Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 343 That Gem As Big As A Pigeon Egg

Chapter 343 That Gem As Big As A Pigeon Egg

In a hidden room of the castle.

The lights here are dim, and several black figures are sitting together, seemingly discussing some important matter.

Several people looked very serious and sat upright.

The leader spoke:

"We did neglect this matter, so what do you think about this matter?"

The rest of the people spoke one after another:
"I think it can be arranged, that matter."

"Indeed, I also think that matter really needs to be arranged."

"I am casual, but I also hope that this matter can be done, after all, we......"

"How about this, are there any suitable people under your command? If there are people, it's best to report them to me, and we can go through the preliminary screening."

"Be careful with this matter."

"It does need to be treated with caution."

"This matter is of great importance, so I hope you all find as many suitable candidates as possible, just in case."

"However, is this wrong? After all, he..."

"You have to know that this matter is about to be settled. Let him see it first, after all, who can say for sure."

"That's right, there's no harm in being a little earlier."

"Okay, let's arrange this matter as much as possible."

The leader then took out a stack of photos from his pocket and threw them on the table, each photo was accompanied by a note.

"These are suitable for my side. You can take a look first, and try to summarize the photos in this form the day after tomorrow."

Several people carefully examined the photo and the note attached to it.

"Okay, let's end the meeting this time. I hope everyone can search according to this standard."

At this point one of them said:
"I may not have too many suitable people on my side, as you all know."

At this time, another person also said:

"I don't know many people. It might be troublesome. I also want to ask for their advice. If they refuse, I can't help it."

"It doesn't matter, as long as there is a photo and a brief identity introduction. As long as he likes it, we can take it slowly. No one can say that this kind of thing is accurate."

"That's right, then I have one or two candidates here."

castle garden
A woman with light-colored hair is chasing something in the garden. It is worth noting that her pupils are purple, like a shining gem in the eyes.

If you look carefully, you can see a small figure walking in the middle of the garden.

"Don't run."

The woman chased the little figure across the beautiful garden, and now she had no time to see the beautiful scenery here, so she quickened her pace, and the uncontrollable smile on her face seemed very excited.

Because she is not an ordinary kitten, but a treasure hunting cat. This kitten is especially interested in gemstone financial reports and the like.

This woman is Chukana, the only female member of the Thor Pirates.

Now she can see how big the castle is, the luxury here is beyond her imagination, and she even saw some simple decorations with a super large diamond, which is like moving money everywhere ah!
Chukana looked itchy, but she knew very well that she couldn't touch these things. They belonged to the captain's family. It's a hell, why the captain's family is so rich, but they don't pay her a salary!I haven't seen the captain show off, well, the captain's ark made of gold seems to be quite rich.When Chucana first boarded the ship, Chucana tried to get the gold on the captain's ark to see if you could get some money for it, but Enilo discovered it just after she took action, forget it, let's not mention it .

Now Chukana plans to dig out some good things from here. She firmly believes that there will be some valuable things in the garden that she can miss.Now it seems that my treasure-hunting kitten has found something. It is definitely a good thing. Maybe someone accidentally dropped some gems here, and then I will make a lot of money.

Chukana quickly passed through the path in the garden. There were several gardeners who were planting flowers and plants in the garden. They didn't care about Chukana, but reminded:

"Miss, please be careful."

Of course, Chukana didn't listen to these words at all. She only thinks about treasures and treasures in her mind now, and she doesn't want to take her eyes off her for a moment, little cat.

Soon, Chukana caught up with herself, little cat, and a pair of black leather shoes caught her eye.

A pair of slender hands directly hugged the little cat.

What caught Chukana's attention the most was the ring inlaid with a black gemstone as big as a pigeon egg on the opponent's hand.This beautiful black shadow has left an indelible impression on Chukana's mind.

Chukana followed the direction, raised her head, and looked at the young man standing in front of her.

How should I put it... It is a man who seems to have an aristocratic temperament. Under his black broken hair, his eyes are like black gems, just like the pigeon egg gems he wears on his hands. It's a bit white, although it looks young, but it gives people a feeling that it doesn't belong to his age. The other party wears a relatively retro clothing, which makes Chukana even more suspicious of whether the other party is a prince of a certain country. That aura makes it hard to ignore him.

But Chukana still focused her eyes on the pigeon-egg-sized gemstone in the opponent's hand, her mind was full of, wanting, wanting, wanting...
"This lady?"

The other party's voice was very pleasant, and it sounded very pleasing to the ear. Chukana was also pulled back by this voice. She realized her gaffe, and quickly transferred the realization from the pigeon egg to the other party's face.

The other party's exquisite facial features once again made Chukana a little stunned, but she quickly realized that what she was thinking about was still the pigeon eggs.

"Is this kitten yours?"

Chukana nodded quickly:
"Ah, yes, yes, the kitten is mine, please."

Chukana stretched out her hand to pick it up, but the kitten lay in the opponent's arms, staring at the black gem the size of a pigeon's egg in the opponent's hand.

Damn guy, he forgets his friends when he sees money, and he loves it for nothing. If only he were a kitten, then he can get close to that pigeon egg!

Although Chukana didn't watch carefully, but with her many years of experience, this thing must be worth a lot of money, and she dared to guarantee it with the captain's life.

"Since the kitten is yours, let me give it to you."

The other party handed the cat back to Chukana directly, and Chukana took advantage of the opportunity to catch the reluctant kitten.

Chukana's eyes were fixed on the pigeon eggs in the opponent's hand.

"Are you... the crew member of that kid Enelu?"

Chukana kept staring at the pigeon egg, didn't listen carefully to what the other party said, just nodded.

"Well then, this ring is a meeting gift."

I saw that the other party took off the pigeon eggs in his hand and handed them directly to Chukana.

Before Chukana realized what was going on, she was just dazed, and the other party disappeared without a trace. Only the ring in Chukana's hand still symbolized that what happened before was true.

Chukana looked at the pigeon eggs in her hand:

"Does this... belong to me? Wuhu!! I've made a lot of money!! I'm lucky!"

But after being excited, Chukana also calmed down.

"By the way, who is that person? Could it be that the captain's family is really a prince of some country? Is that a nobleman just now? Or a prince? Seeing that the other party is dressed so gorgeously and spends a lot of money, he should be at least a big shot. Said Maybe it’s the captain’s brother?”

But obviously Chukana missed the point, she was soon immersed in the joy of picking up a pigeon egg, her hand kept stroking the pigeon egg, this texture, this luster, I love it, I love it!
Chukana immediately looked around vigilantly, but she didn't attract anyone's attention, as if nothing happened.

Chukana quickly hid the ring and left happily.Today's harvest is very rich, you can try your luck next time.

(End of this chapter)

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