Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 329 Extra: If Rossindi hadn't been brainwashed by the navy's so-called justice

Chapter 329 Extra: If Rossindi hadn't been brainwashed by the navy's so-called justice

1504 Haiyuan Calendar

Rosindi goes undercover with the Don Quixote family
Doflamingo looked at Rossindi in front of him with black lines all over his face:
"So, you came to me as an undercover agent following the order of that old guy from the Warring States Period?"

Rossindi lay back indifferently, yawning:

"Ah, yes, is there a problem?"

Doflamingo has mixed feelings in his heart at the moment. Could it be that he can't keep up with the times? Why does his own brother tell himself honestly when he wants to go undercover for his family, is it common for undercover agents nowadays?
Doflamingo laughed a little angrily:
"That's what you told me? Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Please, you are my own brother! Are you going to kill me? I thought you would beat me up at most."

"You still know that I'm your brother, so you still help the navy to come undercover! It's fine if I don't beat you to death. Tell me, why you took this mission, and when did you become a navy?"

Doflamingo tried his best to control his tone and leaned forward slightly.

Rossindi made a look of indifference:

"Isn't it because of you, brother, that Mr. Garp regarded you as you, and was forced to be arrested and sent to the navy to be reformed, and then Uncle Warring States was troubled by you becoming a pirate. I thought, why not call someone else to come undercover?" It’s easy for me to be an undercover agent myself.”

"What kind of shit are you thinking!"

"Brother, you have to think this way. When someone else comes, you may not be able to recognize who is the undercover agent. It is easy to operate on your own. I am your younger brother! Of course I will not harm you. You just need to give me some Irrelevant news is fine, let me brush up my performance with the Navy, there will be no problem, besides, I got a fruit for nothing."

Rossindi naturally got up and sat down beside Doflamingo, and took out a devil fruit.

"Oh? They are actually willing to give you a devil fruit? What type?"

"Superhuman, Silent Fruit."

"They can get such a tasteless fruit, as long as you want, Adri can give you a better one, why bother?"

"Whore for nothing, don't don't want it for nothing, this is a whore for nothing! Besides, I have started to tell you my undercover identity now, don't you feel more at ease? Would I help outsiders instead of helping my own family? How is it possible, I They haven't been brainwashed."

When Doflamingo heard this, he just sighed:

"Forget it, it's up to you, as long as you don't touch the fundamental news, you can pass it on. I don't care. It doesn't matter how long you want to stay here. After all, you are my brother."

"Then let's talk about it. I'll take it easy with you. You don't know that the navy is exhausting. I don't want to stay longer."

Doflamingo picked up the newspaper on the table and read it:

"Then don't go back. It's good to stay with me all the time. What's so good about the Navy."

"But there is food, lodging and salary in the Navy, I can't bear it."

"It's up to you. I'll tell the other cadres to let you take up the position of Red Heart. This is the highest cadre."

"Huh? I thought you'd make me the mate."

"If you are willing to be a pirate with me, I can consider it."

"Forget it then, a red heart position is enough for me to do business, and I don't expect anything extravagantly."

"Who did you learn this temper from, really."

"Who knows."

Rossindi stretched her waist.

"Then you will be Corazon from now on, remember."

"I know, I know."

Rossindi looked a little impatient.

one year later
"Hey, Rosie, why do you keep driving those kids away? You should like kids a lot."

Doflamingo asked.

In his plan, he wanted to select some children to become his future foundation. He never thought that with Rosindi, there would be only a few left, much less than he expected. For this, Doflamingo had a headache, he really didn't understand why Rosindi was so harsh.

Rossindi didn't look at Doflamingo but, drinking coffee, said:
"Dover, I don't want any child to go on a road of no return and become a pirate with you. It's too bitter."

"What do you mean by that?"

"That's what I mean. I just hope they get out of trouble. They are just children who should have a better future. I don't want them to become like us. That's not good."

"Fufurfurfur, you are really a bad person, why are you not sure that this will change their lives, you can't stay here, and you can't survive outside for a few days, and you will only usher in death in the end. Are you still How childish."

"Whatever you say, I just do what I want to do."

Doflamingo didn't say much either. After all, this is his own brother. Anyway, he doesn't have to worry about not having fresh blood to join him. Rossindi is just raising his requirements a bit, it doesn't matter.

"That's right. Some people in the family have noticed that you gave the navy our whereabouts. You'd better pay attention to it yourself."

"Okay, I'll tell the navy to be more restrained, don't worry about it."

"It's as good as you know what you have, and I don't care about the rest."


"Okay, get out, I'm upset when I see you."

"Don't, I'm still going to rub your sofa here."

Doflamingo sent Rossindi away, sighed helplessly, what a trouble.

Two years later

When Rosinandi saw the desperate young man, his brain was at a standstill at that moment. It was very much like them, really very much like them back then. 【despair】



His appearance made Rosindi feel shocked from the bottom of his heart. At that moment, he stared at the child for a long time, and Doflamingo also fell into deep thought.

When Rosindi knew that the child was suffering from pallidum disease, it could be said that it was almost hopeless. At the moment when he heard the news, Rosindi felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He could not see the future of this child. He wanted to Give him a future.

Rossinanti finds Doflamingo.

"Oh? You want to take Luo to see a doctor? Rosie, you know, this disease can be said to be terminal."

"I know, but I don't want to give up. His eyes are so desperate."

"I also hope to train this child Luo to become my right-hand man in the future. I will find a way. Don't worry, I don't want to lose him either."

"No, I'll take him to see a doctor. You still have the navy watching over here, so you can't devote all your time here. I'd better take him away. If there's no other way, I'll come to you again."

Doflamingo thought for a moment, nodded, and agreed:

"Since you think so, it's not impossible. If you can't find it, try asking Adri. Maybe he has a way. I also appreciate that kid."

"Well, then I'll take him away today."

"Now? That's fine. I'll go find him with you."

Doflamingo and Rossindi came to Luo's room side by side. Luo showed great vigilance and nervousness towards the two people who suddenly appeared.

"Ro, let Corazon take you to the doctor."

Doflamingo spoke first.

Luo, on the other hand, was nervous. Did Corazon tell Doflamingo about his stabbing?

"My illness is beyond cure, there is no need!"

"No, Luo, I'm very optimistic about you. The reason why I want Corazon to take you to the doctor is because we can't take care of you in the later stages of the disease, and we don't need a dead person, so let's find a way to survive."

Doflamingo left after saying this.

But Luo still couldn't figure it out, so he was abruptly taken away by Corazon.

"Hey, let me go!"

"You also heard what Dover said. We are all very optimistic about you, so we have to find a way to cure your illness."

"I know my illness myself, so I don't want to go to the hospital."

"A little hope is hope, let's go."

Without any explanation, Luo Xindi carried Luo away.

Luo is still struggling, Corazon is the one who bullies him the most on weekdays, maybe what the other party will do!
Three years later

After visiting countless famous doctors and setting foot in countless hospitals, Luo's condition still hasn't made any progress.

However, the relationship between Rosindi and Luo gradually warmed up. Luo and Rosindi were very happy during the time together, so happy that Luo felt that it was not a bad thing to die like this.

Rosindi got a call from Doflamingo today:
"Hey, Rosie, I seem to have a way to cure that little guy here. Is he still alive?"

"Of course, but the situation is not very good."

"That's fine, it should be in time. I have news here that a devil fruit may solve the problem. I remember that kid has some medical skills, right? That should be no problem."

"What devil fruit can solve this problem?"

"Superhuman, the fruit of surgery. I have a message from here that the world government is going to make a deal with a group of people. It is this fruit. The world government is asking for 50 billion Baileys."

"Do you need me?"

"No, we have enough manpower. If you meddle, you are still a navy after all. Forget it. You will always be a navy in the future."

"Actually, it doesn't matter anymore."

"Then you plan to continue following me?"

"I won't go. I met my father before. He seems to need help there. I've been wandering outside for so long. It's time to go back."

"That's it, whatever you want."

"By the way, Dover, if you do this, you will annoy the World Government."

"Furofurfur, so what, the world government would never let us go."

"Indeed, then I'll wait for your good news."


Rossindi, who hung up the phone, was very excited at the moment, and he looked at Luo.

Luo looked puzzled:
"what happened?"

Without saying a word, Luo Xindi hugged Luo and began to circle around to express his inner joy:

"Luo! You are saved! You can survive!"

 This is a story about a parallel world
(End of this chapter)

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