Chapter 345 Senior
another rainy day

Today's downpour trapped many people's footsteps, and the sudden rain made many unprepared people drowned.

But not everyone hates the rain.

For example, this brown-yellow woman with shoulder-length short hair has beautiful blue pupils. Her appearance may not be outstanding, but her smile gives people a cheerful and upward feeling.

She was trotting in the street in the rain, and she had to find a place to shelter from the rain, or she would catch a cold and die, and in this case, her child would be left unattended.

Her name is Lucian.

Lucian felt the coolness of the raindrops sliding across her cheeks. She liked rainy days, but today's rainy days reminded her of some bad things. The day she saw him was also the same downpour.

She hadn't seen him for a long time.

Lucian shook her head, trying not to think about that bastard.

He is a pirate who has killed countless people.

Lucien quickly ducked under the eaves of a nearby store for shelter.

Looking at the pouring rain, she might not be able to go back for a while. She stretched out her hand to touch the cool rain, and the rain fell very gently on her hand. She retracted her hand, wiped it briefly, and looked up at the gray sky , I don't know when the rain will stop, she is just looking at the gray sky with a vegetable basket, and she doesn't know if she can rush back to cook, the child Jimlet should go to the refrigerator to fill his stomach first.

"Tick, tick."

Rain falls along the eaves.

"Clap la la la."

Heavy rain battered the leaves.

"Clap clap clap."

It was the sound of leather shoes approaching, mixed with the sound of leather shoes colliding with puddles on the ground.

Following the sound, Lucian looked over there, and a figure holding an umbrella gradually appeared in front of her eyes. As the figure approached, surprise, disgust, and disgust flashed across Lucian's face, and that person finally stopped in front of her. before.

Lucian leaned against the wall, did not look at the person in front of her, but deliberately ignored him.

The figure was a man in a suit. He had black hair back, black sunglasses, and a black suit. He looked at Lucian with helplessness in his eyes, and he spoke:


The name had just been called, before he could continue, Lucian shouted angrily:
"I have nothing to say to you, a pirate! Please leave quickly!"

"I'm not a pirate anymore... I'm leaving."

"So what, your hands are already covered with blood, what's the use now!"

Lucian didn't look at each other all the time.

"Then, anyway, let me take you back?"

"You don't need to send it!"

"…………..Then let me go and see little Jim too? I am also his father..."

"Father? You don't deserve it at all. You just disappeared in the past few years. What's the point of talking about it? He doesn't have a pirate father!"

"I actually visit you secretly every year, but I dare not appear in front of you. Lucian, I am no longer a pirate, I have left! I don't expect your forgiveness now, I plan to seek your forgiveness here. A job, seeing little Jim and you every day is enough. I will give you all the clean money I earn in the future, and treat it as child support. If you don’t want to see me , It’s okay, I won’t appear in front of you, I will work steadily in the future, and I will no longer be a pirate, so I hope you can give me a chance, at least let me see Jimlet grow up.”

Lucian was silent, and she didn't give him an answer, but just stood there silently, continuing to tilt her head, not looking at Senior.

Senior was not in a hurry, waiting for Lucian's reply.

In the heavy rain and majestic weather, the two of them just stood like this. After a long time, Lucian breathed a sigh of relief, and said lightly:

"I don't want to see you now, so please go back. As for the rest, as long as you don't affect my life with Jimlet, you are free to do whatever else you want."

Lucian stopped talking nonsense with Senior, and took advantage of the rain to lighten up, she rushed into the rain and ran away. There was crystal clear liquid flowing on her cheeks, and she didn't know if it was rain or... …
Seeing the back of Lucian leaving, Senior just took a deep breath, watched the other party disappear from his field of vision, and then he was still worried, followed all the way, escorting the other party to the house, and then turned and left silently.

This is a pretty good start, at least Lucian doesn't reject herself.

He walked down the alley to a small apartment, took out his key, and went in.

He has been back for a few days, so he temporarily rented a small apartment to live in.

Senior couldn't help thinking back to a few weeks ago.

"Eh? Uncle Peake, you want to retire?"

Letina looked surprised, now is the time of the family meeting, and Senor brought up this matter, naturally it is well thought out, but other family members don't think so.

"Señor, what's going on with you? Isn't it too early for you to retire?" Diamanti's expression was not very good. Now is the time when Retina is in power and it is time to employ people.

Diamanti's words also came out of the hearts of those present.

Because it is obvious that Rao G, the oldest in the family, has not retired, and it is a bit out of order for Senior to propose retirement.

"Mr. Senior, are you sick?"

baby5 asked with concern.

"Still feeling unwell? Do you want to see a doctor?"

Senior shook his head, and after hesitating for a moment, he firmly knelt down in front of Letina:

"Miss! I hope to leave Dressrosa and go to the elderly first. Please do it!"

After finishing speaking, Senior's head was deeply buckled on the ground.

"Nei, Nei, what do you mean! You don't want to quit the family, do you?"

Torrebol suddenly approached Senior. After all, they are family members who have been together for so long, so they naturally believed in Senior. atmosphere of.

Betrayal is absolutely not allowed. Once you join the Don Quixote family, you will not be allowed to withdraw.

That's why Senior proposed to retire. He didn't want to betray the family, but he was also worried.

Looking at Senor who was kneeling and the family members with unkind faces around her, Letina smiled and said:

"Okay then, Mr. Peake will retire first."

"Miss! This is not acceptable!"

"Letina, this is not allowed! With this one exception, wouldn't it be..."

Several people in the family wanted to dissuade them, but Letina said:

"I believe that Mr. Pique has his own affairs, and I think everyone present also believes in Mr. Pique. Since Mr. Pique really has important matters, then we should respect his wishes."

Letina spoke for Senior at the moment, and the rest of the family did not continue to speak. Now that Letina had spoken, they had nothing to say.

"By the way, Mr. Peek, do you need any help? If you have difficulties, maybe someone in the family can help you."

Senior shook his head, he clearly knew that his current behavior was no different from quitting the family, but Miss Letina was still willing to forgive him, for which he was deeply grateful:

"This is related to some private matters, so don't bother the lady to worry about it. I really appreciate your willingness to agree!"

Senior kowtowed heavily again.

Letina hurriedly got up and pulled up Senor:

"Mr. Peek, you don't have to kneel, get up quickly. When you think it's okay, the family welcomes you back anytime."

At the end of the memory, Senior didn't take anything from the family, but simply packed some road expenses and left.

And in Dressrosa, after Senior left, Letina also briefly learned about Senior's situation. To be honest, Senior has a wife and daughter outside, which is very important for most of the cadres in the family. It's not a secret, and they are also very clear that Senior is taking advantage of Letina being more talkative than Doflamingo before submitting the matter of retirement.

Letina listened to several cadres in the family telling the story about Senior, and she kept thinking about it in her mind.At least, now Letina knows one thing clearly, Mr. Pique's wife divorced him because Mr. Pique is a pirate.

But Letina tilted her head at this time and said:
"But, we are not pirates anymore? Father's title of Qiwuhai was deprived, so it is also my father's pirate. What does it have to do with me? Since Mr. Pique is now under my command, isn't it a great good citizen? , or a nobleman? So why did Mr. Pick leave? Just tell his wife that we are no longer pirates, will it be okay soon?"

Pica opened the mouth and said:

"He probably wants to get back together with that woman, right? I heard they have a son."

"Letina, you are still young, and you don't understand some things. It is said that the woman Senior hates pirates, so even if Senior is not a pirate now, his hands are no longer clean..."

Diamanti considered for a moment before speaking.

Letina pouted her mouth, feeling a little troubled.

Senior's side
Senior recently found a job and started from the bottom. In his free time, he would come to Jimlet Quota School and watch him from afar.

When a certain amount of money has been saved, Senior will put all the money in an envelope and secretly send it to Lucian.

Days go by like this.

One day, Senior, as usual, sneaked to send money, and when he turned to leave, a woman's voice came:


Senor turned his head suddenly......
(End of this chapter)

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