Adoption of Pirates Doflamingo

Chapter 360 Fantastic Fanatic Action (14W Dedicated)

Chapter 360 Fantastic Fanatic Action (1.4W Dedicated)

(The timeline of this extra is the same as that of the theatrical version, and many of them are fictional)

One Piece Expo

"Hey, Luffy, don't get lost!"

"I know, I know! It's really fun here!"

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, and there are many other things."

"Nami, this looks delicious too!"

"Really, eat, eat."

The Straw Hat Pirates also came to this Expo, and there were many unexpected activities on the island.

Robin looked at the lively crowd and was suddenly stunned:
"Everyone, I'm going to leave for a moment."

"What's the matter, Robin?"

"I seem to have seen my father?"

"Your father? Mr. Adri? He is actually here?"

"Oh? Grandpa Adri is here too?"

Zoro touched his chin:

"This is the Pirates' Expo. How could Mr. Adri be here?"


As expected, Robin found a familiar figure among the crowd of figures.

The other party turned around, and it was indeed Adri, who was drinking a drink.

"Hey, Robin, what a coincidence."

"Father, why are you here too? And Brother Rossi."

"Matthew Mills kept saying it was fun here, so he dragged me to join in the fun."

"I remember, that one was also a supernova."

"That's right. Besides, three of my children are pirates, so it's normal for me to come and take a look."

"Oh! It's really Grandpa Adri! Long time no see!"

"Long time no see, Luffy."

At this time, a young man also popped up next to him:
"Oh! The Straw Hats!! Everyone!"

Luffy was a little confused by the guy who suddenly jumped out:
"Who are you here?"

"Ah, it's so sad. After all, I am your contemporary."

"Luffy, this is one of the supernovas at that time, the Blood Sword, Matthew Mills."

"Still can't remember."

Mills was also helpless, even though he was in the war, it was a one-sided relationship.

"But are you also here for Roger the Pirate King's treasure hunt?"


"Then it looks like we are rivals!"

"Father, do you want to come with us?"

"Okay, I should be able to have more fun with you young people."

Adri happily accepted, while Rossi didn't say much at first, wearing sunglasses and nodding hello to a few people.

Following the Straw Hat Pirates along the way is indeed more interesting.

Robin was also chatting with Adri about the World Expo.

"Father, Buena Festa, the world's only celebration organizer, also has close connections with intelligence dealers and arms dealers, so is he..."

"Well, that's the main reason why I came here this time. That guy took the initiative to contact us to solicit investment and said it was a very interesting thing, so I quietly came in person."

"After all, I'm actually quite curious about what he's going to do."

"Are you actually taking the initiative to contact you? Then it seems that this World Expo will not be that simple."

"It seems yes. Enelu seems to be interested in this place as well, and may come over."

"Oh? Is brother Enelu coming too? What a surprise. Where is brother Dover?"

"He doesn't seem to be very interested. After being defeated by Luffy, he still needs some time to stay by himself."

While they were chatting, waves of Thunder Gods were heard not far away, and the Thunder God Pirates passed through the sky with great force.

"High profile as always."


"Eh? Isn't that the boat of Grandpa Adri's son, Big Ear Boy?"

"Mr. Adri, is Enelu here too?"

"Well, that's right, but he is probably not interested in One Piece's treasures. He just came to visit the One Piece Expo in Qinghai."

"Really? His ship is really cool."

"Luffy, hurry up, the host seems to be about to start!"

"Oh! I'm finally going! Hurry up!"

at the same time
Tallest tower on the island:

"Oh? Is that Straw Hat Luffy? It looks really good when you look at it, eh? Why are there so many more people, Blood Sword? Who is that young man next to you? Forget it, never mind, they are just cannon fodder. It’s nothing.”

The person who said this was Buena Festa whom Robin mentioned before.

He continued to observe with great interest. The Thor Pirates seemed to be worth noting this time, but no matter who they were, they would definitely die if they came this time.

aboard the sonny
Adri sat on the boat and found a random place to read a book. Suddenly he seemed to notice something, and he disappeared from the spot.

A staggering figure kept walking back and forth in the alley, seeming to be escaping pursuit.

"Found you! Trafalgar Law!"

Luo was about to take action when suddenly a figure stood between the two of them.

"What did you say you found, Bucky?"

"Ahhhhhh, Mr. Adri!! Why are you here!"

Bucky stopped suddenly, and Arrita couldn't help but frown, this man!It’s the one from last time!

"Let me ask you, Bucky, what did you say you found?"

"No, no, it's nothing. Mr. Adri, why are you here? I'm just here to take charge of security work. I don't count it as robbing you of your business, right?"

"Of course not, but if you run after my injured grandson, what else can I do?"


Bucky looked at Luo standing behind Adri and stopped.

"Grandpa, why are you here?"

"Grandpa, grandpa, grandpa!! This guy Luo is your grandson??? Wait!! There is a misunderstanding here! Misunderstanding!!! Oh, what are we doing here... By the way! We are here to eat! You Right?"

Mr3 hastily nodded in agreement:

"Yes, yes, we are here to eat."

Arrita also turned around immediately:

"We didn't see anything. We came here to eat. Let's go. I'm starving."

Bucky also immediately turned around and left. After taking a few steps, he didn't forget to look back:
"Hahaha, goodbye Mr. Adri, ah no, never again, anyway, I'm leaving first!"

Adrian will look at Luo, who is unsteady, and pick it up:
"I'm a little embarrassed. Your aunt happens to be nearby."

The next moment, Luo and Adri appeared on the Sonny.

"Huh? Mr. Adri? We were still looking for you just now?"

"Luo? Why are you here too?"

Rossindi immediately stepped forward to check.

"You seem to be seriously injured!"

Robin jogged over to check.

"It's okay, aunt, I won't die, but I still have more important things, cough, cough, cough. Father, grandpa, why are you here too?"

"Okay, Luo, stop talking for now. Doctor Chopper, can I trouble you?"

"I'm coming!"

Luo seemed to want to say something else, while Adri gave a reassuring look.

Mills on the side seemed to be in high spirits and came to Adri:
"Boss, are you looking forward to it?"

"It's okay, just go and play when the time comes, just don't kill yourself."

"OK, don't worry! But in fact, I just need to act as a bodyguard for Robin."

"Hey, Robin-chan's guard is me, it's not your turn."

Sanji seemed to have a strong opinion.

"I am the personal guard of the young lady's father. There seems to be nothing wrong with protecting the young lady."

"I am the knight of Nami-san and Robin-chan!"

Mills snorted:

"Okay, then I'll focus on playing."

Seeing that Luo seemed to be a little out of sorts, Adri also personally helped a little.

Luo felt that his physical strength seemed to be completely restored, and his injuries were much better.

He said in a deep voice:
"Father, I suggest you leave here quickly, because this place is about to become a battlefield. That guy Festa, no, a group of people behind him are plotting a terrible conspiracy."

Robin looked at Adri, who raised his eyebrows:

"Then the group of people you are talking about may include me."

Luo was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he quickly figured out:
"It's those people from the underground world! Grandpa, that's why you came here!"

"Let's see what that guy is going to do. He seems to have his own little plan."

"Then it seems that I still have to continue the investigation. I must at least repay the damage the other party gave me!"

"Then let me go too."

"Aunt? You don't have to get involved in this matter."

"Since it's related to my father, I think I'd better do something to avoid problems."

Finally, Luo, Robin, Sanji, Chopper, Brooke, and Rosinandi left first in the submarine.

"Father, we'll see you later."

"Well, you three, be careful."

"Okay, be careful on the road, and remember to contact me directly if you need anything."

"Boss, will it be okay if I don't follow you?"

"They're all grown-ups, they can always do it independently, and there's no need to follow, they can do it. Besides, it's no different if you follow, you're not much better than them."

"This sentence is so hurtful."

Luffy was very excited:

"Franky! Get ready to rush into the whirlpool! Get to the treasure island!"


As soon as the Sonny jumped out, Adri leaned on the railing and admired the scenery along the way.

Matthew Mills was as excited as Luffy, and was even shouting excitedly.

However, there was a ship that arrived ahead of several people.

That is Enelu's Ark Proverbs.

After all, one can fly directly, so of course it will be faster.

As countless pirate ships took off, many pirate groups also landed.

Luffy, Zoro, and Mills ran out as soon as they landed.

Many pirates also began to disembark and enter the scuffle, but the Thor Pirates who were the first to land on the island seemed to have no action.

It's more like watching a good show.

"Oh? Straw Hat Boy, that guy ran fast, but I didn't seem to see my sister."

"Captain, this is the treasure of the Pirate King, aren't you tempted?"

"I don't quite understand what you Qinghai call the Pirate King, so I'm not very interested. Is it more that you are interested in coming to join in the fun?"

"However, if you are interested, I can also try to help you clear the place directly. Since it is a good thing, I don't mind getting it."

Blue electric flowers began to appear around Anilu, as if he was ready to unleash divine punishment at any time, razing the island to the ground.

Until he saw a familiar figure:

"Huh? Father? Why is he here?"

The thunder and lightning on Enelu gradually dissipated.

At the same time, Adri also looked back at Enelu.

Enelu then just smiled:
"It turns out there will be a big guy... Then we'll wait and see."

Adri walked around the pirate battle, surrounded by pirates fighting each other, like a man with nothing to do.

Unexpectedly leisurely.

Anyone who tried to attack him was deflected by him.

Kidd, who was chasing fiercely, noticed Enelu at first.

That guy, he must fight back next time!
Adri stopped in front of a person.

He is Hawkins who has been staying in place since landing on the island.

"Meet you again, sir."

"Long time no see. Thank you very much for your help last time."

"what I should do."

"If you encounter trouble next time, you can report my name. It will still be useful among the four emperors."


Hawkins' divination told him that this was very useful.

Adri continued to wander around. Among the chaotic crowd, his straight clothes seemed to be particularly conspicuous among the pirates.

Suddenly, a pink-haired woman suddenly came over and touched him:

"Caught you. Huh?!"

Bonnie couldn't believe her eyes now. Her fruit power was actually useless?
Of course she noticed the person in front of her and came over with the intention of giving it a try, but she didn't expect to succeed easily.

According to her ability, the man in front of her should become a child!
Instinct told him that something was wrong.

Adri asked softly:
"Do you want to come again?"

Bonnie touched her again with some disbelief, but it didn't matter whether she turned the other person into a child or an old man!
The appearance and figure of the other party have not changed at all!

What the hell is this?

There’s no way the guy in front of you is not a human, right?
"Do you want to keep trying?"

"Need not."

Bonnie shook her head and backed away. It was too evil. She had better snatch the treasure first.

Adri raised his head, but Bucky had succeeded first. Behind him was Mills, who was carrying a blood sword like a blood beast.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Don't come near me, you guy!!!!"

"Don't run away! Bucky! I just want to have a good communication with you!!!"

Bucky ran quickly and turned back to look at the blood flowing out of this guy.

It’s better to communicate like this! !

It feels like my brain will be chopped off in the next moment! ! !
"Don't chase me!!!!"

Just as a few people were chasing each other, a ship was slammed into the island in mid-air.

In an instant, the island shook violently, the ground began to crack, and a violent explosion suddenly occurred, and the entire island in the sky began to fall.

Countless pirates and their ships fell off, except of course Enel's Ark.

Matthew Mills, who kept falling in mid-air, kept trying to balance.

He saw a plate of Adri who was calmly in free fall:

"Boss! Look at me! I'm going to die if I fall!"

Adri's figure shifted slightly and fell towards Mills.

Mills seemed to have grasped the last straw.

Hug Adri directly:
"Boss! Why don't you fly?"

"I can't open my wings if you hold me like this."

"Ahhhh! I'm going to die!!!"

Adri snapped his fingers, and their landing speed began to slow down or even stop.

Adri walked down the transparent steps as if he was walking in mid-air, taking his time.

Mills looked at his feet with lingering fear.

It’s still high in the sky!
Do you want to walk like Mr. Adri?
"Don't leave, you'll miss the mark."

Mills held Adri tightly.

Adri glanced around and saw that the others were almost falling to the ground.

He snapped his fingers again, and all objects had a buffer when they approached the ground, resulting in unexpectedly small fluctuations.

And a lot of people are confused.

Did they levitate just now?
It should have been somewhat injured, but now it seems like nothing happened.

Several people looked at the young man who was strolling down in the air, still calm and leisurely.

Kidd couldn't help but sigh when he saw the other party. Why did that guy come to the Pirate Expo?

But their eyes were soon diverted, and they looked in one direction in horror or surprise.

"That guy is!"

Standing there was a tall, muscular man in military uniform.

But now the focus of the entire island is not here, but the countless naval warships that are about to surround them not far away.

Luffy looked at the person in front of him:

"Are you also here to fight for the treasure?"

"If you want treasure, then all of you come together."

Adri landed smoothly, but his small voice was heard by everyone:

"Do you mean everyone including me, Barrett?"

Barrett actually frowned and quickly relieved, showing a smile:
"I didn't expect you to be here too. That's great. Defeating you can also make me the strongest!"

Before he finished speaking, a strong overlord-like aura suddenly hit everyone present, and many people fainted on the spot.

Sweeping past him like a Shura, a huge sense of oppression hit Adri. Mills on the side also suffered, but he could still resist it.

The strong wind ruffled Adri's broken hair, but he stood steadily on the spot.

Luffy also released the Overlord's Haki at the same time, and the two Haki began to collide, causing Barrett's gaze to shift slightly.

During the fierce confrontation between the two sides, Adri took out his scepter and inserted it directly into the ground. In an instant, the two domineering auras dissipated directly.

It seems that nothing happened, but the good clouds in the sky above the head were directly shaken away centered on Adri's position.

A circle appears in the sky.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were turned to Adri.

"Really, I don't want to play with you. These young people are enough."

"Don't want to go!"

Barrett suddenly appeared behind Adriatic and was about to grab it with one hand, but Adriatic disappeared only with a phantom.

Barrett looked around suddenly, unable to feel Adri's breath at all.

He looked at Matthew Mills, who was closest to Adri.

"Fuck, fuck!!!! Boss, you disappeared without taking me with you!!!"


Matthew Mills was ejected.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. It was fine, it was on fire, but something seemed not right around him. He raised his head suddenly and ran away.

A figure suddenly fell from the sky:
"God's Punishment!"

Electric pillars as thick as islands poured down suddenly, making it impossible to dodge.

"That bastard!"

"Yah, ah, ah! Next time, please tell me, one of my own, when you use the big move!"

Matthew Mills pounces.

at the same time
After learning that Festa was going to induce the demon-slaying order, several people quickly prepared to evacuate.


"You! Why are you here!"

"It's you again, Tsk."

Rowe clearly didn't like Smoker.

Smoker did not take action but spoke the first sentence:
"Why are you getting together again! Really! And...Brother Rosie!"

Smoker originally planned to take action, but he stopped immediately when he saw Rosinandi.

Rosinandi also waved and said hello:

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Smoker continued to argue with Luo and the others.

"Really, can't you just listen to us!"

"I have nothing to say to you pirates!"

"Cut, bastard."

"Smog, there must be something fishy about this matter. Please don't embarrass these children."

Seeing Rosinandi speaking, Smoker calmed down a bit:

"Brother Luo Xi has spoken, and of course I will listen. If you are willing to believe them, then so am I."

"Hey, you really know how to change your face."

Luo took Robin and left first, while Rosinandi stayed with Sanji and Brooks Mog.

Luo and Robin also encountered an uninvited guest: Shah Crocodile.

What he is looking for is Luo.

Robin protected Luo behind him:

"Stay away from him!"

"Oh? Miss. All Sunday, why didn't I know that you and this guy were in love?"

"That's my nephew."


Lao Sha was indeed stunned for a moment, his eyes kept swaying between the two people, and finally accepted the matter.

"If you want to deal with Douglas Barrett, then listen to my plan."

Luo was a little confused as to why Robin was related to Crocodile.

"I hope so. My father is also on this island. You probably don't want him to come to you specifically."

"Tch, that mysterious bastard back then."


It was also at this time that inside the island tower
That is Buena Festa, the planner this time.He was sitting in his seat holding video calls with several people.

And if you look a little closer, you will find:
These guys are giants of the dark world.

Festa is communicating with these guys. The six emperors of the dark world, except the Sea King, let one of his sons temporarily replace him, and that one has been silent.

But don't worry about it.

"Hahahahaha, being able to completely suppress the Straw Hat Kid and Thor Enel is really impressive. This can make big news! But there are also interesting people appearing."

Morgans on the other end of the video seemed to be in a particularly good mood.

"Morgans, are you happy?"

A voice that shouldn't appear here made Festa immediately alert. He suddenly raised his pistol and pointed it at the opponent:

"Why are you here!"

The black-haired young man with a cold face on the opposite side naturally sat opposite Festa.

"What do you want to ask them?"

Festa also noticed that the guys seemed to quiet down.

Of course he had an impression of this man's face. He was the man who disappeared from the screen just now. He was also the man who, as Barrett said, was as good as Roger the Pirate King.

"Adri, you guys went there in person without making any noise."

"No wonder I have to see you."

"I was a little surprised to see you just now. You actually went there to play in person."

"Ocean King, your son is too bored, isn't he? He won't even enjoy this carnival?"

Festa was a little unbelievable:
"Hey, is this guy the King of Shipping? Isn't he too young?"

At the same time, a face emerged from the silent scene, it was Doflamingo:

"Hey, dad, you're here? Then I don't have to listen to these idiotic nonsense anymore, right?"

"Hang up."

"it is good."

Festa now seemed to believe that the guy in front of him was indeed the King of Shipping, and he quickly calmed down.

It seems that the other party is indeed the King of Shipping.

No wonder Barrett didn't even know where the Marine he was talking about went. It turned out that he had changed careers.

If that's right, then this guy's strength must not be weak.

But although he didn't know how to stay young, he was definitely still an old guy at heart. He didn't believe that this guy, who had been comfortable for so long, would be Barrett's opponent.

"Would you like something to eat?"

"No, I just came to take a rest."

After Adri sat down, he just sat there indifferently and continued to watch through the surveillance camera.

Enel's thunder and lightning did not have much effect on Barrett. Looking at Barrett, whose armor had been fully integrated, Adri also showed an intriguing smile.

"You don't seem to be worried, Mr. Haiyun Wang."

"Well, it is."

"Is there anyone you're more optimistic about?"

"Not really. If they can't solve it together, then it will be my turn."

"Why don't you just subdue Barrett if you are so confident in your own strength?"

"Then your fanatical actions cannot begin, Mr. Festa."

"The general and the Shichibukai are also here. It's really getting more and more lively."

In the surveillance footage, Mihawk and the Pirate Queen arrived on the other side of the coast, but Adri didn't seem to care.

Just put down the wine glass in your hand:

"I'm really looking forward to it..."

The moment he put it down, Mihawk, who was about to evacuate, paused, with a smile on his lips:
"It seems that we can wait."

The picture representing the King of Sea suddenly connected again:
"Wait, father, is the Straw Hat boy there too?"

"Yes, your sister and the others are all here too."

"Tch, I knew it was coming."

Festa had just realized that the man on the screen was one of the former Shichibukai who was defeated by Straw Hat Luffy some time ago, and he was also an old acquaintance of the underground world, JOKER.

However, I didn't expect that there was such a relationship, and their conversation also revealed some information.

The Ocean King's daughter and others are here too.

And there is a high possibility that they will be in the Straw Hat Pirates. There are only a few women in it, so it is easy to judge.

It's a pity that they didn't mention other specific characters, otherwise it would be easier to infer.

But now we can't focus on this. Barrett has basically eliminated Luffy and others, almost all of them were wiped out. Mills is also lying nearby motionless, but in fact he is contacting his boss to ask him to hurry up. Come to save people, he is not the main character.

When everyone saw clearly that the hand in Barrett's hand was a permanent pointer pointing to Rufford Road, many people couldn't sit still.

"Yes, it points to the final island, buried by that idiot Roger. I will use it to hold the most fanatical celebration."

Seeing Festa making bold remarks in front of him, Adri didn't express anything. He was not interested in this kind of thing.

"The essence of celebration is fanaticism. We are the most fanatics who challenge the world and act fanatically."

Festa's blood was surging at this time, and he even began to subconsciously ignore Adri in front of him, obviously a little obsessed.

Adri left his seat and came to the control room. He ignored the gazes of others and looked at the navy's manpower with a pity:

"I almost forgot that that guy is no longer a marine, but this guy is here."

The navy and pirates are already fighting below, and they seem to be having a good time.

And obviously, my own grown-up son also got involved.

Rosinandy and Smoker are trying to stop it.

Kill pirates along the way.

"It seems like this new generation of navy is really reassuring."

Rocinante was somewhat relieved.

"Brother Rosie, let's help."

At this time, Bucky was mixed into the pirates who were taken care of by Smoker.

"What are you doing! You idiot! Navy?! No, I'm Uncle Bucky of the Qibuhai! How could you do this to me!"

Rosinandi seemed quite curious:

"What is the quality of the current Shichibukai?"

"Hey! What do you mean by this! Do you want me to show you a good look!!"

"You want to look good to me? Maybe you can ask my brother to compete with you."

"Who is your brother?! Who cares about you!"

"My brother is the former Shichibukai, Doflamingo."



Not only Bucky was surprised, but Tina and Dusky who were nearby were also surprised. They looked at Smoker, and Smoker explained:

"This is Brother Luo Xi. He was also in the Navy before. He quit after completing his previous mission. You can rest assured."

"But, is he actually that Tianyaksha's younger brother?"

Dasqi was still thinking about the topic:

"Hey! You should have seen it! That Pirate King's treasure."

"You should pay more attention to your own life at this time!!" Rosinandi also received the message from Adri at this time, and he slowly said:
"It is a permanent pointer, a permanent pointer pointing to the final island of Raffodrew."


"how come!"

"Brother Rosie, how do you know?"

"My father sent me a message. He is currently at Festa."

Several people looked at Bucky again, seemingly seeking confirmation.

Bucky nodded:
"Yeah, that's it."

"Tch, I'm in trouble."

"Smog, who is commanding this time? Are Uncle Sengoku and Uncle Garp here?"

"No, here are two generals, Kizaru and Fujitora."

Rosinandi was a little troubled:

"That's troublesome. I'm not very familiar with these two. Otherwise, I can report the situation in time, and the other side will listen to me a little better. Where is Aunt He?"

"Are you familiar with those people?"

"My father and they were comrades-in-arms."

"Brother Rossi, your father was in the navy?"

"That's true, but my father later quit. I met a few of them under the arrangement of my father when I was a child. But if there are several other lieutenant generals, it might be feasible. After all, several of my colleagues are lieutenant generals. "

"Anyway, let's do our best first! He wants to gather us together and destroy us! We have to keep the soldiers and warships away quickly!!!"

Soon, the purple energy came from Barrett himself, and countless materials were swallowed up by him. This is the awakening state of the Fusion Fruit.

"Come on!"

On the way, Rosinandi also saw an acquaintance:


Dalmecia seemed to have seen a ghost:
"Rosinandi! What's wrong with you?! Are you a ghost!"

"Of course it's true! I'm still alive! Anyway, let's evacuate quickly!"

The purple wave quickly receded and formed a huge thing.

Several people looked up at that thing, it was really scary.

The surrounding areas of the island also began to roll up, trapping almost everyone on the island.

The vice admirals stepped forward without hesitation, but were also shot away.

Rocinante immediately ran to catch his good brother.

After finally catching the other party, the others abruptly fell beside Rossindi.

"Phew, I finally caught you."

But after looking at the others, Rosinandi felt embarrassed. He had just been looking at his brother, and the others didn't notice:

"Sorry sorry, didn't notice."

"So, what's going on with you kid?"

"Well... it's a long story, but now I'm forced to go home and inherit the family business after failing outside."

"It's strange enough for you kid to put aside your glory and wealth to become a navy. But why did you appear here? This is the Pirate World Expo."

"I just came here with my father to watch the fun, and many people in my family also came to join in the fun, so I came over to have a look."

"Then let's wait until after this time."

Enilu looked down from a high altitude in the ark, and picked out his ears:

"It's really troublesome."

"Captain, do we want to leave? Our ship's advantage is enough to leave here."

"Leave? Of course not, we want to have fun."

At the same time, at the Navy Headquarters, Marshal Akainu also launched a demon-slaying order.

After hearing the news, Festa was almost crazy.


"What a man you are, Barrett!"

"It's true to bet the rest of my life! Roger started the Age of Discovery and single-handedly created the grandest celebration. Although I am a professional celebration planner, I was completely defeated by him."

"But! I can restart the celebration with you! Destroy this boring era. That bastard Roger! I must completely surpass him!"

Festa walked to the platform outside the tower, where Barrett was destroying everything outside.

"He is serious about it. He actually wants to break the demon-slaying order that symbolizes the power of the coalition government on his own. The big pirate! Douglas Barrett! What a grand revenge drama! This is big news!"

Festa silently picked up the phone:

"Next, the scum of the dark society."

Upon hearing this, several emperors of the underground world who had contacted reacted collectively.

"I have obtained the key to the great secret treasure, Rafdru's permanent pointer. Next, we will kill you and all the pirates!!"

"What did you say!"


"What a joke!"


"What did the brat say!"

Festa didn't seem to care about the curses of several people, but just said to himself:

"Roger's era is coming to an end soon. The era of great pirates that plunged the world into a frenzy is a thing of the past!"

"Next, Lord Buena Festa will create the most fanatical large-scale war sweeping the world! If you want treasure, come and get it! Come and grab it! Everything in the world is in our hands!!"

On the other side, Adri answered the phone in the dark:
"We must eradicate the evil elements completely."

"Sakaski, if this is your decision, I support it. I happen to be here as well. If something goes wrong, I will help you cover it up and hang up first."

Adri walked silently to Festa, who was still speaking passionately.

Put a hand on the other person’s shoulder:

"Are you calling me a scum just now? It seems that you forgot that I'm here too."

Remembering this, the other kings of the underground world connected to the Internet immediately shouted:
"And you, King of Shipping!"

"King of Sea Transport, beat up that guy who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

"They are actually trying to destroy us! How ridiculous!"

"Dare to offend everyone in our underground world! Wait to die!"

"Adri! Kill him!"

Festa didn't seem to care at all:

"So what if you can kill me! And Barrett! Can you kill him! As long as he is still there! My achievements will still be there!! Then my death is no worse than that idiot Roger's! Let My death truly begins this new era of celebration!”

"This guy is crazy..."

"Troublesome guy."

"Then it seems we can't kill him."

Everyone in the underground world saw that this guy no longer cared, and his purpose would be achieved even if he died.

Then we can't let him die in vain. The best torture is to fail in the new era he is looking forward to.

The only way to do that is to beat Barrett.

"Adri, can you swallow this breath?"

Other guys in the underground world started to get angry. It's not like they didn't see Barrett's expression when he saw Adri before. That meant that Adri was possible!
"Actually, I don't care. Do you want me to take action? Don't worry, if those kids can't be beaten, I will take action myself."

"Really cautious."

"This is not cautious. You have to leave some opportunities for young people, right?"

Then, Adri's portable phone buzzed:

"Moses Moses."

"Adri, I know you're there too."

"Sengoku, why are you calling me at this time?"

"I want to ask you if you are sure."

"I'm sure, you ask me, I'm sure. Most of my children are on this island. Do you think I'm sure?"

"What? Is Rocinante also on the island?"


"You bastard, do you know how dangerous it is!"

"I know, that's why you called here?"

"No, I just wanted to tell you some information."

"No need for this, I probably know something."

"Be careful, he will definitely target you after he destroys everything. After all, you are one of the rare guys who can tie with Roger. In order to fulfill his regrets, he will definitely choose you in the end!"

"That's right. After all, Roger is dead. It seems that I can help him fulfill his wish."

"That guy was betrayed by his companions, betrayed by his own country... all he knew was constant fighting."

"Lonely...right? Needless to say, I will solve the situation here myself."

The corner of Adri's mouth was slightly raised, feeling lonely. He knew that feeling of loneliness that he had forgotten the passage of time when he was still in his true form. He knew it better than anyone else.

Constantly wandering, wandering aimlessly, not even knowing what he is doing.

After hanging up the phone, another call came in. As soon as the call was dialed, someone shouted from the other side:
"Boss!!! You finally answered!!! You're going to die!!! Didn't you see that Wang Lufei next to me is unconscious!!! Help me!!!"

"Young man, don't be so excited, don't you still have the strength to speak?"

"This is not the same thing at all! This Barrett seems to be cheating! I seriously request that he be checked! He must be systematic! He is cheating!!"

"He didn't cheat. Just stay where you are. I'll be here in a minute."

"quickly come!!!!"

After hanging up the phone, Adri looked a little helpless.

"That voice is the voice of the supernova that came with you, Blood Sword, Matthew Mills!"

"That's right, so what?"

"Are you really just a shipping king? You actually know Sengoku from the navy. You seem to have a lot of connections with the pirates, and you are the boss of the underground world. What are you planning? ?”

"Premeditated? That doesn't sound good."

Adri cuts off all communications around him:

"I'm just ready to bring down this world for my lovely descendants."

"Hahahaha, you can actually say such a thing! However, it might be possible if you are really better than Barrett."

On the other side, underground
Robin is constantly looking for something:
"Hurry up!"

The navy on the coast has begun to prepare to evacuate, and the artillery fire of the Demon-Slaying Order will soon affect them.

On Mills' side, he finally saw Chopper and the others approaching, and just as he was about to raise his hands, he realized that they had skipped him and ran towards Wang Luffy.

Suddenly I want to cry.

"Young man, here I come."

Adri suddenly appeared in front of Mills. Mills was instantly moved and threw himself into Adri's arms, holding on for dear life:

"Boss! You are finally here!!"

Mills started to complain with runny nose and tears. He didn't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment!

Adri tried his best to appease:
"I'm here. Don't worry. Don't you just want to fight Barrett with Luffy and the others? Come on, little Luffy has already rushed out."

"What? What kind of physique does that guy have?! He recovered so quickly!? Boss, you have to help me."

"I can help you open some of the restrictions of the Blood Sword, but it will cause some physical harm later on."

"That's okay. Anyway, after you take care of the world government, you can ascend to heaven. Then you can help me repair this body. Can you give me some more buffs? Don't be so stingy."

"Okay, violent buff."

Adri put his hand on Mills' shoulder. In an instant, Mills felt an unprecedented surge. He even had nosebleeds and felt a sense of power all over his body.

"Come on, young man, while you can still hold on."

"Okay! Isn't it Barrett! Look at me!!!"

After receiving the buff, Matthew seemed to find himself more confident than ever before, shouldering his sword, and then being thrown away by Adri.

Seeing Matthew Mills flying away, Adri felt very pleased. It was good for a young man to have energy. He just injected a little bit of strength into the child, so he was so motivated.

the other side

Smoker, the Empress, Sabo and Rod are all gathered here.

Of course, there was also Bucky who was forced to come over.

"You guy, why did you show up again! I said I would arrest you."

"Don't be so excited. Where is my father?"

"Mr. Rossi has moved to a safer place and you don't need to worry about it."

"That's good, I want to give this guy some color, otherwise I won't be able to swallow this breath."

"I also want to find the person behind this."

"Why are you dawdling! A bunch of idiots, it's too late if you don't escape! No! Trafalgar! Where's your grandpa! He must have a way, he was once even with Captain Roger."

"I don't know where my grandpa is."

"Damn it, wouldn't it be the end of the world if Mr. Adri is gone!"

"Huh? The Adri you are talking the one I think of?"

Sabo seemed curious.

Luo looked at the other party:
"I don't remember my grandfather having any contact with the revolutionary army."

"It has something to do with Luffy, right? I'm his brother."

"That seems to be it."

"Then it seems that our future cooperation can be even better."

While they were continuing to discuss, Luffy in gear four was already flying towards Barrett.

Soon, Barrett punched several people again.

"Oh? Everyone is here!"

After a while, another figure was beaten and flew here.

"What a damn girl, boss, your buff is too short!"

Matthew Mills looked up and saw several people:
"Hey, are you all here? Isn't this my young master Luo?"

"Don't call me that, it's weird."

"Matthew Mills! You must be where Mr. Ardrie is too!!"

Bucky stepped forward immediately.

"Big brother? He just threw me over and didn't know."

"Grandpa Adri doesn't need to take action, I will defeat that guy myself!"

Enel also fell from the sky at this time:

"Count me in."

"Big Erzai, are you here too?"

"Don't call me that!"

Enilu looked at Luo:
"Hey, isn't this the son of the Rossi family?"

Luo just nodded to the other party. With this group of guys, his chances of winning seemed a little better.

high tower
Festa also noticed that group of people:
"Navy, Pirates, Revolutionary Army, Qibuhai? This combination is invincible."

Adri didn't know when he appeared next to him:
"That's not necessarily true."

Barrett started fighting with a few people immediately, he only needs to defeat these guys!Then defeat that Adri!
Then he will truly be crowned the strongest in the world! !
But soon, there was a problem with the rhythm of the battlefield, and the right arm of Barrett's combination was cut off.

"What's going on! He is the man who inherited Roger's power."

The constant attacks by several people obviously worked.

Mills even carried his big sword and slashed down.

"Really! I feel like I'm going to be sucked out of my blood, and it will work for me!!! Blood sword and blood beast dance!"

Countless blood beasts suddenly appeared behind Mills and headed towards Barrett.

What follows is the maximum power electric shock from Enel:
"Divine Punishment·Wrath of God!"

The countless thunderclouds created by the ark shone with blue light, and handfuls of huge Thor's thorns appeared from all directions.

"One billion volts...thousands of thunder!"

An attack as thick as an island appeared in the air and resonated down.

In the thunder and lightning, Luffy took advantage of Enilo's help and attacked Barrett intact.

Adri stood on the railing and watched the little boy Lufei Wang smashing Barrett's outermost combination.

Adri grabbed Festa and threw it away. This guy was handed over to others, and his figure disappeared in the next moment.

As Barrett fell, Crocodile and the hidden Lucci also headed towards the same goal.

A permanent pointer to the final island.

Sanji and Zoro blocked the two of them directly.

The battle is not over yet, next is a duel between Barrett and Luffy.

Matthew Mills lies in the rubble:

"It's so embarrassing. It's so damn embarrassing."

Suddenly someone snatched him out and said:
"Well done, boy."



"Do you want to grab the pointer to the final island?"

Mills smiled and looked at Adri.

"It's almost over at Luffy's side. If you want to grab it, go ahead."

Mills raised his sword again and prepared.

After seeing Barrett defeated by Luffy, Luffy took out the pointer of the final island, and Adrian walked over slowly clapping his hands:

"Wonderful, Luffy. You did a great job."

"Grandpa Adri? You are here!"

"Who are you!"

The empress was alert.

"Are you Luffy's little girlfriend? I am his elder."

"Girlfriend~! I am recognized!"

The queen's affection for the person in front of her instantly doubled.

"This guy……."

The appearance of Adri froze Crocodile and Lu Qi, who had originally planned to compete.

Few people dared to act rashly.

"Are you actually interested in this?"

"I'm in some trouble, King of Shipping. Are you sure you want to stop me?"

"I'm not blocking you. After all, if you dare to come over, Luffy will crush you to pieces without hesitation."

Luffy nodded:
"That's right. I don't need to use this to become the Pirate King. I want to find the final island by myself."

"Luffy, can you give me this?"

"Oh that's fine."

Luffy handed it to Adri.

"Are you an idiot!! Give this kind of thing to others casually!"

Crocodile thought Luffy was a bit of an idiot.

After looking at it, Adri seemed a little disappointed, thinking that there would be Roger's soul left in it.

He returned it to Luffy, then walked away:

"Everyone, please continue."

As Adri walked away, the fight started again.

And Luffy crushed the permanent pointer in his hand without hesitation.

Matthew Mills's sword was shouldered.

In front of this thing, even Wang Lufei can do it.

"Are you an idiot!! Give it to me!!! Don't give it to me!!! I need it!! Didn't you see that my sword was raised?!"

"Ah? You want it? Tell me earlier. I'll try and see if I can put it together for you."

Luffy looked innocent.

"Forget it, forget it, no need, it's harmful."

Festa had been thrown to Sabo by Adri.

"Leave it to you."

"That's very helpful, Grandpa Adri."

"It's nothing, just a hand."

Festa shouted:

"The Demon Slaughter Order has already begun! No one can escape! Bury them all with me!"

Adri just smiled:
"It's just a demon-slaying order. I'll stop it without you having to worry about it."

"Grandpa Adri, do you need help?"

"No need, you young people have been busy for so long, I, an old man, should also stretch my muscles a little."

Adri stretched his body.

"Luo, teleport everyone to the port."

"it is good."

The next moment, several people appeared at the port, and Nami and others were waiting on the Sunshine.

"Luffy! It's great that you're okay!"

"However, the navy's warships are surrounding them, even though there is a route that Robin got..."

"Leave this to me."

"Mr. Adri!"

"Father, I'm sorry to bother you."

Warship fire has begun to attack the island.

Many pirate ships rushed forward without hesitation.

Adri quickly spread his huge black wings behind him and headed towards the warship.

"That guy, does he want to be at the front?"

"are you crazy?"

"You're really brave."

Facing countless searching warships in front of him, Adri didn't seem to be panicking. Kizaru had a troubled look on his face as he saw who was coming:

"It's troublesome."

He reacted quickly and tried to stop it, but it was too late.

A sword appeared in Adri's hand and was raised high:
"Sorry, the kids are tired, so let me stop you."

"What is he going to do!"

As the sword was slashed, a huge wave soared into the sky and lasted for thousands of miles. The huge wall of water directly blocked all the navy's vision and artillery bombardment.

The vast expanse of water blocked the pace of the navy and could not fall for a long time, completely blocking the sight of both sides.

"It's as scary as ever, this guy."

Kizaru retreated to the warship.

Zoro felt the thin seawater on his cheeks, and looked at that gentle wave, excitement flashed in his eyes, it was really powerful.

Mihawk, who had been staying, saw this scene and left with satisfaction.

After completing the escort work, Adri greeted several children from a distance and returned to the island. This sea wall can last for a long time.

"Boss, are you back? Don't you plan to run away?"

"Do not."

"Then what shall we do next?"

"Go find Barrett."


There are still many marines on the island at the moment, as well as CPs like Lu Qi.

Matthew Mills would be mobbed if he showed up.

But if he follows Adri……….
What Adri showed just now was enough to make the people on the island afraid that he would not dare to do anything.Especially the navy, but several lieutenant generals don't seem to intend to sit idly by.

Matthew Mills followed Adri, looking very relaxed. With the boss around, he wanted to see who dared to touch him.

However, several marines seemed ready to take action.

"Father! Are you done?"

"Well, what are your plans then?"

"Wait Rossi! What did you call him just now?"

"Dalmecia, I forgot to introduce you, this is my father."


"He just looks younger. His appearance hasn't changed much."

"It's really..."

Dalmesia didn't know what to say for a moment.

"You guys are pretty good this time, much better than we were then."


Rossinanti explained:

"My father was once in the same class of navy as Garp and Ms. Crane during the Sengoku period. My father was among the four elites of the navy at that time."

"Then it seems he is the senior."

"It's just that he later quit the navy and went into business."

"That's no wonder."

The rest of the navy also stopped attacking and prepared to attack.

Adri's phone rang again.

"Adri! What the hell are you doing! I asked you to help finish things off, not to finish things off for the pirates!"

"It seems that a certain admiral has snitched."

"Don't get excited in the Warring States period, you know my children are there too, I can't sit idly by."

"That's no excuse!"

"Okay, don't worry, I'll help you finish off Barrett."

"Huh? You... Dudu."

The call was hung up by Adri.

At least for now, it seems that Rossindi is right, Adri does know Warring States.

"Young man, follow up, let's go deal with it."


When I came to Barrett's location, CP's Lu Qi was also here:
"Are you trying to rob someone?"

"That's it. Goodbye, young man."

As he spoke, Adri directly used a shock wave to quickly bounce someone away.

He looked at Barrett, and the other person looked at him:
"It seems that the strongest distance is not enough, what are you doing here?"

"It's nothing."

"Originally, I thought I could have a final duel with you, but I didn't expect to lose early."

"It is."

Mills couldn't help but talk a lot:

"I'm not telling you, why do you have to pick someone so awesome if you are so awesome?"

"I remember you, you gave me a sword before."

"Wuhu, you still remember."

Adri looked at Barrett and asked:

"Want to play with me?"

"I've already lost, how to fight."

"I'll take you out and get you back to your peak."

"What are you going to do?"

"Nothing, let me practice with you. If you lose, just do as I say, how about it?"

"I also can."

Adri's idea is simple, to provide a layer of insurance for his children to rule in the future.

He pulled Barrett up:
"Let's go."

"This is full of navy."

"We go from heaven."


Before Barrett could ask, he was suddenly thrown thousands of miles into the sky.

Adri looked at Matthew Mills aside.

"Wait! Let me make a mental preparation before throwing me on... Go!!!!!!!"

Matthew Mills soon became a dot as well.

Rosinandi planned to catch up with his old friends in the navy, and Adri also flew towards the ark that was already in mid-air.

Mills seemed to have some lingering fears, and just as he was about to say a few words, Adri handed him a permanent pointer.

Matthew Mills was momentarily speechless:
"This thing is not..."

"I made a copy. After I leave, you can watch and play by yourself."

"Wuchao, boss, it's okay."

"Okay, let's go. This farce is over. Let's prepare for the final battle."

(End of this chapter)

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