Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 357 The disappearance of Adri, the end of the battle

Chapter 357 The disappearance of Adri, the end of the battle

When Adri was fighting Im, his face also returned to seriousness, and Im on the opposite side looked not very good. According to their style of play, even if they fought for ten and a half months, they would not be able to tell the result.

Even if the winner can be determined in the end, it cannot completely kill the opponent, and this is the troublesome place.Im obviously also knew about this, but this was also where she was puzzled.

Adrian is very aware of this situation, and he also knows what it will become if it continues to drag on.

But there was no impatience on Adrien's face, because he was ready this time when he came.

To be honest, on the way here, it should be said that we have made up our minds. There is no longer time for Adri's side. This is the best time.

No matter which aspect it is, it is very necessary for him to completely eliminate hidden dangers for his children. This is necessary, in order to ensure the children's future life as much as possible after he leaves.

Adri's movements did not stop, and he continued to wrestle with Im. The momentum of the two was evenly matched. The fierce collision turned the surroundings into ruins. did not stop.

Suddenly, Adri seemed to feel something, and took the initiative to distance himself. Im didn't know what Adri was thinking, but he was vigilant and didn't go forward.

"Im, do you know that I am a traveler, and the places I pass will leave my traces. I have gained a lot here, and I am very satisfied."

Im didn't speak, but quietly listened to Adri's words.

Adri didn't expect Im to reply, but he was stroking the finger on his thumb:
"Okay, as the strongest person in this world, I appreciate you very much, so next, you will be honored to experience one billionth of my true strength, please be prepared."

Im frowned tightly, and a sense of danger grew in her heart. She rushed forward, trying to stop all this, but unfortunately, the moment Im left, Adri took off his wrench, Crushed directly.

Soon, an incomparably powerful aura spread directly from Adri's body, directly sweeping across the entire holy land. The powerful coercion made Im unable to straighten up, and even bleed, as if being controlled, halfway forward. Every step is very difficult, as if a whole planet is pressing on her.

Im's inner troubles became more and more serious. She looked at Adri who was exuding absolute coercion in disbelief, and she couldn't move just because of her aura!
How is this going!

Why did he suddenly become so strong, and absolutely overwhelming!

When Im saw Adri's figure, the other party seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist at the moment, unable to see through. A pair of eyes stared at Im from the mist, which made her back sweat.That is the absolute king!It is the most magnificent power in the world!
Im didn't know what to use to describe it. Only one second passed, but it seemed like 1 years to Im. The person in front of him seemed to have become a real god!

But soon a vision suddenly appeared in the sky, and the sky gradually turned into a hideous face, sending out low and majestic whispers.

This is the rejection of the world. Just now Adri directly liberated his strength, and has broken through the highest point that the world can bear!

God, wake up for it!
Its goal is to maintain the balance of the entire world, and Adri's appearance has already seriously affected the world!
Adri looked up at the sky, and the sky was also suppressed by endless oppression, and a huge beam of light piercing the sky fell from the sky!

But Adri didn't panic. Looking aside, Matthew Mills appeared. He walked slowly to Adri's side, and Adri nodded at him.

Matthew Mills understood it, and saw that he raised his blood sword without hesitation, and the sword pierced through his body. It was not someone else's, but his own body!

The blood sword pierced through his own body, and the blood in his body began to flow rapidly. The blood sword was continuously absorbing the blood in Matthew Mills' body and gathered into a blood-red film across the sky above Adri, directly blocking the falling from the sky. Beam!
And Matthew Mills' body also began to become transparent. There was no trace of blood on his face, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. His lips parted slightly, and gathered into one sentence:

"See you in Xinghai."

Matthew Mills blocked Tiandao's forced repatriation of Adri by himself, buying Adri a lot of time.

This is also the special feature of Matthew Mills, and it is also the point that Adrian values ​​the most. The opponent is very special and can temporarily block him to buy time. waiting for him.

Adri looked at Im, who was so overwhelmed by his aura that he couldn't straighten up. He didn't talk nonsense, but wiped it casually, and saw that Im instantly turned into a blood mist and disappeared.

The strongest person in this world, Im just disappeared in this world.

At the same time, the people in the Holy Land and the people who ended the battle all discovered the vision on Adri's side, and also felt the aura that Adri exuded before. They also witnessed the human face appearing in the sky, as well as beam.

They came to this beam of light one after another, where Adriatic was, the beam stopped at the bloody film above Adriatic's head, and seemed to be blocked.

Adri looked at the people gathered and announced loudly:

"I have the highest combat power to defeat the world government, Im! What follows is a new era for us! I, Uriel Adri, once again declare that the new world government has been established!" The crowd immediately became excited, and the war was like this It was over, and the change of world government was realized in just one day.

The joy of fighting even made them ignore the beam of light on Adri's head and the bloody film.

Adri motioned for his four sons and daughters to come to his side.

Doflamingo, Rossinanti, Enilo and Robin all walked to Adri's side.

There was concern in their eyes, because they could clearly feel a strong coercion in that light beam, and even an extremely bad feeling welled up in their hearts.

Adri pointed to his four sons and daughters:
"The next new world government will be ruled by my sons and daughters, they are the supreme rulers of the new world government!"

After a burst of cheers, Adri motioned for the crowd to disperse for post-battle cleaning.

As for his four sons and daughters, Adri let them stay by his side.

"Father, you have this on your head..."

Adrian smiled slightly:
"It's okay, come on, I have something to tell you."

Adri then snapped his fingers, and another layer of purple soundproof cover directly enveloped them.

From the perspective of the outside world, Luo could not hear what they said at all.

But shortly thereafter, the purple film disappeared.

Doflamingo, Rossinanti, Enelo and Robin all came out.

Doflamingo, Rossinanti, and Enilo all had serious expressions on their faces, but Robin couldn't control her emotions, tears poured out of her eyes unconsciously, and she looked at it reluctantly. To his father, Robin wiped his tears and waved to Adri, who waved back.

Following this moment, the blood-colored film shattered in an instant, and a huge beam of light directly enveloped Adri, the earth shook slightly, and the dazzling light made people unable to open their eyes. When the light dissipated, the huge light beam also disappeared, and Adri also disappeared into the original land.


everything is over.

Luo, who watched the whole process, was very surprised, and he asked quickly:


He looked at Rossindi, who didn't give him an accurate answer:

"He's back, where he came from."

Rossindi comforted Robin, and also looked at the gray sky.

They won, but the father was gone.

Another huge spaceship appeared in the sky, which also belonged to Adrian's family, and it was specially designed to rebuild the troops here as quickly as possible after the battle was won.

At this moment, Enilo glanced at Doflamingo in a daze:
"Okay, let's stabilize this place first, my father has already swept away the trouble for us, we can't live up to his expectations."

"Don't worry, I know very well, let's go!"

Doflamingo reluctantly regained his usual smile, and strode forward.

 There is no end, no end, no end, please note that there is no end, there is a follow-up!

(End of this chapter)

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