Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 36 Rossindi's Naval Internship Mission (recommendation ticket plus update)

Chapter 36 Rossindi's Naval Internship Mission (recommendation ticket plus update)
"Get ready, we're going to set sail!"


The uniform voice runs through the sky.

Today is the departure day for the Naval Training Camp practice ship.

A man with purple hair stood at the bow and looked at this group of recruits with satisfaction. He was a former admiral and the current instructor of the training camp, "Black Wrist", Zefa.

Although none of the students in these classes were too perverted, their strengths were very good in all aspects.

That's why Zefa decided to start this year's internship ahead of schedule.

Seeing this class of recruits, Zefa felt an indescribable joy in his heart, and it was a very gratifying thing to watch his students grow.

At this time, Zefa's arms are healthy, but because of the loss of his wife, the wrinkles on his face have deepened a lot.

And this time the internship task is still the same as usual, catching pirates and the like.

But on the usual boat, the gloss method was not wasted, and it was fully used to train its own students, so that many students fell asleep after training at night.

Rossindi happened not to be one of them. Looking at Dalmesia who was sleeping beside him, Luoxindi could only helplessly support his forehead, and turned his head to look at the other person.

The man had short silver hair and an unfriendly face. He was young but loved smoking cigars very much.

The age of the opponent is only 17 years old, but the opponent is doing well in this training camp.

Not for anything else, just because he is a natural fruit capable person, the owner of the Yanyan fruit.Under the guidance of Zefa, the admiral of the three fruits of the natural system can be described as thunderous. Naturally, this child is also highly valued. His name is Smoker.

But don't look at Smoker's appearance, but people are usually easy to get along with, but it also makes Teacher Zefa a little headache, because Smoker is too maverick, always a reckless lone ranger, and violated the law several times. Zefar's order.

Smoker noticed Rossindi's eyes and stepped forward.

Smoker still has a good impression of this friendly colleague, except that he likes to borrow money.Because of Rossindi's age advantage, he always likes to take care of his junior navy like a big brother, so Smoker still likes to call him "Brother Rossi" on weekdays.

"Yo, Brother Rossi, why can't you fall asleep?"

Smoker offered a cigar, but Rocindy declined kindly.

"Smog, you can't fall asleep, maybe you just waited for no one to wake up, and secretly smoked cigars."

Rossindi spoke out, causing Smoker's cheeks to turn red because of the exposure.

"Brother Rossi! Are you really, do I look like this person!"

"Okay, okay, be careful, if you are caught by Teacher Zefa, I can't persuade you."

"Hmph, don't think I'm afraid."

Smoker put the cigar back very honestly with his hand. After Zefa's training, Smoker was still very convinced of the teacher, and he was naturally in awe.

The main reason is that Mr. Zefa's armed color is too painful to beat people, and his smoke fruit is useless.

A few days later

Zefa and his party came to a small island on the great route, but they did not act rashly, because their enemy was stationed there, and there was a gathering place of pirates, more precisely, the Walrus Pirates the resident.

It's just that the main force has left, leaving only some small soldiers.

After confirming that the leader "Walrus" Billy, who caused the disaster recently, was not there, Zefa led the people to attack and easily captured the garrison. Now they need to sit on the sidelines and set traps for the returning pirates in advance.

The recruits were busy starting the arrangement, and Zefa, as the instructor, was supervising and guiding, and by the way, he also brought out the reward order for "Walrus" Billy, offering a reward of [-] million Baileys.

There are many subordinates under the flag, and the number reaches 500 at the highest.

At present, according to the captured captive hostages, Billy the Pirate has brought nearly a hundred people here in total.

With Zefa's help, it should be more than enough.

A group of people just waited here, but to their surprise, the pirate who was supposed to arrive did not show up until the next morning.

Only then did Zefa realize that something was wrong.

There is not only one pirate ship coming from a distance, but four!
This means that Billy summoned all his men and rushed back. There are only two possibilities:
One, it was Billy's original plan.

Second, when the arrest was made, someone had already tipped off the news!
Zefa took a quick glance at the prisoners and found a man with a crooked mouth and a smile. "Haha! The captain has brought his people back, you are finished!"

At this time, Zefa also regretted his carelessness. It was because he learned from this group of people that only about 100 people would come back, so Zefa decided to let the students ambush from here. If there are so many people, what is their current situation? It's a little dangerous.

It would be fine if there was only Zefa alone, but there are many recruits here, so Zefa immediately issued an order:
"Give me all back to the warship!"

The soldiers were carrying out the task, but many complained that the traps were all for nothing, but Zefa also let them know that fighting in the enemy's territory was impossible.

Back on the warship, Zefa began to order his adjutant to ask for help from the nearby naval branch, but it was a pity that there were rebellions in the allied countries on the opposite side, and the manpower of the naval branch was loaned out.

Zefa's complexion immediately turned bad, because it meant that they would either leave directly, or fight the pirates and persist until the branch sent someone.

But the old navy had already figured out a strategy, and he began to order:

"Ready to fight!"


Even so, the naval warships fired shells while walking away from the pirates' station, and started long-range attacks with the pirates first.

And Zefa also picked up the cannonball and threw it directly at the ammunition room of one of the pirate ships, causing the pirate ship to sink in the sea and the fire.

Zefa doesn't want the soldiers to lose the opportunity to exercise. As far as Zefa's ability is concerned, it is relatively easy, and it is precisely because of this that he needs to exercise his students' abilities.

They are not built to fight at sea.

But it was a pity that there were many people on the opposite side, and soon the largest pirate ship was close to them.



And on the pirate ship, there also appeared a huge monster, a full three meters high, with scars all over his face, but his walrus-like fangs were surprisingly long, and the teeth were polished brightly. It looks extremely conspicuous and sharp.

Enter Billy the Walrus.

Behind him are two pirates of different heights with tens of millions of bounties on their hands.

They were Billy's right and left hands.

This time the Walrus Pirates spent a lot of money, and urgently recalled everyone to grab the warship!This may seem unreasonable, but it is also needed for better development.

If they grab the warship, they can eat sheep in sheep's clothing, saving a lot of energy and manpower.

Although this process is very dangerous, in the eyes of Billy, who has been in the limelight recently, he is not an easy guy, but obviously, he does not know that there is a former admiral in the opposite navy.If he knew, he might feel his teeth clogged even after drinking water.

Zefa smiled and said:
"This big guy belongs to me, and the rest are up to you!"


"Old guy, who do you think you are!"

"Walrus" Billy looked very dissatisfied, and he rushed up to fuck Zefa.

And the members of the Walrus Pirates also began to fight with the navy.

The ones who received special attention were the right-hand men of the Walrus Pirates, Richard and Morrie.

One of them is a swordsman and the other is a gunner, and now they are surrounded by many navies.

Surrounding them are naturally several outstanding people among the recruits, such as Dalmesia, Smoker, Tina and others, who are capable of devil fruit.

At this moment, the two-sided battle between the navy and the pirates started in full swing. There were many blood splattered in the fighting crowd, screaming and howling, one after another fell, including pirates and navy.

Those who can come out, and those who can come out to serve in the navy, are prepared to bleed, or even die. These things are never child's play.

Of course, Rossindi also knew that at this time he was using firearms to attack the enemy. Occasionally, a few people who were close to him would be knocked down by Rossindi. He is Adri's son. embarrassing.


But soon his attention was diverted, and a scream came.

(End of this chapter)

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