Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 350 You are actually greedy for my father!

Chapter 350 You are actually greedy for my father!

At the tea party, everyone seemed very relaxed and at ease. There was only one person whose complexion was not very good all the time, and that was Vinsmoke Gage. Talking to Adri.

Several of his children also found his absent-minded father. They followed Gage's gaze from time to time and naturally saw Adri, but these children didn't say anything, just sat quietly. Their father doesn't have any emotions, they don't even know what emotions are, the only thing they can feel is Adri, that is fear, awe, admiration, and fanaticism.It was an overwhelming emotion that came from within, a strong emotion.

This feeling is very strange, which also prompted them to secretly take refuge in Adri, and betraying their nominal father was also straightforward.

Even Gage’s anomalies were reported by them, and Gage’s every move was under surveillance. Of course, they told Adri the news that Gage wanted to unite with his aunt to deal with Adri. They only thought it was ridiculous, and they had already I have seen the great power of God and understood the greatness of God.

Reiju looked at his father with pity mixed with it, because he knew that his good father had died soon.

Because Gage didn't seem to be very obedient, Adri planned to deal with it directly, and this task was entrusted to Gage's own children.

As for the loss of Jiaji, Adri doesn't care anymore. Anyway, if he doesn't control the opponent, he will kill him directly. Next, he will have a better substitute, that is Vega Punk of the World Government, that is also A good candidate.

All in all, Gaji is a foodie and loves to play. Adri passed him. After today, Gaji can disappear.

Gage has been restless, completely unaware that his children have betrayed him.

Suddenly Adri's deep voice came from Reiju's ear:

"Reiju, come here."

Reiju suddenly looked at Adri's original position, there was only one empty seat left, and Adri was waiting for him in the far corner.

Reiju found an excuse at random, fooled her father, got up and left, disappeared into the crowd, and approached Adri.

Reiju followed Adri's figure and came to a secluded place. At this moment, only the two of them were left around. Reiju looked around vigilantly:
"Now I'm in Big Mom's territory, I'm worried..."

Adri snapped his fingers in an understatement, a thin lavender protective cover enveloped the two of them, and Jiaji felt that the world was quiet for a while, Jiazhi quickly looked around, and the people around him were still normal Running, it seems to just isolate the sound.

"Okay, now we can talk about it."

Reiju frowned, although she didn't know why Adrian was able to release the soundproof cover, but this didn't prevent her from being surprised.

"Reiju, you and your younger brothers should be very clear about the main purpose of this time, right?"

Reiju replied respectfully:

"I am very clear, Mr. Adri, please rest assured that we will complete the task."

"What a good boy, I really saw you right. By the way, aren't you worried about your good brother, that boy Sanji?"

Mentioning Sanji, Reiju's eyes flashed a trace of tenderness, but it was well hidden.

"To be honest, I'm still worried."

Reiju deliberated for a moment or told the truth, then lowered her head deeply, she was a little worried, afraid that Adri would attack Sanji.

Adri seemed to see what Reiju was thinking, and comforted him:
"Don't worry, I also know that child. My daughter and Sanji belong to a pirate group, and they can be regarded as partners, so I won't do anything to that child. On the contrary, I still care about him. .”

Hearing this, Reiju raised her head, looked at Adri's face, and it was easy to judge that what he said was true.

Reiju said eagerly:
"Then... Then, Mr. Adri, I would like to ask if you can help Sanji."

Reiju knew very well that Sanji's marriage was forced this time. If possible, she hoped that her brother could pursue her own love.

Adrian smiled slightly and said:

"The boy doesn't need my help. His captain and his companions will come to save him."

Reiju didn't understand this, because it was hard for her to believe that Sanji's captain would be willing to fight the four emperors for him.

"Don't worry, Sanji's child will leave. Your task this time is to get rid of Gaji. By the way, I will remind you a little bit. At the climax of the wedding, Lingling will take action against you. Remember to let Yi Treat them with a few points of attention, well, maybe it’s not necessary, they are unlikely to have fear, I just tell you in advance, be mentally prepared, I think that kid Sanji still has feelings for you. "

Reiju nodded, indicating that she understood.

Adri also left afterwards and returned to his position. He was looking forward to it, what would that kid Sanji look like if he saw him.Back to the location, I saw that Doflamingo was not there, he should have been taken away by Katakuri.

Thinking of this, Adri is still very relieved. It seems that his son has a playmate. Seeing that they get along very well, Adri is very happy. Sure enough, the children should be taken out for a walk more, and they cannot be kept in home.

At this time, several little guys from the Charlotte family saw Adri and surrounded him happily.

Adri chatted with them one by one for a while, and gave them this gift by the way. After simply sending away a few little guys, Adri also planned to visit Doflamingo and Katakuri. Those kids are gone.

On the other side, Doflamingo was once again surrounded by several older members of the Charlotte family.

Doflamingo is now saying that he is very dry, why do these guys look at him in the wrong way!Could it be that Adri has a grudge against them!

Previously, Katakuri let him meet several other members of the Charlotte family who were not busy, and now this group was another group who were busy at the venue.

"This is Uncle Adri's son?"

"Damn it!"

"He doesn't look like anything special."

"Damn it, I want to be Uncle Adri's son too."

"This guy looks so old."

Doflamingo wanted to complain very much, how many of you are older than him, and you are ashamed to say that I am old, why do you hear their tone of disappointment.

Doflamingo thinks his strength is good. If it were someone else, he might have made a move long ago, but the few people surrounding him now seem to be not good at it. If it is a one-on-one fight, Doflamingo feels that It's okay, but now there are so many here, it seems a bit difficult to deal with, and, Adri asked him to establish a good relationship with these few people this time, thinking about how his predecessor, the biggest broker in the dark world, would be troubled by this One day, what the hell.

Doflamingo could only pull out an ugly smile, why are all these guys hostile to him.Fortunately, he saw Adri walking towards this side.

Several people in Charlotte moved out of the way obediently, and greeted Adri sweetly:

"Uncle Adri, here you come!"

Doflamingo looked at these guys who changed their faces very quickly and seriously suspected that he was wrong.

Those who looked fierce just now are not so well-behaved now.

"Here I am, boys. How are you and Dover? How are you getting along?"

"Of course!"

"That means we're on good terms."

"We get along really well."

Auntie's fourth son, Radoflamingo, who is close to Charlotte Daifuku, hooked up with Doflamingo, with a smile on his face.

Charlotte Owen also pulled Doflamingo and leaned against his head:
"We have a good relationship!"

Doflamingo, who had been dragged around, was very dry now, and Owen hugged him tightly, as if to warn him.

The rest of the Charlotte family also looked at Doflamingo with kind faces:
"You say so, Doflamingo?"

Doflamingo shuddered, these guys.....Damn it!
But out of face, Doflamingo nodded with difficulty.

Adrian smiled and nodded:
"Very good, you get along well, so I don't worry, I'll trouble you to take care of this child of Dover. By the way, I haven't given you any gifts yet. Come here one by one, so I can give them to you. .”

Several members of the Charlotte family immediately left Doflamingo and went to Adri's side, chatting with Adri from time to time.

Doflamingo, who finally got rid of it, looked at these guys with a bad face, this is his father!Why are you guys so close!Doflamingo felt a sense of crisis, and now he understood that these guys were actually his father!

Can this be tolerated?Can't!
(End of this chapter)

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