the army attacking them in the air, Warring States could only issue orders:
"Don't stand still! The enemy has already appeared, so cheer me up!"


Soon, the soldiers of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce were approaching, and the battle between the two sides had already begun. The navy soldiers were overwhelmed. After all, the enemy was too difficult to deal with floating in the air, and it was a bit difficult to aim the guns. , and the combat power is amazing, I don't know how many times better than their weapons.

And those who know the goods will find that the things in the hands of these soldiers are exactly the same as the electromagnetic guns of Germa's guys!
It's a pity that no one cares about it on the battlefield now.

Now the soldiers of the Xinghai Chamber of Commerce have been lingering around the warship like flies.

However, such a method is trivial for some high-level navies. They can fight with the enemy in the air using moon steps, but the persistence time is a little shorter, but this is enough. Their strength is much higher than This group of ordinary soldiers, what's more, the number of this group of soldiers is not too much.

While many vice-admirals were cleaning up a large area, Fujitora also took action. Sengoku and Crane didn't take action to deal with these miscellaneous fish, but they all paid attention to Adri's movements. This guy is the most troublesome .

Warring States also has no way of knowing the extent of Adri's current strength. As early as when he and Adri were in the navy, the Warring States felt that Adri had been hiding something and felt that the other party did not use his full strength, but it didn't matter to him at the time. After all, the other party has his own privacy, but Warring States got some news from Garp, that is, never underestimate the strength of that bastard Adrian, he will always surprise people.

In addition, the opponent's age does not seem to have changed. In fact, this is also a proof of his strength. Although I don't know how the opponent's strength has risen in recent years, the Warring States Period will definitely not underestimate Adri.

Fujitora is well aware of the principle of capturing the thief first, so he directly exerts gravity on the place where Adri is, in an attempt to drop him from the sky.

However, Adri didn't seem nervous when faced with the sudden pressure, but with a wave, the pressure disappeared, followed by Fujitora, as the ability user of the fruit of gravity, Fujitora This time, I also successfully experienced the feeling of gravity.

I saw Fujitora suddenly sinking in, and he was constantly adjusting his body shape. This pressure was unexpectedly strong, and Fujitora couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, but he quickly used his ability to This force is offset.Seeing Fujitora who had recovered, Sengoku and Tsuru were surprised. What surprised them was not that Fujitora had recovered, but the initiator of this ability. Fujitora slowly spoke:
"I didn't expect you to have the same fruit ability as the old man. The world is full of wonders."

Fujitora's emotion was obviously different in Sengoku and Crane's ears.

They clearly knew that Adri, who was in the navy before, did not show any fruit ability, only swordsmanship.

Although they were not surprised to learn that Adri was most likely to eat a phantom beast fruit through some fragmentary information on Judicial Island, but what is going on with the other party now?

But they don't have time to care about it now.

"If you just rely on these soldiers and want to rob the ship, I'm afraid it won't work. You should use all your strength, or you will have to fall here."

Fujitora's slow voice was obviously very good for Adri, but Adri just gave a contemptuous glance and didn't speak. Soon, there was another movement on the aircraft carrier, and there were people in strange equipment Filed out, the elastic equipment behind them hit the ground, they kept pressing backwards, their bodies gradually moved backwards, their center of gravity was lowered, and then their feet were released, and they were ejected directly like cannonballs. It drew a beautiful arc and then successfully landed directly on the naval warship. Regarding this sudden change, the navy was even more confused.

After these personnel who fell from the sky landed, they quickly untied their equipment and threw that equipment into the navy crowd. After that, the equipment briefly flashed a few times and exploded on the spot. The personnel who landed took advantage of the panic of the explosion, Kill directly in the navy warship.

But fortunately, the navies adjusted quickly. The vice admirals, major generals, and brigadier generals came out one after another to defend against these extremely powerful individual personnel. It seemed that they were here to restrict the admiral-level personnel.

These personnel are carefully selected and belong to the middle and upper reaches. They wear special combat uniforms and are comfortable in the navy, or they go directly to the vice admiral to restrict their actions.

The troops on the opposite side are still outputting continuously, and Smoker also faced three combatants here. If it weren't for his fruit's ability, it would have been a fierce battle. With the devil fruit, at least it is not so embarrassing. After all, there are three. Who can change it?

To be honest, Matthew Mills originally only wanted to touch fish, but he was afraid of being seen by the crane, so he could only kill a few kittens in three or two to show his sense of existence.

But a combatant found Matthew Mills. Seeing the other party's ruthless tactics, Matthew Mills was a little apprehensive. The boss is really not afraid of being killed. He who can't use the blood sword , I have to pretend, but it is very troublesome, no, this time if I play well, I must ask for compensation like a boss.

But then again, although these people didn't say they were too strong, they could be regarded as the mainstay, but it's not surprising that the boss has such strength under his command, so there must be personnel of the same level as him.

Then I seem to have no status. If you want strength but no strength, you need no brains... Ah no, if you have brains, why does the boss like you?Or is it really just accepting yourself on a whim?But the boss seemed to say that he has a very important position before?It’s nothing, forget it, I still don’t want to, as long as I can become stronger and see a wider world, then it’s OK.No matter how I say it, I am not Xianyu, I still have to work hard to become Mr. Adri's right-hand man.

Several vice admirals also fought with the fighters at this moment, and they were all surprised, not because of the strength of the fighters. Although these fighters are good, their strength is not too high, and the most important thing is this base. In order to escort Doflamingo this time, the navy sent a lot of troops. It is worth pondering that the Sea King has such a force. Need some yarn.

There is a problem with this shipping king!
Warring States and Cranes are also very aware of this problem. Instead, they are more curious about why Adri chose to show his strength at this time. They believe that Adri should have other ways to save Doflamingo, but this is not the case. kind.

Adri, this is fatal, it will attract the attention of the world government, even the world, it will do him no good at all, or in other words, he intends to...
Thinking of this, He couldn't help trembling, she looked at Adri with a trace of disbelief, and Adri also looked at He.

Zhan Guo's expression was very strange, as if he knew something.

Crane will not ask any questions.

Looking at the chaotic warship, Crane still reminded:

"Warring States, there is only one battle now, defeat Adri."

Fujitora also said:

"I think this one needs me to take action with His Excellency Warring States."

Fujitora's meaning is already obvious, the two of them beat Adri.

Warring States, who turned into the form of a giant Buddha, sighed, and said slowly:
"Let's get started, General Fujitora, please."

It is said that the figures of the two disappeared directly in place, and reappeared beside Adri. One of them held a sword and the other palmed a fist. At that moment, they directly attacked Adri.

 a little less today

(End of this chapter)

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